ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 12) Year 2018. Page 21

The problem of overcoming negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development

Problema para superar tendencias negativas en el desarrollo personal de adolescentes

Elena SUVOROVA 1; Liliya POLYAKOVA 2; Yulia YUZHAKOVA 3; Tatiana EMETS 4

Received: 12/02/2018 • Approved:28/02/2018


1. Introduction

2. Literature review

3. Review

4. Materials and methods

5. Results

6. Discussion

7. Conclusion

Bibliographic references


The article analyses social, psychological and pedagogical causes of the negative tendencies in teenagers’ personalities, discusses types and symptoms of negative tendencies, presents a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions of overcoming the negative tendencies in the personal development. It also describes the experiment aimed at overcoming the negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development. The results of the experiment are verified by the positive tendencies in the personal development of misbalanced teenagers involved in the complex of upbringing activities.
Keywords: misbalanced teenagers, personal development, self-development, personally important activities


El artículo analiza las causas sociales, psicológicas y pedagógicas de las tendencias negativas en las personalidades de los adolescentes, discute los tipos y síntomas de las tendencias negativas, presenta un complejo de condiciones organizativas y pedagógicas para superar las tendencias negativas en el desarrollo personal. También describe el experimento dirigido a superar las tendencias negativas en el desarrollo personal de los adolescentes. Los resultados del experimento se verifican por las tendencias positivas en el desarrollo personal de adolescentes desequilibrados que participan en el complejo de actividades de crianza.
Palabras clave: adolescentes desequilibrados, desarrollo personal, autodesarrollo, actividades personalmente importantes

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1. Introduction

The modern literature review of the pedagogical education of teenagers shows variety in views on the problem of pedagogical and social disadaptation of teenagers and its overcoming. Some authors tend to associate the problem with psychological and physiological phenomena (Nakamura et al., 2017); others connect the problem with pedagogical and social mistakes (Patel et al., 2007). Though these views on the problem of troubled teens may seem to be competing, they allow presenting the whole picture of the phenomenon that needs accounting both sides: physiological (connected with mental and physical state of a troubled teenager) and pedagogical (closely linked with family and school upbringing and the influence of the social medium). In this way, a troubled teenager can be described as an individual with an outlined complex of interacting, separate and fixed by asocial behavior types and causes of negative tendencies having immanent, pedagogical, social, personal, cognitive character and reveal in behavior, study, communication, value hierarchy, needs, motives, social adaptation, health, individual psychological character divergences. Such a socially misbalanced teenager is less susceptible to upbringing measures, his/her misbehavior has a systematic character, the morals constantly regress and, thus, some greater efforts should be made to correct the deformed structure of his/her personality. The teenager only steps on the way of delinquency and the negative tendencies in his/her personality can be characterized rather inclinations than rooted traits.

The review of the research works dedicated to the troubled teenagers shows that the negative tendencies in the personal development of teens are considered mostly separately (Dabagyan, 1990), according to the medium which makes an impact on the process of upbringing, i.e. school and family (Nayir, 2017), family and the neighborhood (Allison et al., 1992) or with regard to poor mental health strongly related to other health and development concerns in young people, notably lower educational achievements, substance abuse, violence, and poor reproductive and sexual health (Patel et al., 2007). Thus, lack of integrated approach to the causes of negative tendencies has not allowed working out a complex of effective measures aimed at overcoming the existing negative tendencies in the personal development of troubled teens and preventing their further appearing or forming.

The personality is a complex multilateral phenomenon, which can be compared with a synergetic system the main features of which are self-organization, self-development, openness, non-linearity, and non-equilibrium. The personality is open to external impact and, thus, capable of transforming under the influence of the environment, 2) its elements (traits) can occur in various forms and have a variable structure due to the changing circumstances, 3) the evil transformation of the personality can break the whole system of personal development and result in irreversible consequences for the personality itself, 4) the control and guidance over the personal development should be coordinated with its internal essence and the logic of its internal processes (the external influence of the educational and social environment and the internal features of the personal potential should be harmonized); 5) the influence should be measured rather in the terms of correctness and the right focus of action than in terms of intensity. In this way, only integrated approach to the personal development accounting all its negative elements can prevent further forming negative traits and eliminate the existing negative tendencies in the development of troubled teenagers. The synergetic approach suggests exploration of all the interrelated elements that all together combine the personality and are quite sensitive to the surroundings, by which the educational (training and upbringing) environment and involvement into social relations (family and community) are meant.

