ISSN-L: 0798-1015   •   eISSN: 2739-0071 (On line)


indice titulo


The numbers in green contain articles from the Education area


Revista Espacios

Revista Espacios is a publication peer-reviewed by senior specialists, dedicated to disseminating original works that present the results of studies, research and bibliographic reviews published in Spanish, Portuguese and English, in the areas of management, technological management, social studies of science and science. technology and, in education and related technologies.

Revista Espacios is a bi-monthly serial publication (since july-august 2023) and is aimed at researchers, academics, professionals and students at higher levels of training.

It was founded in 1980, it had a printed edition until 2008 and began to be available, online (to download the entire collection for free), since 2000.

Revista Espacios is a product of Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES, 2021, C.A.

DOI: 10.48082/espacios-