ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Nº 05) Año 2018

  1. Professionally oriented mathematical tasks as a means of developing skills, which are necessary for a future engineer in the technical sphere. Lubov Kiryalovna ILYASHENKO
  2. Informative characteristics and methods of the formation mathematical competence of future engineer in the oil and gas business. Lubov Kiryalovna ILYASHENKO
  3. Deserto da atualidade: a visão nietzschiana da educação como campo de batalha. Jaime Farias DRESCH; Vanice dos SANTOS
  4. Henry A. Giroux y sus aportes a la modelización del currículo crítico: cuestiones y reflexiones. Marcela, FLOREZ ROMERO; Juan Pablo, SALAZAR TORRES; Yurley Karime, HERNANDEZ PEÑA; Elkin, GELVEZ ALMEIDA; José Joan, GARAVITO PATIÑO; Sandra Bonnie FLOREZ HERNANDEZ; Andrea Lisbeth HERNANDEZ NIÑO; Dierman Davet PATIÑO SANCHEZ
  5. Estrategia formativa enfocada a resolver problemáticas sociales: Ingeniería para la Gente. Sara Maria YEPES Zuluaga; Johny Antonio ALVAREZ Salazar; Juan Gonzalo ARDILA Marín
  6. Contribución al diseño de mobiliario escolar para niños con discapacidad motriz leve. Margarita del Rocío POMBOZA Floril; Vicente Agustín CLOQUELL Ballester; Ciro Diego RADICELLI García
  7. Relaciones de cooperación y transferencia de conocimiento en las instituciones de educación superior públicas en el Estado de Hidalgo, México. Paola GARCIA Fuentes; Lydia RAESFELD
  8. El factor motivacional en el talento académico escolar: ¿Dónde mirar? Jorge VALENZUELA; Leonor CONEJEROS-SOLAR; Carla MUÑOZ
  9. EduTraceSys como objeto de aprendizagem na remediação de erros. Priscila Meier de Andrade TRIBECK; Francisco REINALDO; Maici Duarte LEITE
  10. Proposta de curso de extensão na modalidade a distancia para formação de professores em Angola. Gilberto de Almeida Meireles PATROCINIO; Ismar Frango SILVEIRA; Laura Marisa Carnielo CALEJON
  11. The role of professional education in the system of education in the Netherlands, Belgium and Russia. Maria V. FOMINYKH; Bella A. USKOVA; Victoria S. LUKINYKH; Nikolay K. CHAPAEV; Rudilf T. SHREYNER; Georgiy K. SMOLIN
  12. Technology of implementation of the software module 1C: University in activities of primary labour union employee organization of a higher education institution. Andrey A. SHAYDUROV; Svetlana V. CHENUSHKINA; Tatiana Yu. SHAYDUROVA; Andrey A. TSAREGORODTSEV; Ivan S. KOROTAEV
  13. Guía metodológica para determinar prácticas pedagógicas de docentes en instituciones de educación superior. MARTELO, Raúl J.; RODRIGUEZ, Jesús A.; VILLABONA, Natividad
  14. Imagen institucional universitaria: un estudio de caso en el contexto del Ecuador. Mayra D’ARMAS Regnault; Rodolfo ROBLES Salguero; Miguel CEDILLO Fajardo; Jorge VINUEZA Martínez; Mirella CORREA Peralta; Agustín MEJÍAS Acosta; Gina ACOSTA Nuñez
  15. Depresión y ansiedad ante toma de decisiones, aislamiento existencial, muerte y carencia de sentido vital en religiosos y no religiosos. Jennifer FLÓREZ-DONADO; Johana Carolina De la OSSA-SIERRA; Alberto Mario de CASTRO Correa; Manuel Fabián NOREÑA Correa; María del Mar SÁNCHEZ-FUENTES; Erick Alejandro MEJÍA Puerta; Edwin Alberto VILLADIEGO-COAVAS; Gisella Rossy RODRÍGUEZ-CALDERÓN; Prince Luz TORRES-SALAZAR; María Camila GONZÁLEZ Amador; Daniela Isabel MONTERO Campo; Víctor Manuel ESPINOSA Jaimes; Sandra Milena PARRA Barrera
  16. Representaciones de resultados educativos: PISA 2015 en medios digitales peruanos. Osbaldo TURPO-GEBERA
  17. Qualities of a modern manager in the education system: A study among the teaching and administrative staff of Universities in the Republik of Kasakhstan. Assemgul MOLDAZHANOVA; Rymshash TOLEUBEKOVA; Engilika ZHUMATAEVA; Galiya SARZHANOVA
  18. Pedagogical model of future history teachers’ information culture formation. Tetiana V. BABENKO
