ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 41 (Number 06) Year 2020. Page 12

The influence of interpersonal communication and work culture on teacher performance in Junior High School at Wajo Regency (Indonesia)

La influencia de la comunicación interpersonal y la cultura laboral en el desempeño docente en la escuela secundaria en Wajo Regency

BASIR, Sutrisman 1 & BASIR, Muhammad 2

Received: 14/10/2019 • Approved: 14/02/2020 • Published: 27/02/2020


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusion

Bibliographic references


This study aims to determine the relationship between interpersonal communication and work cultural on teacher performance in junior high school teachers at Wajo, this study used qualitative with correlational design. The respondents were 744 teachers determined by Cluster Random Sampling, and the sample were 294 teachers. The data collection technique was using a questionnaire, it is simply to test model relationship patterns that simultaneously explain both individual and collective in Microsoft Excel and SPSS. The results showed that: Interpersonal communication has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance, work culture has a direct effect and contributes greatly to teacher performance. The conclusion is that all the independent variable simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. This means that it is necessary to improve teacher performance in terms of their interpersonal communication skills and work culture enhancements in local wisdom.
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Work Culture, Performance, Teachers


Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre la comunicación interpersonal y el trabajo cultural sobre el desempeño docente en los maestros de secundaria en Wajo, este estudio utilizó el diseño cualitativo con correlacional. Los encuestados fueron 744 docentes determinados por el muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados, y la muestra fue de 294 docentes. La técnica de recolección de datos estaba utilizando un cuestionario, es simplemente para probar patrones de relación modelo que explican simultáneamente tanto individual como colectivo en Microsoft Excel y SPSS. Los resultados mostraron que: la comunicación interpersonal tiene un efecto positivo y significativo en el desempeño del maestro, la cultura laboral tiene un efecto directo y contribuye en gran medida al desempeño del maestro. La conclusión es que todas las variables independientes tienen simultáneamente un efecto positivo y significativo en el desempeño del maestro. Esto significa que es necesario mejorar el desempeño de los maestros en términos de sus habilidades de comunicación interpersonal y mejoras en la cultura laboral en la sabiduría local.
Palabras clave: comunicación interpersonal, cultura laboral, desempeño, docentes

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1. Introduction

Education is social needs and demands that are expected to realize the Indonesian people fully qualified. Education provision requires management to achieve the objectives as expected on education purpose in the legislation of Indonesian Republic Number 20 on the national education system in Article 5 (1) states that every citizen has an equal right to obtain a quality education. Good education which expected to face challenges based on dynamic local demands, national and global that we need to increase human resources, where education plays an important role (Knebel & Greiner, 2003).

The problem of quality education in junior high school integrated from teacher problem as learning agent. Teachers as professionals work to improve the quality of Education (Zeichner, 2010). In the level of teacher training as an educator who is an educational leader, he is very decisive in the learning process in the classroom, and the leadership role will be reflected in his role and task, this means that teacher performance is a very determining factor for the quality of education that will implicate on quality of education output (Katsarou et al., 2010; Tikly, 2011).

On the other hand, most teachers feel that teaching is only obligation fulfillment without feeling the sense of moral responsibility given from educational supervisor. In the fact, the value of junior high school teacher competence in Wajo regency based on the results of competency tests in 2012 conducted by Ministry of education and culture Teacher Competency Test (UKG), 396 teacher competence values obtained at an average 46.79 that mean unreached the target of 70 as a standard value. In fact, the UKG team gave recommendations to attend basic training for 258 out of 396 people, this is a sign that 65% of teachers are still below the competency standard and this is one part of teacher performance appraisal.

In the application of education paradigm, duties and teacher responsibilities are becoming increasingly complex, requiring competence and ability to run their duties, however in teacher performance assessment consist of several sub-elements that is associated implementing an teaching process, covering planning activity, teaching implementation, assess and analyze assessment result and conduct follow-up assessments (Cooper et al. , 2016 ; Colet, 2017) .

Interpersonal communication skill is indispensable in educating, building, and transferring science to learners to create a better performance (Gay, 2018). The implementation work culture in Bugis philosophy called mali siparappe, rebba sipatokkong, malelu sipakainge. That means the teacher as a system in education need to complement, help, remind and improve the education conditions to create maximum learning atmosphere.

Seeing the phenomena above, teacher performance is very important as one of key holder in human resource development, it is interesting to do scientific research especially in the influence interpersonal communication and work culture in improving teacher performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between interpersonal communication and work culture on teacher performance in the Wajo Regency Junior High School.

