ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 05) Año 2018
- Professionally oriented mathematical tasks as a means of developing skills, which are necessary for a future engineer in the technical sphere. Lubov Kiryalovna ILYASHENKO
- Informative characteristics and methods of the formation mathematical competence of future engineer in the oil and gas business. Lubov Kiryalovna ILYASHENKO
- Deserto da atualidade: a visão nietzschiana da educação como campo de batalha. Jaime Farias DRESCH; Vanice dos SANTOS
- Henry A. Giroux y sus aportes a la modelización del currículo crítico: cuestiones y reflexiones. Marcela, FLOREZ ROMERO; Juan Pablo, SALAZAR TORRES; Yurley Karime, HERNANDEZ PEÑA; Elkin, GELVEZ ALMEIDA; José Joan, GARAVITO PATIÑO; Sandra Bonnie FLOREZ HERNANDEZ; Andrea Lisbeth HERNANDEZ NIÑO; Dierman Davet PATIÑO SANCHEZ
- Estrategia formativa enfocada a resolver problemáticas sociales: Ingeniería para la Gente. Sara Maria YEPES Zuluaga; Johny Antonio ALVAREZ Salazar; Juan Gonzalo ARDILA Marín
- Contribución al diseño de mobiliario escolar para niños con discapacidad motriz leve. Margarita del Rocío POMBOZA Floril; Vicente Agustín CLOQUELL Ballester; Ciro Diego RADICELLI García
- Relaciones de cooperación y transferencia de conocimiento en las instituciones de educación superior públicas en el Estado de Hidalgo, México. Paola GARCIA Fuentes; Lydia RAESFELD
- El factor motivacional en el talento académico escolar: ¿Dónde mirar? Jorge VALENZUELA; Leonor CONEJEROS-SOLAR; Carla MUÑOZ
- EduTraceSys como objeto de aprendizagem na remediação de erros. Priscila Meier de Andrade TRIBECK; Francisco REINALDO; Maici Duarte LEITE
- Proposta de curso de extensão na modalidade a distancia para formação de professores em Angola. Gilberto de Almeida Meireles PATROCINIO; Ismar Frango SILVEIRA; Laura Marisa Carnielo CALEJON
- The role of professional education in the system of education in the Netherlands, Belgium and Russia. Maria V. FOMINYKH; Bella A. USKOVA; Victoria S. LUKINYKH; Nikolay K. CHAPAEV; Rudilf T. SHREYNER; Georgiy K. SMOLIN
- Technology of implementation of the software module 1C: University in activities of primary labour union employee organization of a higher education institution. Andrey A. SHAYDUROV; Svetlana V. CHENUSHKINA; Tatiana Yu. SHAYDUROVA; Andrey A. TSAREGORODTSEV; Ivan S. KOROTAEV
- Guía metodológica para determinar prácticas pedagógicas de docentes en instituciones de educación superior. MARTELO, Raúl J.; RODRIGUEZ, Jesús A.; VILLABONA, Natividad
- Imagen institucional universitaria: un estudio de caso en el contexto del Ecuador. Mayra D’ARMAS Regnault; Rodolfo ROBLES Salguero; Miguel CEDILLO Fajardo; Jorge VINUEZA Martínez; Mirella CORREA Peralta; Agustín MEJÍAS Acosta; Gina ACOSTA Nuñez
- Depresión y ansiedad ante toma de decisiones, aislamiento existencial, muerte y carencia de sentido vital en religiosos y no religiosos. Jennifer FLÓREZ-DONADO; Johana Carolina De la OSSA-SIERRA; Alberto Mario de CASTRO Correa; Manuel Fabián NOREÑA Correa; María del Mar SÁNCHEZ-FUENTES; Erick Alejandro MEJÍA Puerta; Edwin Alberto VILLADIEGO-COAVAS; Gisella Rossy RODRÍGUEZ-CALDERÓN; Prince Luz TORRES-SALAZAR; María Camila GONZÁLEZ Amador; Daniela Isabel MONTERO Campo; Víctor Manuel ESPINOSA Jaimes; Sandra Milena PARRA Barrera
- Representaciones de resultados educativos: PISA 2015 en medios digitales peruanos. Osbaldo TURPO-GEBERA
- Qualities of a modern manager in the education system: A study among the teaching and administrative staff of Universities in the Republik of Kasakhstan. Assemgul MOLDAZHANOVA; Rymshash TOLEUBEKOVA; Engilika ZHUMATAEVA; Galiya SARZHANOVA
