ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 60) Year 2017. Páge 25

The introduction of innovative techniques of tutor`s support of students in Russian universities

La introducción de innovadoras técnicas de tutoría a estudiantes de universidades rusas

Yelena Yuriyevna DMITRIYEVA 1

Received: 06/09/2017 • Approved: 30/09/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methodology and methods

3. The results of the study

4. Conclusion



The author considers in this article the characteristics of implementation of tutor`s support of students as an innovative methods for the Russian universities. The author gives definition of the terms "tutor", "tutoring activity", "tutor`s support". The author analyzes the functional responsibilities of the activities of tutors in the Russian universities and briefly describes the analysis of the poll of students and characteristics of tutoring activities in the South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University.
Keywords: innovative techniques, tutor, tutoring activities, tutor`s support, educational process, university, student.


El autor examina las características de la implementación de tutoría a estudiantes como método innovador de universidades rusas. El autor da las definiciones de los conceptos de "tutor", "tutoría de actividad", "tutoría de acompañamiento". El autor analiza las responsabilidades de las actividades de tutores en universidades rusas y describe brevemente el análisis de la encuesta de los estudiantes y las características de la actividad tutora en la Universidad Pedagógica Humanitaria del Sur Uraliano.
Palabras clave: tecnica innovadora, tutor, tutor deactividades, tutor del acompañamiento del proceso educativo, universidad, estudiante.

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1. Introduction

The present time is characterized by changes in all spheres of Russian society. Modern specialist, bachelor, master meets the requirements and global trends, to be met by experts in the particular sphere of professional activity (N.V. Pilipchevskaya. 2011). T. M. Burlakova noted in her research that the capacity of the person in conditions when the customization as a strategy is value and purpose in society, is only possible in open educational sphere when diversity becomes an integral, and the fundamental principle is the priority of the free development of individuality through the acquisition of meaning, self-expression, social creativity (T.M. Burlakova, 2009). While the Russian universities there are students occupying a passive position to his professional future in the organization and implementation of their own life. There has been some destruction of spiritual and moral values of young people. Orientation for this trend poses to universities the task of formation of subjective position of students as a social group in the implementation of private, state and public interests.

Modernization of education is related to changes and improvement of the demands of society for future specialists. In accordance with the requirements of the Russian State Educational Standards  is an open cultural and educational sphere of the university, the priority is the formation of subject position of students as a social group in the implementation of personal, state and public interests. This trend in some institutions, the education is realized by the introduction of the tutor Institute.

According to the author a necessary component of the educational system in the implementation of the Russian State Educational Standards of higher education is innovative techniques of tutor`s support and the special position of a tutor. The position of the tutor is able to create conditions for the full development of the personality of university student. Therefore there is a need to update some of the tasks of education, its content, forms, methods and techniques that are focused on the disclosure of potential opportunities of the future specialists.

However, under the prevailing conditions in the education system there are contradictions between the need for the implementation of tutor`s support in education and lack of understanding of the activities as the teachers that implement or intend to implement it in the future, and the students themselves.

The phenomenon of tutoring in the world education is not an innovation that originated in the XII – XIII centuries in the English universities.

In Russia, tutoring practices of this kind have not arisen at all. Mentoring was more likely among home teachers. Tutoring as an independent pedagogical movement in Russia was developed and became formalized in the late 1980s during the reform of the whole system of Soviet education. In 1989 the head of School of Cultural Policy Pyotr Shchedrovitsky held in Moscow the first competition of tutors. Standing before him was the practical problem of staffing one of the international educational programs, which the Russian side was academician Yevgeniy Velikhov. In 1990 Pyotr Schedrovitsky gave a series of lectures about new educational position — tutor for young teachers from different regions. And from then on began to develop the Russian practice of tutoring (the Tomsk school "Eureka-development", innovative educational network "Eureka", regional tutoring practices in Bryansk, Izhevsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Mezhdurechensk, Moscow, Novosibirsk and other cities of Russia) [T.M. Kovalyova, 2010].

The author describes tutoring activities as a system of measures of educational, educational and developing character, which is undertaken by a tutor and her subjects and serves as a means of control of an individual trend of development of the student in the university.