2. Methodology

The study included exploratory research survey and floating models, exploratory to prove integration or influence between variables. Population study is junior high school teacher in Wajo regency in 52 state junior high school with 744 teachers. Collecting data technique used assessment scale (twig scale) in five possible categories answers and positive statement: category always expected in early grades 5; categories   often with a value of 4; category sometimes with a value of 3; rare words with a value of 2; and category has never been with a value of 1. On the contrary a negative statement that is a category always with a value of 1, a category often with a value of 2, a category sometimes with a value of 3, rarely with a value of 4 and a category that never changes with a value of 5.

Test instruments includes validity testing and reliability testing. From the test results obtained valid and invalid instrument. Invalid instruments are discarded or not used in research. The data analysis technique used is descriptive and inferential data analysis techniques. The calculation is done with computer aids. The program used is a data analysis trough Microsoft Excel and SPSS AMOS.

3. Results

The next analysis that needs to be done is an analysis to prove the proposed research hypothesis. If the absolute coefficient of this is getting closer to one then the relationship between the two variables is getting stronger, conversely if the closer to zero the relationship is getting weaker (Tiro & Sukarna, 2010).

Table 1
Analysis statistic of Construct
validity teacher performance.

 Variable Indicator


Error Standard (SE)

Critical Ratio (RC)

Probability (P)


Z.1 follow-up






Z.2 learning evaluation






Z.3 learning implementation






Z.4 learning planning






In terms of construct, Teacher Performance variables that measure learning planning, learning implementation, learning evaluation and follow-up appear that the four indicators significantly support or contribute to the integrity of the Teacher Performance instrument. The contribution for each indicator is the implementation of learning member offered are contributing most tow that is 0.828, followed by follow-up indicators, namely 0.670, then followed by learning evaluation indicators are 0.502 and end up in indicators learning planning with a contribution of 0.424.

Table 2
Analysis construct validity
interpersonal communication

Variable Indicator


Error Standard

Critical Ratio (RC)

Probability (P)


X1.1 openness






X1.2 clarity of message






X1.3 respect other opinions






X1.4 honesty






In construct, interpersonal communication variables that measure the openness, clarity of message, respect other opinions and honesty appears that the four indicators significant support or contribute to the integrity of interpersonal communication instrument. The contribution for each indicator is to respect other opinions having the highest contribution of 0.725 followed by openness of 0.6 72, the clarity of messages with a contribution of 0.667 and finally honesty of 0,435.

Table 3
Statistical analysis of construct
validity work culture

Variable Indicator


Error Standard (SE)

Critical Ratio (RC)

Probability (P)


X3.1 corrects unfavorable conditions

0.61 5





X3.2 helping spirit






X3.3 reminding people that forget






As a construct, the Work Culture variable measures Passion corrects unfavorable conditions, it has a helping spirit to help others and reminds people who forget the truth that three significant indicators support or contribute to the integrity of Work Culture instrument. The contribution for each Indicator is reminding people that forget the truth has contributed the highest of 0.835 followed by indicators have a spirit helper to help people la in which 0.671 and lowest price is an indicator passion to corrects unfavorable conditions, namely 0.615

Table 4
Statistics relationship of independent variables 
on teacher performance (dependent variable)

Dependent Variable


Error Standard (SE)

Critical Ratio (RC)

Probability (P)


Communication Performance






Work Culture Performance






Based on the output results AMOS 2 0 obtained value of CR (Critical Ratio) of 0.196, the probability error value 0.05 and the estimated value 0.208, which means the hypothesis effect interpersonal communication positively on teacher's performance. Based on the results of Alice Tjandra Raha Rja's study, the influence of interpersonal communication on teacher performance has positive effect with an estimated value of 0.285. From both the research results prove that interpersonal communication is important role on teacher performance. It means that each teacher has main task in transferring science and technology and improving students’ character cannot be done without having communication skill either directly by using verbal or with visual signs conveyed to students.

Interpersonal communication is the process of delivering information. Communication can be said to be successful if there is a transformation and understanding of meaning from one person to another. A idea no matter how large, will not be useful until it is forwarded and understood by others. Carey et al., (2010) used ballooning interpersonal communication can be through the mind and body language. If the teacher has communication skills, the teacher's performance will also improve. The same explanation mentioned Kurtz et al (2017) that interpersonal communication is communication that occurs between two or more people that are usually done face to face including the use of communication media without their presence to each other.

The existence of good communication results in high performance, because the problems that arise can be solved properly and can be solved together. The quality of communication can also be realized through sound quality that is well heard, meaning that teachers who have clear voices, including intonation and good expression will make students want to listen and pay attention to the contents of the teacher's conversation, so as to improve learning outcomes.

From the results of the consistency of each indicator of interpersonal communication gives a pretty good spark plug contribution. The effect of interpersonal communication, contributing positively and significantly directly to teacher performance, this shows that a teacher with good interpersonal communication skills can improve performance. Conversely teachers who cannot communicate well, do not support increasing performance.