- Pedagogical model of future history teachers’ information culture formation. Tetiana V. BABENKO
- The experience of students’ interethnic tolerance formation in the conditions of university’s multicultural educational space. Natalya Y. SAVCHITS; Sholpan A. ISMAILOVA; Bayan Z. TUREBAYEVA
- Experimental verification of efficacy of educational test construction technology. Nataliya A. SENOGNOEVA
- Didactic frame compression principle in students training content. Galina P. NOVIKOVA; Nataliya G. ТАGILTSEVA; Valentina A. IGNATOVA; Liudmila N. VAKHRUSHEVA; Liya V. FALEEVA; Aleksandr V. LITVINOV
- Adaptive model of psychological and pedagogical accompany of student professional training. Svetlana V. KHUSAINOVA; Lada V. MATVEYEVA; Lyudmila P. ERMILOVA; Kseniya N. YAKUSHEVSKAYA; Lyudmila V. KOLOMIYCHENKO; Nikolay A. MASHKIN
- Educational systems' cognitive management concepts. Elena Yu. LEVINA; Irina A. LARIONOVA; Maksim V. YAKUSHEVSKIY; Izabella D. BELONOVSKAYA; Andrei M. SAVINOV; Svetlana I. ASHMARINA
- Organization of Educational and Research Activities of Educational Process Subjects as a Condition for Solving Pressing Problems of Rural Schools. Sergey V. SHCHERBATYKH; Irina G. ALMAZOVA; Evgeniya N. GERASIMOVA; Marina A. ZAKHAROVA; Irina A. KARPACHOVA; Nataliya G. PODAEVA; Elena I. TROFIMOVA; Lyudmila N. SHCHERBATYKH
- Evaluación de impacto de la implementación de un estándar de televisión digital terrestre para difundir contenidos educativos en zonas rurales. Ciro Diego RADICELLI García; Margarita del Rocío POMBOZA Floril; Cristina Alexandra POMBOZA Floril; Cristian Hugo MORALES Alarcón
- Satisfacción con la vida y su relación con la religión y la salud en estudiantes universitarios de Colombia. María del Mar SÁNCHEZ-FUENTES; Jennifer Paola FLÓREZ-DONADO; Prince Luz TORRES-SALAZAR; Ketty Milena HERRERA-MENDOZA; Johana Carolina De la OSSA-SIERRA; Alberto Mario DE CASTRO Correa; Gisella Rossy RODRÍGUEZ-CALDERÓN; Erick Alejandro MEJÍA Puerta; Martha María GÓMEZ Hernández; Sandra Milena PARRA-BARRERA; Víctor Manuel ESPINOSA Jaimes; Daniela Isabel MONTERO Campo; Jesús David REBOLLEDO Quintero
- Ensino de ciências em sala multisseriada: uma perspectiva de escola no Acre (Brasil). Marcondes de Lima NICÁCIO
- Social and Psychological Conditions of Career Planning of Employees in the Organization. Svetlana B. SERYAKOVA; Elena V. ZVONOVA; Valeriya V. SERYAKOVA
- «Devemos proteger o mundo inteiro» Educação ambiental, desenho livre e significados sociais do espaço natural entre crianças da Educação Básica numa escola municipal em Santarém, Pará (Brasil). Rubens Elias da SILVA; Cintia de Sousa MALCHER; Mateus WAIMER
- Relationship between teachers’ readiness for innovative activities and their creative potential and professional characteristics. V.I. DOLGOVA; N.G. KUTEPOVA; N.V. KRYZHANOVSKAYA; Z.M. BOLSHAKOVA; N.N. TULKIBAEVA
- Theory and practice of updating the content of education in chemistry and teaching methods, in view of modern science and technology achievements. Svetlana Aleksandrovna VOLKOVA
- Network routes of non-formal education for different age community of the CIS countries: (multipolar and interdisciplinary approaches). Marina YAKUSHKINA; Marina ILAKAVICHUS; Tatiana SHAPOSHNIKOVA; Vladimir A. MYASNIKOV
- Academic Counselling as a Means for Developing Professional Competence of University Students. Zaida ZHUMABAEVA; Olga BOTALOVA; Serafima OSSIPOVA; Natalia NEFYDOVA; Alma MAMANOVA; Korlan BELEUKHANOVA; Baglan ZHAPAROVA
Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 05) Año 2018
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