B. D. Yelkonin defines a tutoring as a form, a part of the educational forms, mediation and a special kind of social and educational activities consisting in the support and maintenance of the educational trend of the student; one of the forms of intermediary steps [B.D. Yelkonin, 2017].

The term "tutor" is describes the mentor-mediator who accompanies and supports the process of self-education, individual educational way of the student.

The tutoring in modern situation of development education is a special kind of response to the problems of society. The tutoring satisfies the human need for expansion of educational sphere, self-determination, self-actualization, the opportunity to exercise choice of their life.

The basis of tutor activity is accompanying activities in the interests of the students. The main task of the tutor is to train the student to independently resolve problem situations. The introduction of innovative techniques and tutoring, as psycho-pedagogical support of the educational trend of students in the process of their professional formation was due to the request of the students for personalized training. Individualization of learning involves awareness of the students own subject position, which is a complex integrative characteristic of the individual student, reflecting the system of value-semantic relations to himself, to others, professional activities and socio-cultural sphere as sources of creativity and self-development (N. Yerofeyeva, G.A. Melekesov, I.V. Chikova, 2015).

Tutor`s support is possible and with distance learning students. For example, The Open University is the UK’s biggest provider of distance education, with nearly 600 courses offered to 150,000 undergraduate students and 30,000 postgraduate students. The University employs 8000 part-time tutors, who act as the human interface between the university and its students. Each tutor is responsible for supporting a group of around 20 students, although the group may vary in size depending on the geographical distribution of students. So, in spite of the scale and size of the University, the strength of the system is that all students are known individually by their tutor. The tutor’s role is to mark assignments with detailed formative feedback, and to provide support to students as appropriate. Central academic staff designed the courses, which are delivered in the form of printed or web based course materials. The nature of tutor`s support will vary to some extent with the faculty and course, but broadly speaking there is a standard remit. All tutors must be online for administrative purposes, but also increasingly for supporting learners. Each tutor has a personalised home page, TutorHome, which provides access to their students’ details, to course news and to other web-based resources, including the University library. Tutors are provided with access to the University’s conferencing system, which provides them with an email account to use for any communication with students or the University, as well as access to a wide range of computer conferences (Jelfs, Anne; Richardson, John T. E. and Price, Linda, 2009).

2. Methodology and methods

Some scientists: V. A. Adolf, T. V. Burlakova, N. Yerofeyeva, T. M. Kovalyova, G. A. Melekesov, N. I. Pilipchevskaya, G. S. Trofimenko, I. V. Chikova is worked the study of the problem of tutoring in modern science.

The theory of tutoring is a methodological basis of research.

The research method is a questionnaire poll of university students in Chelyabinsk (Russia).

As goals, the authors examine the research and analysis of introduction of innovative techniques of tutor`s support of students in Russian universities; analysis of interpretations of such concepts as "tutor", "tutoring", "tutor`s support", etc.; the characteristics of tutor`s support at the University.

3. The results of the study.

The author believes that in accordance with the purpose is useful to begin the presentation of the material of the research with the definition of "tutor`s support". The author interprets tutor`s support as a system of measures of educational, educational and developing character, who is made tutor and stakeholders, and is supported and accompanied by the development of the individual.

Next, we consider rational to analyze the practice of implementation of tutoring in the Russian universities.

Analysis of the practice of introduction of tutoring in Russian universities shows that at present there is no single concept of tutoring activities in higher education. In some universities, considering tutoring as a form of educational work, substitute them with supervision. In the title of the post indicates two profile and tutor and mentor. Tutor functions as a mentor, for example, in the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts, its activities are implemented in the following spheres — it`s informative, organizational, communication, Supervisory and creative spheres [T.B. Serebrovskaya, 2011]. Much different experience of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, which is one of the first tested by the Institute of tutoring where there is a clear delimitation of the functions of mentor and tutor [V.I. Korolkov, 2010]. The content of the tutors` activity focused on training, the choice of individual educational path and the activities of the mentor is more in the "protection" of a foreign student [V.A. Arslanova, 2011].