Thus, the main tasks of the research work are 1) to identify possible causes of negative tendencies in the personal development of troubled teenagers; 2) present a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions that can be used in the school practice of work with the troubled teens.

2. Literature review 

A human being as the biggest puzzle of nature needs systemic approach to investigation of his/her behavioral features and tendencies of personal development. Such systemic approach suggests combining efforts of three sciences: pedagogics, psychology, and philosophy. Philosophy solves the problem by correlating the influence of inner and outer factors on the development of personality, social adaptation, causes of negative tendencies in personal development, and the possibilities of their overcoming. A human being as a center of philosophical discussion is examined as a natural phenomenon possessing plasticity and bearing traces of biogenetical and cultural evolution. The main question about the essence of problems appearing in personal development is put to understand whether negative tendencies are stipulated by individual genes and features or by negative social influence. In other words, philosophers have still been breaking a lance over the question what prevails in personal development – socially received and self-developed personal features or natural inclinations in the integral personal structure and there is a prevailing tendency to consider socially received inclinations superior to the natural ones. It allows concluding that a positive influence on a personality by means of pedagogical measures can change personal natural inclinations. Personal features of a human being are a material basis of his/her social adaptation that transforms a natural being into a social one.

Philosophers suggest the following ways of personal perfection:

All the mentioned ideas allow highlighting the foundation on which the process of personal development should be built. It is bringing up through different types of activity.

The psychology also puts a question about the ratio of outer and inner factor influence on personal development and points out that in all aspects of human behavior one can find, on the one hand, all the genetic stuff a human being gets from his ancestors and, and, on the other hand, all the majority of constant impacts of physical and social medium. Psychologists consider that congenial mechanisms, animal instincts, cognitive processes, and environment play the main role in human development. In this case, the reasons that force negative tendencies to appear in a personality are negative environmental impact, congenial aggression, incorrect understanding of medium-activator, dissatisfaction of needs in self-affirmation, comfort, security, etc., imposed values, biological and genotypic defects. The ways to solve the problem of overcoming negative tendencies in personal development can be teaching to correct behavior, conscious suppression of aggression, understanding the reasons of aggression; meeting the basic needs, understanding of own unconscious wishes, free values and believes. Personal development becomes targeted, gradual, determined by inner contradictions process of alternation of smoot and faltering evolution periods, connected with a change in main activity types. Thus, every age, different in peculiar features, is characterized mainly by a certain type of leading activity and relevant psychological features. Thus, such organization of personal development in the relevant activity will help a person to overcome negative tendencies and move to a qualitatively higher level of development.

Researches on teenagers’ activity allowed Russian psychologists argue that peculiar features of teenagers’ activity are the following:

Hence, adolescence is characterized by determined realization of the four reviewed types of activity and the leading role in personal development can be played by any of them on condition that it will be personally important and socially valuable.

Personal diversity is not developed by overcoming one-sided hobbies and emotional commitment of a teenager but, vice versa, these are used as a basis to organize individual, creative activity that would not only give opportunities for self-development but also serve as a lever used to push an individual to a higher level of development with a wider range of opportunities. Consequently, organization of personally important and socially valuable activity can involve a teenager into the rest types of activities that is necessary for the whole personal development.

Discussing development of human psyche in activity, representatives of activity-oriented approach consider that psychological phenomena appear under the influence of outer impacts on an individual through inner conditions formed long ago by outer impacts as well. In this regard, there is the necessity of understanding the character of child’s feelings and his emotional attitude to environment to understand correctly the way of environmental impact on the child. Behind the child’s feelings, there is a world of woven needs, wishes, intentions that correlate with the possibilities of their meeting.

Psychology defines needs as reflected in the form of affections demands of an individual for something that is necessary for the maintenance of his body and personal development. Needs underlie all other stimuli of behavior including those that are typical only for human beings.

