ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 41 (Issue 48) Year 2020. Art. 2

Received: 15/08/2019 • Approved: 28/10/2020 • Published: 17/12/2020

Features of modern distance learning for students

Características del aprendizaje a distancia moderno para estudiantes

DEMTSURA, Svetlana S. 2
LEBEDEVA, Tatiana N. 3
SHEFER, Olga R. 4
MIKHAILOV, Valeriy A. 5
MIKHAILOVA, Valentina V. 6
SANNIKOVA Svetlana V. 7

Abstract. The study examines the features of distance learning for university students from different countries. The current problem has escalated during the pandemic to ensure the safety of students and university staff. The authors pay great attention to the peculiarities of distance learning in Russia, based on an analysis of the literature and regulatory documents. The results obtained show that most universities provide distance learning on modern technical, software, subject, methodological, administrative and management basis and cloud of service support.
Keywords: distance learning of students, technology of distance learning, features of modern distance learning of students.

Este estudio analiza las características de la educación a distancia de los estudiantes en universidades de diferentes países. Este problema se ha vuelto muy relevante durante la pandemia para garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal universitario. Los autores prestan mucha atención a las peculiaridades de la organización de la educación a distancia en Rusia, basándose en el análisis de la literatura y los documentos normativos. Los resultados indican que la mayoría de las universidades imparten educación a distancia sobre la base de hardware, software, materia, metodología y administración y servicios de apoyo en la nube.
Palabras clave: aprendizaje a distancia de los estudiantes, tecnología del aprendizaje a distancia, características del aprendizaje a distancia moderno de los estudiantes.

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1. Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, St.Petersburg, Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor

2. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Department of Economics, management and law, Chelyabinsk, Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor. e-mail:

3. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Department of Informatics, Informatics Technology and Methodology of Teaching Informatics, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor

4. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Department of«Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics», Chelyabinsk, Russia, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

5. Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, St.Petersburg, Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor

6.Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, St.Petersburg, Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor

7.South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Department of Foreign Languages, Chelyabinsk, Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 41 (Nº 48) Year 2020


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