  19. The experience of students’ interethnic tolerance formation in the conditions of university’s multicultural educational space. Natalya Y. SAVCHITS; Sholpan A. ISMAILOVA; Bayan Z. TUREBAYEVA
  20. Experimental verification of efficacy of educational test construction technology. Nataliya A. SENOGNOEVA
  21. Didactic frame compression principle in students training content. Galina P. NOVIKOVA; Nataliya G. ТАGILTSEVA; Valentina A. IGNATOVA; Liudmila N. VAKHRUSHEVA; Liya V. FALEEVA; Aleksandr V. LITVINOV
  22. Adaptive model of psychological and pedagogical accompany of student professional training. Svetlana V. KHUSAINOVA; Lada V. MATVEYEVA; Lyudmila P. ERMILOVA; Kseniya N. YAKUSHEVSKAYA; Lyudmila V. KOLOMIYCHENKO; Nikolay A. MASHKIN
  23. Educational systems' cognitive management concepts. Elena Yu. LEVINA; Irina A. LARIONOVA; Maksim V. YAKUSHEVSKIY; Izabella D. BELONOVSKAYA; Andrei M. SAVINOV; Svetlana I. ASHMARINA
  24. Organization of Educational and Research Activities of Educational Process Subjects as a Condition for Solving Pressing Problems of Rural Schools. Sergey V. SHCHERBATYKH; Irina G. ALMAZOVA; Evgeniya N. GERASIMOVA; Marina A. ZAKHAROVA; Irina A. KARPACHOVA; Nataliya G. PODAEVA; Elena I. TROFIMOVA; Lyudmila N. SHCHERBATYKH
  25. Evaluación de impacto de la implementación de un estándar de televisión digital terrestre para difundir contenidos educativos en zonas rurales. Ciro Diego RADICELLI García; Margarita del Rocío POMBOZA Floril; Cristina Alexandra POMBOZA Floril; Cristian Hugo MORALES Alarcón
  26. Satisfacción con la vida y su relación con la religión y la salud en estudiantes universitarios de Colombia. María del Mar SÁNCHEZ-FUENTES; Jennifer Paola FLÓREZ-DONADO; Prince Luz TORRES-SALAZAR; Ketty Milena HERRERA-MENDOZA; Johana Carolina De la OSSA-SIERRA; Alberto Mario DE CASTRO Correa; Gisella Rossy RODRÍGUEZ-CALDERÓN; Erick Alejandro MEJÍA Puerta; Martha María GÓMEZ Hernández; Sandra Milena PARRA-BARRERA; Víctor Manuel ESPINOSA Jaimes; Daniela Isabel MONTERO Campo; Jesús David REBOLLEDO Quintero
  27. Ensino de ciências em sala multisseriada: uma perspectiva de escola no Acre (Brasil). Marcondes de Lima NICÁCIO
  28. Interpersonal Problems of Younger Adolescents. V.I. DOLGOVA; N.V. KRYZHANOVSKAYA; YU.A. ROKITSKAYA; A.A. SALAMATOV; A.A. NURTDINOVA; YA.T. ZHAKUPOVA
  29. Social and Psychological Conditions of Career Planning of Employees in the Organization. Svetlana B. SERYAKOVA; Elena V. ZVONOVA; Valeriya V. SERYAKOVA
  30. «Devemos proteger o mundo inteiro» Educação ambiental, desenho livre e significados sociais do espaço natural entre crianças da Educação Básica numa escola municipal em Santarém, Pará (Brasil). Rubens Elias da SILVA; Cintia de Sousa MALCHER; Mateus WAIMER
  31. Relationship between teachers’ readiness for innovative activities and their creative potential and professional characteristics. V.I. DOLGOVA; N.G. KUTEPOVA; N.V. KRYZHANOVSKAYA; Z.M. BOLSHAKOVA; N.N. TULKIBAEVA
  32. Theory and practice of updating the content of education in chemistry and teaching methods, in view of modern science and technology achievements. Svetlana Aleksandrovna VOLKOVA
  33. Network routes of non-formal education for different age community of the CIS countries: (multipolar and interdisciplinary approaches). Marina YAKUSHKINA; Marina ILAKAVICHUS; Tatiana SHAPOSHNIKOVA; Vladimir A. MYASNIKOV
  34. Academic Counselling as a Means for Developing Professional Competence of University Students. Zaida ZHUMABAEVA; Olga BOTALOVA; Serafima OSSIPOVA; Natalia NEFYDOVA; Alma MAMANOVA; Korlan BELEUKHANOVA; Baglan ZHAPAROVA

  35. Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
    Vol. 39 (Nº 05) Año 2018
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