ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (# 05) Year 2018. Page 18

Pedagogical model of future history teachers’ information culture formation

Modelo pedagógico de la formación de la cultura de la información de los futuros profesores de historia

Tetiana V. BABENKO 1

Received: 18/11/2017 • Approved: 30/11/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results and discussion

4. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The article defines the essence of information culture of the future history teacher and the model of its formation theoretically justified. It contains the following components: a common goal and a set of implementation objectives along the lines of functionality; principles of educational and socio-cultural environment modeling; methods for implementing pedagogical model; system of leading pedagogical conditions for improving the formation process of information culture of the future history teachers; set of tools and factors that enable the implementation of the model; evaluation criteria and levels of the formation’s creation; clearly defined end result of the model.
Keywords information culture, a future history teacher, training, educational model


El artículo define la esencia de la cultura de la información del futuro profesor de historia y el modelo de su formación teóricamente justificado. Contiene los siguientes componentes: un objetivo común y un conjunto de objetivos de implementación en la línea de la funcionalidad; principios de modelado del entorno educativo y sociocultural; métodos para implementar el modelo pedagógico; sistema de las principales condiciones pedagógicas para mejorar el proceso de formación de la cultura de la información de los futuros profesores de historia; conjunto de herramientas y factores que permiten la implementación del modelo; criterios de evaluación y niveles de creación de la formación; resultado final claramente definido del modelo.
Palabras clave: cultura de la información, un futuro profesor de historia, formación, modelo educativo

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1. Introduction

Formation and development of the information society is a characteristic feature of the present stage of human evolution. The defining features of this society is the increase of information and knowledge, creating global communication networks, the spread of newest information and communication technologies in all spheres of public life, advanced society’s information infrastructure. To succeed in such a society, and only a well-educated person that is capable to work with information and its effective use in solving various problems can be competitive and in demand. That is why, demands to the level of professionalism, culture and information competence of future teachers, are increasing - because the formation of the student’s personality as a member of the Information Society depends on the teacher. So nowadays one of the important tasks of training future teachers is to develop their information culture.

Hence, the relevance of the information culture model’s development of the future history teachers we are considering in connection with the need to resolve conflicts between:

-    the required level of information culture of the future history teachers in terms of the information society and the lack of the university’s educational process focus in its development;

-    between optimal and actual level of organizational and pedagogical support of its development during training.

Information Culture evokes a strong interest of various fields’ researchers as evidenced by numerous studies of the problem. Thus, the essence of information culture has become a scientific interest of H. Vyshpynska, L.Vinaryk, H.Vorobyov, M.Vohryscheva, M.Zhaldak, N.Morze, A.Rakitov, Yu.Ramskyi, B.Semenovker, Ye.Semenyuk and others.

As a factor of professional development of the individual information culture is studied in the research of S. Anisimov, M. Astafyev, H. Vyshpynska, Ya. Haleta, I. Kazakov, T. Reyzenkind, A.Ursul, etc.

Research of V. Bykov, A. Gurzhii, N. Hendina, S.Doroguntsov, V.Kutsenko, M.Pleskach, O.Ratsul, Ye.Skybytskyi, L.Tyhonova and others are dedicated to the problems of information culture’s formation of different professions.

Analysis of the problem elaboration reveals that despite the large number of studies on information culture, the principles of information culture’s formation of the future history teachers are the subject of scientific discussion and require special scientific exploration. The purpose of this article is a theoretical study of information culture’s model of the future history teachers.

2. Methodology

Theories that reveal systematic, personal and active approach of formation and development of personality became the methodological basis of the research; theory of scientific knowledge; provision of cultural approach to the study of the human person’s nature and the factors of its formation, the relationship development between the individual and the organization of educational and professional activities and social life; philosophical theories of the information society and information culture; provisions of psychology and pedagogy about forms and methods of educational research and educational process.

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Faculty of History and Law of the Kirovohrad Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University.

Experimental work was carried out in stages, aimed at the implementation of the following main tasks:

-    the creation of criteria and levels of methodology of diagnostic formation of the future history teachers’ information culture and their practical testing on the basis of definite content characteristics;

-    practical realization of the substantiated pedagogical model of formation of the future history teachers’ information culture under the conditions of professional training;

-    revealing the degree of effectiveness of the pedagogical technology involved in the formation of the future history teachers’ informational culture.