Needs of a subject are closely connected with the motive of the act. Essentially, motives are all the things that encourage a human being to act, make decisions, realize his responsibility, loyalty, etc. The hierarchical structure of child’s motives takes shape rather early. At first, it has an arbitrary character and is based on prevailing immediate motives, that subordinate all other ones, but with age experience becomes a basis for the hierarchical structure of motives that does not allow a human being act against his believes, rules, values, and intentions.

Arbitrary and non-arbitrary hierarchy of motives directs personal development. Needs directing personal development act continuously, determining all other needs and the ways of meeting them. To characterize personality it is necessary to identify what type of activity (personal, rational or sociable) is in focus of the common motive structure of a human being. 

In line with the above, it is necessary to examine some modern psychological perspectives on the possible causes of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development. Thus, investigators point out the following causes of negative tendencies:

Pedagogical science acknowledges impact of inner, natural and outer, social factors on personal development. Nevertheless, addressing the issue of impact domination (natural vs. social) on personal development pedagogics considers social factors prevailing over natural ones. A human being is formed under the influence of life circumstances, social and historical conditions, natural, cultural, personal factors, the way of upbringing. In this regard the causes of negative tendencies in personal development become negative impact of medium, people, circumstances, disadvantageous correlation of natural features, one-sided interests, required for social adaptation, early puberty, an ill-conceived system of pedagogical impacts, lost ground and opportunities, ignorance of capabilities and absence of activities aimed at their development, disorder between upbringing and society development, etc.

The ways to overcome this negativism can be development of moral sensitivity while exercising intellectual exercises, encouragement of positive habits, address to individual and age-specificities and lifestyle, reconciliation of personal interests with social ones, social activities, and encouragement of right instincts.

Therefore, consideration of causes of negative tendencies in personal development allows classifying them in the following groups:

3. Review

3.1. Types and features of negative tendencies in personal development of teenagers

In contemporary literature, there is no generally accepted complex of types and features of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development as there is no basis that could serve for their identification. On the other hand, there is no overarching approach to their classification.

The represented classification of causes of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development can serve as a framework for identification of types and features of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development. In correspondence with the mentioned framework, we distinguish possible types and features of negative tendencies observed in pedagogical practice.

3.2. Immanent type of negative tendencies

A various range of psychopathic disorders, psychosomatic and psycho neurological illnesses of parents preceding a child’s birth, parents’ hazardous work, anomalies of physiological development, various injuries, and illnesses of a child, even unfavorable ecological environment can become a cause of immanent type of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development. The characteristic features to identify it can be a delay in psychophysical development, pathological needs and inclinations, mental illnesses, borderline psychosis, determining inadequate behavioral reactions and impeding social control over behavior, fatigue, behavioral disorders, low academic success, trouble relating to peers, such traits of character as aggressiveness, resentment, laziness, cowardice, recklessness, rudeness, etc.

3.3. Cognitive type of negative tendencies

Lack of pedagogical measures aimed at intellectual development, cognitive interests, skills and knowledge in various activities, constant academic failures, low likelihood of goal achievement, etc. can become a cause for occurrence of a cognitive type of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development. Features of this type of negative tendencies can be undeveloped speech skills, a gap between mind and senses, knowledge and morality, pathological inclinations, acceptance of false values, academic regress, quasi-interests, chaotic character of studies accompanied by lack of personally important activities and laziness, undeveloped emotional and volitional sphere, inability to take a stand, constant negative emotions, recklessness, passivity, selfishness, lack of skills and knowledge in various types of activities.

3.4. Pedagogical type of negative tendencies

a) Pedagogical type of negative tendencies connected with shortcomings of family upbringing

Distressed family atmosphere aggression, double standards, parents’ alcoholic addiction, violence, dominant or permissible style of communication, lack of emotional contact, inconstancy and inconsistency of requirements, guarding can become a cause for a pedagogical type of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development connected with shortcomings of family upbringing. Characteristic features of the given type of negative tendencies can be aggression, cynicism, vindictiveness, childishness, resentment, passivity, affect, pathological inclinations, lack of social boundaries, limp and low energy, twitchiness, disinhibition, low self-esteem, suspiciousness, emotional immunity, selfishness, inadequate behavior, etc.