Interpersonal communication is communication made between two people who have a real relationship, between people who already know each other or are interconnected (Kalbfleisch, 2013). Communication is the core of social interaction, Humans regularly communicate information intentionally or unintentionally, directly or indirectly about thoughts and perceptions, interpersonal communication is social interaction in conveying messages effectively and clearly with full openness and honesty so that it affects performance (Hawken et al., 1991).

A teacher will convey a concept or material that is determined by the ability to communicate well so that it can transfer knowledge material properly to students. Teachers as a profession are certainly required to appear professionally. The teacher as a profession whose main task is to educate in the school environment carrying out the task certainly cannot be separated from its interaction with other components in the school. The task of the group of abilities that must be mastered by a teacher that is planning teaching and learning programs, implementing and leading the teaching and learning process, assessing the progress of teaching and learning, and interpreting and utilizing the results of the assessment of teaching and learning progress and other information for the improvement of planning and implementation teaching and learning process (Neuhauser & Kreps, 2003).

Based on the theoretical basis stated above, the teacher's performance understanding is the quality and quantity of completing tasks as an ability both professionally, intellectually and socially in developing the main task of making learning preparations, implementing learning, evaluating learning and following up on evaluation results.

The role of work culture in school organizations is to safeguard and maintain commitment so that the continuity of the mechanisms and functions agreed upon by the organization can realize its goals. A strong organizational culture will influence every behavior in carrying out tasks and increasing good performance. Based on the results obtained output values to AMOS 20 CR (Critical Ratio) 0,211, the probability error value of 0.035 and the estimated value of 0.086 which means that the hypothesis stated cultural influences to positive effect on the teacher's performance proved to be true.

Based on the research results Widaningsih & Mas'ud (2018), Effect of Leadership, work culture and work motivation obtained result work cultural influences work toward teacher performance of 0.194 and Effect jointly Principal Leadership, work culture and work motivation of 0.827 or positive and significant relationship of variables of leadership, culture and work motivation toward teacher performance.

The meaning of the matter is that success in carrying out the teacher's duties and always striving to improve its performance is engraved with the values possessed in the form of work culture, these values are not as limited as if they were obtained but created from someone's long life, because come into contact with his own attitude, instinct and commitment. Work culture does not appear by itself among members of the organization, but needs to be shaped and studied (Peng & Knowles, 2003). there is essentially a work culture that is a set of values and behavior patterns are learned, shared by all members of society and regenerated from generation to generation, as well as local wisdom the Cultural Studies a job that is very relevant to the needs of the changing character of the adult This is to be developed, namely how a teacher always puts himself as a figure who has the principle of always trying to improve the deficiencies and delays in achieving students' competencies, helping in the achievement of learning both in science and in the shortcomings of character, including reminding students that they have forgotten the duties and obligations of persuasion in educating.

Work culture is a philosophy that is based on a view of life as the values of the properties, habits, and the driving force, entrenched in social life or organization then reflected to attitude, into behaviors, beliefs, ideals and actions manifested as work (Mitchell & Sackney, 2011). If every teacher is able to live up principle that it not only had an impact on school organization as general, but also will affect the development of the capability and effectiveness teacher work itself (Ross & Gray, 2006). Embedded cultural values will be able to increase willingness, loyalty, and pride and further create the effectiveness of teacher performance as expected.

The work culture in question is the ancestral values that have been forgotten in placing the basis of work which is local wisdom, namely:  Mali siparappe, rebba sipatokkong, male lu sipakainge. Which means that the teacher should have three educational philosophies that must be possessed, that is, the nature to always want to improve the conditions of a situation that is bad, the teacher always builds and helps students if he fails, it means that every assessment that does not reach the level of completeness should provide guidance and guidance so that achieve competency standards that are expected to be achieved. Can be concluded that there is a close and significant relationship between the two variables studied namely work culture and teacher performance.

4. Conclusion

Interpersonal communication has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance, work culture has a direct effect and contributes greatly to teacher performance. All independent variables simultaneously have a positive influence and significant impact on teacher performance. Work culture or local wisdom needs attention for teachers in increasing moral and work motivation because the values held as work culture that have been engraved in the teacher with Wajo.  The local wisdom culture are: mali siparappe, rebba sipatokkong, malelu sipakainge. The role of work culture in school organizations is to maintain and maintain commitment so that the continuity of the mechanisms and functions agreed upon by the organization can realize its objectives. A strong organizational culture will influence every behavior in carrying out tasks and increasing good performance.

Bibliographic references

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1. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Puangrimaggalatung University, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. e-mail:

2. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Puangrimaggalatung University, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. e-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 41 (Nº 06) Year 2020


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