In some universities provided certain services of academic tutors (consultants on academic problems) helps students in personal matters of strategy and tactics of the educational process. The main activities of tutors and consultants can be called informative, communication, supervisory activity, as well as assistance in drawing up the most efficient training plans that integrate the interests of students. The tutors assigned to advisory, coordination and oversight with the aim of assisting students in selecting these subjects, the organization and conduct required meetings with faculty, forming study groups and the control over timely and correct preparation of the individual curriculum.

The experience of the Russia`s High School of Economics is involved in the tutoring of students, a tutors - volunteers that will help to improve other students performance, providing psychological support and, if necessary, helping to resolve the conflict between student and teacher. In addition to this option the university considered two kinds of tutoring, when mentors become the students-volunteers and students-students. Standouts selected for the competition and pay them a small salary. They advise losers on certain training courses and tell you where to find the information you need. Communication is mainly by remote techniques. As experience shows, the most popular among tutors honors.

In this aspect the experience of the Udmurt State University are interesting, Udmurt State University adopted the Program of development of the theory and practice of tutoring. In the framework of this program the developed model of tutor activities at the university and the classification of tutor positions, allowing to define possible directions of activities of the tutor in the university, functions and characteristics of activities, depending on the number of students and their educational needs. The tutor-intern it`s a graduate student or bachelor, organizes assistance to the entrant, first-year students in the development of the university. The academic tutor can be a master with a mandatory psycho-pedagogical or specialized tutor training, who assisting the student in the creation and implementation of individual educational plan.  "Tutor-mentor" is an expert with a PhD or a professional, the last tutor training, which accompany the process of formation of professional competence of future specialist. "Tutor–supervisor" can be a Professor, the Doctor of Sciences, whose main function is the organization and strengthening of reflection tutors, identify, support and develop an individual style of the teacher, assistance in removal of the problem of rapid accumulation of fatigue.

 In the educational process at the university is the professional education that develops the team of teachers of the Department, head of the judiciary. And provided that the educational program is based on the principle of variability provided an opportunity for the student to influence the content and course of their education, resources, programs allow you to build a variety of professional network ways on the formation and development of competencies, this will be the subject of tutoring activities.

M.V. Vyaltseva describes two models of tutoring in a modern university –  the individualized and interdisciplinary models. When applying individualized kind of specialist, should be based on trends in education at the university. Tutor`s support in this form is to help the student develop his own educational program.

An interdisciplinary model of tutor`s support increases the level of adaptation to constantly changing conditions in the labor market. The subject of activity in this case is the scientific interest of the student. The task of a specialist engaged in tutor activities is the adjustment of the curriculum of the student in relation to his personal interests and educational standard [M.V. Vyaltseva, 2014].

After analyzing the different experiences of universities, introducing innovative techniques, tutor`s support, scientific literature the author in the course of implementing this study to assess the objective picture of students ' awareness on activities within the tutor`s support made and conducted a poll of students of the South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. It is worth noting the fact that in the university there is the Institute of tutoring, and tutors, students work with first-year students mentors. Also tutoring position provided learning activities with students. For example, writing essays, term papers takes place solely from the interest of the student. The questions were divided into several spheres. At the initial stage there is an introduction to the profession, the student specifically learns about his chosen profession, is immersed in student life, here revealed and analyzed their educational and personal needs. There conducted training seminars for the formation of special professional competencies. All the work is built to create learning motivation. Experts assist in adapting to the educational process at the university.

At the same time, the construction of individual educational way of a student is tailored to his abilities and interests. Educational sphere, which created by the university – a training (scheduled classes and electives that are chosen based on interest, organization of competitions of grants, competitions of research works and support for teachers to participate in such competitions, writing research papers on topics of interest to the student, meetings with interesting people in the profession, trainings, etc.) and extracurricular activities (organization of events in which the student develops personally and professionally significant qualities), all this creates conditions for involving students in the process of self-development.

Equally important to the tutor`s support, accompanied by are the mentors of student groups of universities, guides students in the resolution of difficulties, creating favorable microclimate group for personal and professional self-determination. The mentors of many universities work with individual educational ways of students, they assisted in the disclosure of personal potential and self-realization of students.