b) Pedagogical type of negative tendencies connected with the shortcomings of educational and pedagogical work

Violation of requirements of preschool, school, and extra-curricular upbringing programs, lack of the extension of upbringing organization, ill will, communication barrier, discontent with the status among classmates, conflicts, negative impact of informal groups leads to occurrence of pedagogical type of negative tendencies connected with the shortcomings of preschool, school, and extra-curricular educational work. Features of the given type of negative tendencies are individualism, indifference, cynicism, psychological discomfort, weak arbitrary mental processes, lack of positive cognitive interests, inability to take a stand, vulnerability to influence, inadequate self-esteem, nervous exhaustion, affect, deformation of social contacts, referential and valuable orientations etc.

c) Pedagogical type of negative tendencies connected with the shortcomings of organizational work

Non-compliance with daily regime, discrepancy of learning load and real children’s capabilities, overlooking basic requirements to the lessons, physical and psychological overloading can cause negative tendencies connected with shortcomings of pedagogical organizational work. Features of the given type of negative tendencies can be inertia, conflict, irritability, nervous exhaustion, fatigue, lack of discipline and self-organization, lack of self-confidence, low academic success, mental disabilities, morbidness, etc.

3.5. Social type of negative tendencies

Review of values at a time of social crisis, lack of meaningful social forces, claiming fair rules principles, moral vacuum, negative influence of mass media and inner circle, lack of coordination among various educational institutions can result in occurrence of socially caused negative tendencies. Characteristic features of the given type of negative tendencies can be cynicism, isolation, violence, aggression, indifference, hypocrisy, childishness, selfishness, moral vacuum, emotional instability, vulnerability, deviant behavior, general disadaptation, deformation of social attitudes and valuable system, etc.

3.6. Personal types of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development

a) Personal motivational causes of negative tendencies

Personal motivational causes of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personality development are tightly closed with low morals including low moral inclinations and needs, primitive needs anchored in behavior, a conflict between high aspirations and actual status in peers’ group, a conflict between arbitrary needs and claims to a high moral authority, distressed family, and school upbringing. The features of the given type of negative tendencies are a continuous conflict, suspiciousness, isolation, selfishness, a weak will, rigor, indifference, cynicism, vulnerability, psychological instability, affect, inadequate self-esteem, lack of high needs and motives, instable behavior.

b) Personal age-related causes of negative tendencies

Considerable physiological changes in teenager’s bodies, unrealized needs in self-determination and self-expression, lack of necessary life experience, lack of valuable hierarchy, real worldview, moral consciousness, disregarding of age features, personal development principles, overlapping of faults in upbringing and the existing negative traits of character are the causes of occurrence of personal age-related negative tendencies. The features of the given type of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development can be aggression, individualism, malleability, laziness, isolation, selfishness, passivity, indiscipline, bitterness, often change of views, inadequate self-esteem, low demanding ethic, conflict, painful experiences, affect, criticism, untidiness, low needs and instincts, etc.

c) Personal behavioral causes of negative tendencies

Deformation of a family – school link, growing power of informal anti-social informal groups, misbehavior lead to occurrence of personal behavioral causes of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development. The given type of negative tendencies is characterized by cynicism, indifference, passivity, aggression, anti-social declines in behavior, cognitive isolation from peers, stereotype “a troubled teenager anchored in behavior, bitterness, lack of disciple, etc.

d) Personal value-driven causes of negative tendencies

Shortcomings of family and school upbringing, a social crisis, growing power of informal anti-social informal groups, undeveloped hierarchy of values, spiritual vacuum cause value-driven negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development. The features of the given type of negative tendencies are an interpersonal conflict, selfishness, falseness, cruelty, cynicism, passivity, consumerism, unhealthy lifestyle, distorted needs, anti-social motives of behavior, etc.

e) Personal individual psychological causes of negative tendencies

A psychologically traumatic situation, mental overload, changing situationally determined and pathological declines, special character features lead to an occurrence of personal individual psychological causes of negative tendencies. The features of the given type of negative tendencies are aggression, stubbornness, infantilism, malleability, resentment, cruelty, selfishness, indifference, cynicism, rancorous memories, overbearingness, posturing, arrogance, a weak will, lack of discipline, inadequate self-esteem, timidity, easy fatigability, hypochondria, inclination to affects, inadequate personal reactions, suicidal behavior, etc.