At the first stage, was conducted a two-factorial observational study of the informational culture’s formation among young teachers and freshmen students. The idea of measuring the state of the informational culture’s formation of future history teachers based on the criteria, indicators and levels defined in the first section of the research.

In the process of diagnosing the state of information culture’s development at the 1st and 3rd stages of research and experimental work, was used the following set of methods of scientific and pedagogical research, such as: work with educational, business and accounting documentation in order to determine the level of information competence of the experiment participants; observation and analysis of the results of educational, extra-curriculum, self-educational and socio-cultural activities of students, pedagogical and informational activity of young teachers; method of independent characteristics; self-esteem methods; diagnostic methods: tests, examinations, creative tasks; questionnaire (of open and closed type); scaling the content of the information culture’s criteria; psychological tests; methods of mathematical statistics. The system of information culture’s levels estimation in points and corresponding intervals of numerical intervals were determined.

The research showed that experts generally assess the level of formation of the main criteria and indicators of information culture in young teachers at an adequate level (18-22%) and the average level (58-64%). Were identified the most problematic aspects in the development of information culture: the lack of informational competence’s formation (especially of functional readiness) of young teachers in the process of vocational training, inadequate level of professional information activity, orientation and self-determination, and most of all – in the field of value orientations and development of motivation to professional and information activities and professional self-improvement.

In order to resolve the article’s challenges we have used methods of theoretical level, namely the study of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature on the investigated problem, comparison and synthesis; modeling method, classification, deduction.

Analysis of the information culture’s content, and fundamental research on the theory of culture (A.Arnoldov, P. Gurevich, B.Yerasov, M.Kahan) works of scientists who have studied the problem of professional culture formation (I.Zyazyun, I.Isayev V.Slastionin, etc.) and information culture (N.Hendina, M.Zhaldak, N.Morze, etc.), suggests that the information culture of the future history teachers are part of their general and professional culture, complex personality innovation. It includes information competence, socially and professionally conditioned by the set of values, motivations and activity patterns in the information environment, socio-cultural regulation mechanisms, personal skills, which qualities and characteristics are formed in stages throughout the period of personal and professional specialist’s development.

This allows to establish that the information culture’s formation takes place in the following areas of life: training and education (the educational process of school, university), self education, social and cultural.

Given that the individual’s involvement to a particular culture comes from the early years of life, and basing on existing standards of training in secondary schools and vocational and educational training of future history teachers, we can say that a student who only starts training in college, must already have a certain level of information culture as part of the general personality culture. This leads to consideration of criterion-level approach as a condition of the information culture’s formation of the future history teachers.

3. Results and discussion

We have conducted the meaningful analysis of formation and it allowed us to emphasize the following levels of expression of the personal information culture of the future history teachers:

1.    Optimal – characterized by the formation of all structural components, complete expressions of criteria, effectiveness of all functions of information culture of the future history teachers.

2.    Sufficient – characterized by the formation of all structural components, high level of information and professional display, information and content competencies, formation and systematic use of IT competencies; steady information orientation, development of the most of personal qualities and abilities that define psychological readiness and professional and informational sustainability. However, information and activity competence and professional and informational self-determination is in its infancy, information activity is episodic. Fixes expression of most functions of information culture (didactic, developing, communicative, educational, motivational).

3.    Medium – characterized by the formation of basic individual qualities and characteristics, baseline formation of core competencies in information competence structure, episodic understanding of the nature of information culture, lack of readiness to use IT; insufficient information and vocational orientation, episodic information activity and unstable motifs and information and professional provisions of personal identity, inactive professional and information sustainability. Features of information culture are uncovered sporadically.

4.    Initial – characterized by individual components of information competence (basic skills processing, systematization and information transmission, the ability to take notes, analyze, summarize, annotate historical material, the ability to work with printed text, basic IT knowledge and skills) and psychological readiness (basic skills and qualities that enable work with information), episodic and unsystematic information activity, lack of professional and informational self-determination, focus and establishment on the basis of professional and information values of the future history teachers’ culture. Features of information culture are practically undetected.

