Vol. 41 (Issue 28) Year 2020. Art. 23
Received: 02/06/2019 • Approved: 11/07/2020 • Published: 30/07/2020
BLAHUN, Nataliia M.1
ONOPRIIENKO, Volodymyr P.3
The article deals with the actual theoretical and methodological problem of organization and technology of experimental stage of the problem research of a social-functional management of a general educational institution (GEI). The results of the study calculations confirmed the pedagogical expediency and practical significance of the methodology, concept, technology and criteria of the effectiveness evaluating of social and functional management of the GEI activities.
Key words: General Educational Institution (GEI), correlation analysis, personality, social-functional management, philosophy of education
El artículo aborda el problema real teórico y metodológico de la organización y la tecnología de la etapa experimental de la investigación del problema de una gestión social-funcional de una institución educativa general (GEI). Los resultados de los cálculos del estudio confirmaron la conveniencia pedagógica y el significado práctico de la metodología, el concepto, la tecnología y los criterios de la efectiva evaluación en gestión social y funcional de las actividades de GEI.
Palabras clave: Institución educativa general (GEI), análisis de correlación, personalidad, gestión social-funcional, filosofía de la educación
1. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Department of Primary Education Pedagogy. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Ukraine. E-mail: n.blahun@gmail.com
2. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Department of Economy of Education. National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Ukraine. E-mail: oleh.padalka@npu.edu.ua
3. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Department of Ecology and Botany. Sumy National Agrarian University. Ukraine. E-mail: onoprienko.v.p@ukr.net
4. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. Department of Marketing and Logistics. Sumy National Agrarian University. Ukraine. E-mail: onoprienkoi@gmail.com
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