The analysis of the causes and the related types of negative tendencies let to conclude that difficulties in upbringing could be presented as a system of immanent, cognitive, pedagogical, social, personal types of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development resulting from the relative reasons and having a certain number of negative character traits and a set of characteristic features. 

The similar features of negative tendencies can correlate with various types of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development. Such correlation does not depend on some separate causes of personal negative tendencies, but it is a result of a complex influence on a teenager.

Inconsiderable difference in the listed above features characterizing the reviewed types of negative tendencies, proves the factor of interdependence and transformation of the types of negative tendencies and thus unclearness of the boundary between them.

A troubled teenager’s personality can be characterized by a complex set of different types of negative tendencies that impede re-education, as it requires correcting a whole set of negative tendencies. It seems logical that in the case re-education should be accompanied by the diagnosis of negative character features, that will allow to organize personally important, socially meaningful activities of teenagers with due regard for the existing negative tendencies in teenagers’ personalities and their correction, while developing and forming positive socially important personal traits of character.

3.7. A complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions of overcoming negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development

In re-education process, it is necessary to pay serious attention to the organization of medium and the possibilities of its cognition through personally important, socially valuable activities. The main problem connected with troubled teenagers is the narrow scope of their worldview, insignificant volume of knowledge and positive social experience, inability to know right from wrong. Overcoming of negative tendencies in personal development is possible only by means of increasing teenagers’ knowledge about the world and organizing conditions under which they will get positive experience of social interaction.

Thus, the work aimed at overcoming negative tendencies in the development of teenagers’ personality suggests more like outer interference, influencing some inner processes that take part in forming a teenager’s personality. That is why, here, we speak about an organization of a positive medium that will allow solving the tasks. In this regard, conditions are some circumstances, medium, and climate that potentially create the necessary situation for positive changes in a teenager’s activities, behavior, and a worldview. When comparing two definitions conditions and medium, it should be mentioned that the word conditions implies a larger range of components necessary for transformation of such a phenomenon as negative tendencies in the personality development. There are many definitions of organizational and pedagogical conditions in pedagogics. In general, conditions are defined as a set of concrete ways of education and upbringing, i.e. methods, organization forms, and means as well as circumstances that result from a targeted, planned selection, construction, and application of the educational and upbringing contents. As for the complex of organization and pedagogical conditions of overcoming negative tendencies in personal development of teenagers, it can be defined a set of circumstances, that are a consequence of targeted, planned selection, construction and application of content elements and methods of overcoming negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development, indirectly influencing on the causes of the negative tendencies in the personal development of teenagers.

When reviewing the complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions we take into account the following components: a teenager’s personality, a teacher’s personality, the upbringing medium, interaction of a teenager and medium. Personal, activity oriented, value oriented and systemic approaches are the main approaches to the problem.

When organizing the process of reeducation of a troubled teenager the following rules can be of great support.

4. Materials and methods

The experimental work on the chosen topic of research has been carried out since the end of 1999 and the beginning of the 2001. Secondary school teenagers from 6-8 forms took part in it. The experiment was carried out in simultaneously with the basic secondary school curriculum. In total 120 teenagers, 10 teachers, circles and group leaders, 2 social care teachers, a psychologist participated in the experiment. A support was given by the Centre of psychological counseling and correction. The teenagers of four test and three experimental classes took part in the experiment. The teenagers in these classes were chosen with various levels of difficulty between the classes and approximately the same level of difficulty within the class. In the experimental classes, the problem of overcoming negative tendencies in the development of adolescent identity was solved with the use of the developed complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions to overcome negative tendencies in the development of teenagers’ personality. In the control classes, this problem was solved by using the traditional methods of working with difficult adolescents.

