ISSN-L: 0798-1015   •   eISSN: 2739-0071 (On line)



For the edition of the articles, the authors must follow the typographies and layout of the templates that are attached below.

As of January 2021, an automation process has been implemented for the receipt of articles as well as their follow-up.


Some recommendations

  1. Copy the texts from the original and paste them into the template.
  2. Insert graphics, figures, tables and tables in the text where they correspond to the end of the paragraph where they are mentioned.
  3. In the case of formulas, they must be in .JPG or .PNG or GIF format. Since many times they are created in Microsoft Word®, they can become corrupted when transferred to another document and not be correctly in the final document.
  4. Bibliographic references
    - Citation and bibliographic reference based on the APA Standards (PDF version) will be used.
    - It is recommended to use the reference insertion method of the Microsoft Word® application using the APA standard. See: (In spanish)


Revista Espacios

Revista Espacios is a publication peer-reviewed by senior specialists, dedicated to disseminating original works that present the results of studies, research and bibliographic reviews published in Spanish, Portuguese and English, in the areas of management, technological management, social studies of science and science. technology and, in education and related technologies.

Revista Espacios is a bi-monthly serial publication (since july-august 2023) and is aimed at researchers, academics, professionals and students at higher levels of training.

It was founded in 1980, it had a printed edition until 2008 and began to be available, online (to download the entire collection for free), since 2000.

Revista Espacios is a product of Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES, 2021, C.A.

DOI: 10.48082/espacios-