The poll consists of three parts – the first part is questions to explore the awareness of respondents about tutor, tutor activities, innovative techniques of tutor`s support. The second component of the poll set of questions aimed at identifying the awareness and study of the opinions of the students about tutoring activities at university, where they study. The third block of questions was aimed at studying the readiness of students to tutoring activities.

The total number of respondents is 290 students enrolled at faculties with pedagogical orientation – it`s future teachers. Noted that the primary focus of future teachers` activity it`s a social pedagogical activity, so that future teachers have a higher level of social and personal activity. Also worth mentioning that the direction of training "tutor" there in the South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University only three faculties and only in the level of training "Master's degree". This means that the University no of students deliberately enrolled in the program "The training of tutors".

The poll showed the following results.

It is worth noting the fact that the answers of the senior students of the training was more informative, as they have in training there is a greater variety of learning activities. The most students have an idea about who tutor. The overall view of students about tutor it`s mentor. First-year students named senior students as tutors because they help them adapt to the university, assist in extracurricular, educational work, help the mentor. This is the person that helps the university and beyond its borders – such a common answer was given by 53% of respondents. 47% of respondents indicated that the tutor is a high school teacher, according to 13% of respondents said that the student could not be a tutor because of a lack of professionalism.

The majority of senior students responded that a person (it`s can be teacher or student) to help support individual educational programs (67% of respondents), the mentor, helping to get out of difficult situations (83% of respondents); 43% of respondents said project activities – direction of tutor`s support, which is held with them. 61% of students noted that the technique of tutor`s support are conducted by teachers of the university in the management of scientific activity of students is a writing course and qualification papers. When a request for scientific direction – the topic comes from the student and then the teacher advises, guides the student. One-third of students - respondents noted that tutoring support is used in the organization of independent work of students. 7 % of respondents do not have an idea of what they should do is tutor at the University and does the university tutor`s support. But it is worth to mention that these students have noted the presence of a university listed in the poll, the approximate directions of tutor activities. Perhaps it was merely due to the lack of a common picture data from students on tutoring activities and tutor`s support techniques. 19% of all respondents highlighted the presence of diagnostic functions tutor`s support – a diagnosis of cognitive interests and aptitudes of students. The main directions of tutor`s support, which, in the opinion of the students there are at university is diagnostic, mediation, informative functions, assistance in self-determination, organizational, consulting, projective functions. Reveal a bit of the essence of the above functions. Diagnostic function is to discover the interests, needs and capabilities of the student; monitoring of mastering of learning content. Information: demonstrate to students how to work with new knowledge, teaching techniques and methods of independent work.  The mediation function is to organize the interaction of students and teachers to each other. The organization function it`s the organization of various spheres of joint activities of the student and tutor studying: full-time (tutorials, Sunday school, counseling) and virtual function (Internet-conferences, consultations, written works, etc.). The projective function is to design individual educational programs (individual route) taking into account the interests, needs and abilities of students. The consulting function it`s assistance in the development of learning skills assistance in the formation of the route of instruction; assistance in the formation of individual educational programs; individual counseling of the student on the content, learning methods, problem-solving, academic and professional activities.

As we can see the tutor`s support students is realize in various curricular and co-curricular activities. The main purpose of the implementation of tutor`s support in universities it`s the formation of such educational sphere, which will help students to be in the sphere of proximal development in subject position.

4. Conclusion.

After analyzing some experiences of introduction of the practice of tutoring in the universities, author`s opinion it`s a priority in the activities of the tutor in higher education, should be the orientation of the research activity, that is identifying and fixing the interests of the students in the field of teaching and research activities, which involves assistance in writing term papers and dissertations, and various projects, scientific articles, participation in professional competitions, contests, Internet projects, presentations on scientific conferences.

By summarizing the above we come to the conclusion that correct and rational at the present time to talk about the implementation of some techniques, areas tutoring activities at the university, because of incomplete readiness of the system universities to introduce tutoring ideology.


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1. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Lenin Avenue, 69, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia. e-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 60) Year 2017


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