When the experiment was carried out, the following tasks were set and solved:

1) The development of criteria and indicators for the level of adolescents' difficulty;

2) The performance of a complete diagnosis of adolescents in accordance with developed criteria of evaluation;

3) The explanatory work among the teachers assisting in the implementation of the experiment and the preparation for it;

4) Testing of complex organizational and pedagogical conditions to overcome negative tendencies in the development of adolescents' personality in terms of teaching and educational process at school.

In the course of work the following set of methods educational research was used: observation, questioning, testing, analysis, generalization, and systematization, the study of pedagogical experience, philosophical, psychological, educational, and methodical literature.

Based on the selected types and signs of negative trends, as well as the theoretical conclusion that negative tendencies form a system in the development of personality, we suggested that the diagnosis of a teenager's personality and the determination of the general level of his/her difficulties should be based on the identification of the level of "neglect" of each of the selected types of negative trends.

This way, we:

1) Identified the presence of this or that kind of negative trends in the teenager's given system of negative trends;

2) Determined the level of "neglect" of each of the identified types of negative trends;

3) According to the average points determined the overall level of teenager's difficulty.

Conducting the "neglect" diagnostics of gnoseological, pedagogical (associated with weaknesses of family, teaching and educational work), social, value, motivational and behavioral types of negative trends in the personality development of teenagers, we found it impossible to diagnose the inherent, organizational, age-related and individual-psychological types of negative trends, as it is the prerogative of a health care worker and a psychologist. We could allocate only indirect indicators of the availability of these kinds of negative trends in the adolescents' personality development and give recommendations on the application to a psychologist and a doctor.

Relying on the definition of the criterion as "quality, property, trait of the studied object, which gives you the ability to judge about its condition and the level of development”, as well as the definition of such index as "the measures of completeness of this or that criterion”, as criteria of a teenager’s difficulty we took the levels of "neglect":

1) Gnoseological kind of negative trends,

2) Pedagogical (disadvantages of family upbringing)

3) Pedagogical (deficiencies in teaching and educational work),

4) Social kind of negative tendencies,

5) The needs of motivational kind of negative trends,

6) Value type of negative tendencies,

7) Behavioral kind of negative trends.

The evaluation of the level of maturity of the selected types of negative trends was performed by a three-rating scale. The high level of "neglect" corresponded to three points, the average level of "neglect" to the two points, the primary level - to one point. The characteristic by means of enumeration of possible signs of its manifestations was given to each level of "neglect" of this or that kind of negative trends. The more negative connotation acquired the given signs, the higher was the level of "neglect" of this negative trends’ kind and, respectively, the assigned point was higher.

5. Results

5.1. Descriptive statistics

In accordance with the considered levels of “neglect” present in the system of negative trends’ types, we could highlight the overall level of teenager’s difficulty. We evaluated the overall level of the difficulty, on the basis of the average score, which we calculated according to the following formula: S = К(g)+Кp(p)+Кp(pd)+К(s)+К(m)+К(v)+К(b) / L=7 , where

S - The total level of difficulty of an adolescent;

К(g)– level of "neglect" of gnoseological kind of negative trends;

Кp(p) –level of "neglect" of pedagogical type of negative trends associated with drawbacks in family upbringing;

Kp(pd) - level of "neglect" of pedagogical type of negative trends associated with drawbacks in teaching and educational work;

K(s) - level of "neglect" of the social kind of negative trends;

K (m) - the level of "neglect" of motivational kind of negative trends;

K(v) - the level of "neglect" of value-based type negative trends;

К(b) - the level of "neglect" of a behavioral type of negative trends;

L - the total number of levels.

This gave us the opportunity to compare the level of difficulty of adolescents of test and experimental classes at the initial stage of the experiment and their level of difficulty after conducting the experiment and, consequently, to determine the effectiveness of our complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions to overcome the negative trends in the personality development of adolescents. If the average score was from 2.5 to 3, then the level of teenager’s difficulty was high, if it was from 1.6 to 2.4, it was average, if it was from 1 to 1.4 it was low.

To determine the effectiveness of use of the complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions of overcoming negative tendencies in the personality development of adolescents in work with difficult teenagers we compared the data on reducing the level of "neglect" forming together the strongest interdependent links of negative trends’ types. That is:

1) Pedagogical, associated with drawbacks in family education, pedagogical, associated with mistakes in teaching and educational work and social forms of negative trends;

2) Needed-motivational and value types of negative trends;

3) Pedagogical, associated with mistakes in teaching and in educational work and behavioral types of negative trends.

The results of the experiment showed that the level of effectiveness of the application of our complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions of overcoming negative tendencies in the teenagers’ personality development turned out to be higher than the index of the effectiveness of the application of traditional methods of overcoming the negative trends in the adolescents’ personality development.

6. Discussion

The study of the problem of negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development is one of the actual social necessities. The statement “Upbringing makes a human being” seems important from the perspective of the main school aim that is intellectual, moral, physical education of an individual, development of creativity and individual skills, making conditions for self-education and self-development. However, the existing statistics argues a great sociable and educational necessity in methods providing full and harmonious development of a personality that would take into consideration possible occurrence of negative tendencies in personal development and would suggest ways of their overcoming. It mainly concerns adolescence as it is the most troublesome age of all. Therefore, the priory task is development of an effective complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions aimed at quick and effective overcoming any appearing negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development with regard for the primary correction of any existing system of negative tendencies and their further prevention.

The appearing negative tendencies in personal development are connected and make a mutual impact on each other. Thus, lack of effective corrective work enforces negative tendencies in personal development of teenagers and results in occurrence of new ones thus, making the teenager more troubled. That is why it is very important to tear these negative ties at the primary stage of their forming, triggering positive personal transformation and development. The carried out investigation shows that these are personally important socially valuable activities, individual approach to a teenager, formation of moral values and believes that play the most considerable role in overcoming negative tendencies in personal development of teenagers.

7. Conclusion

The enumerated types of negative trends in the personality development of adolescents can be prevented or corrected by means of the following complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions accounting all the aspects of work with the troubled teenagers:

1) Personal fulfillment in personality-meaningful and public-valuable activities is provided;

2) Communication with nature, culture, and art with the purpose of disclosing personal potential and cognition of the environment is organized;

3) Purposefully the following methods of overcoming the negative trends in the personality development of adolescents are used:

- The organization of personal and meaningful, public-valuable activity and the acquisition of the positive experience of well-being;

- Saturation with useful information and gradual replacement of false values;

- Orders and friendly assistance;

- Appealing to positive traits of character and behavior of an adolescent;

- Control and self-improvement;

4) A regular assessment of teenager's being and the adjustment of work with him through it is conducted.

The influence on one kind of negative trends implies an indirect impact on other types of negative trends, especially on those that make a stronger dependence with it.

The search for methods to overcome negative tendencies in the development of personality involves the reliance on the following points:

1. Negative trends in the development of personality are interrelated, are subjected to mutual influence, and make up a system between each other;

2. Any system involves consistent outside interference;

3. Reeducation of a teenager should be carried out not only through organizing the activities, but through organizing a leading to this age, personally-meaningful and public-valuable activity, the acquisition of a positive experience of well-being by a teenager;

4. The organizing of teenager’s education should not only include significant for his/her age topics, but should be aimed at the gradual formation of higher values in adolescents’ minds;

5. The promotion of a teenager to change for the better should be based on positive traits of his character and behavior;

6. Strengthening of a teenager’s relationships with his classmates should occur through meeting his needs in significance, acceptance by the group, through errands and friendly assistance;

7. Overcoming negative tendencies in the personality development of an adolescent is impossible without the use of methods of control and self-education, allowing improving work with a teenager helping treating themselves consciously, choosing the right line in life, etc.

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1. PhD in Education, Department of Foreign languages for Engineering, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU), 38, Lenina Ave., office 513, Magnitogorsk, 455000, Russia 455000,

2. Ph.D. in Philology, Department of Foreign languages for Engineering, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU), 38, Lenina Ave., office 513, Magnitogorsk, 455000, Russia,

3. Ph.D. in Philology, Department of Foreign languages for Engineering, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU),  38, Lenina Ave., office 513, Magnitogorsk, 455000, Russia,

4. Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Romano-Germanic Philology and Translation, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU), 38, Lenina Ave., office 224, Magnitogorsk, 455000, Russia,

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Number 12) Year 2018


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