5.    Elementary – characterized by availability of basic skills in working with information (write, read, retell, summarize) and psychological qualities and abilities necessary for this. Most criteria of information culture and its functions are undetected.

Defined tiered distribution allows to suggest that the basic level of information culture has to be gained by future teachers during the teaching process in secondary school. The initial level is desirable for applicants, students, who begin the process of professional education and can be seen as a test for vocational selectness, the need for which has been mentioned a lot in teacher education recently.

Consequently, the future history teachers have to master average, adequate and optimal level of information culture in the process of vocational and educational training. The analysis of scientific papers of O.Abdulina, N.Demiyanenko, N.Kuzmina, T.Munavarova, S.Nikitchyna, L.Yanovska allows to determine that vocational and educational training of history teachers is a combination of knowledge, skills, mastery of which allows to work as a history teacher in school and formation of psychological and moral qualities of the individual history teacher, important to determine the nature of the goals and objectives of their educational activity.

As noted by most researchers, an important part of vocational and educational training is the educational and professional activities of the individual future history teachers (production and pedagogical practice). This is the activity in which there is a unity of training and education, cultural and spiritual development, theory and practice, interest in professional development, information and professional activity and self-determination. Where there is the experience gain of information competence’s application.

As the results of N.Hendina, M.Zhaldak, N.Morze, I.Smyrnova and other scientists’ research confirm, as well as the own practical research, the existing system of vocational and educational training does not provide the necessary results in the information culture’s formation of the future history teachers. This necessitates substantiation of pedagogical conditions of effective information culture’s formation of the future history teachers and appropriate modeling of the educational process and the socio-cultural environment in universities as a specially organized process that provides compliance with existing standards of training, unity of purpose and functionality, content and technological characteristics, development and self-development of students in the process of getting involved to various activities.

Given that the information culture of the future history teachers is the complex formation and based on scientific findings of V.Krayevskyi, A.Hutorskyi (Krayevsky, 2003, p. 14), we believe that the formation of this creation involves mastering of not a separate elements of knowledge, skills, emotional and value attitudes. But mastering of the complex procedure in which each present direction has a certain set of educational components with personality and activity nature:

Initial – there are two central ideas: development of ideological, value and motivational, intellectual and praxeological (abilities and skills) areas of personality and ability to learn throughout life by yourself.

The main areas of its acquisition are:

-      mastering basic professional and special psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills;

-      forming the ability to use appropriate interactive and information technologies;

-      organization and reflection of the own study process, selecting and applying effective strategies and new interactive technologies of training and education;

-      the use of search technologies, analyzing and organizing information from various sources, critical thinking skills, strategy of acquiring additional knowledge and skills, including memorizing, various ways of accumulating information;

-      analysis of objects, situations and interrelations, historical events and processes based on information gained from various sources, use and evaluation of own strategies for solving cognitive and social problems, methods of obtaining information, the use of various methods of reasoning in various social and cultural contexts;

-      research opportunities to use IT in studying and learning history;

-      gaining valuable attitude to historical information, the establishment of legal awareness and tolerance while dealing with information;

-      the establishment of information activity, professional and informational orientation;

-      self-educational activities.

Socio-cultural - provides the ability to live and interact in the multicultural information society, guided by national and human values.

Areas of its acquirement are:

-      analysis and evaluation of the major achievements of national, European and world history and culture, orientation in cultural, spiritual, political, legal context of contemporary Ukrainian society;

-      socialization and education in the socio-cultural environment of the university;

-      the use of means and technologies of intercultural information interaction;

-      using self-educational methods oriented on achieving a developed information culture;

-      mastering the model of tolerant behavior in information and socio-cultural space;

-      gaining information and communication skills in socio-cultural environment;

-      focus on the perception and transmission of norms and values of information culture.

Considering the abovementioned, as well as scientific advices of O.Abdullina (Abdullina, 1990, p. 18), V.Krayevskyi (Krayevsky, 2003, p. 23), Yu.Kulyutkin (Kulyutkin, 1981, p. 114), I.Lerner (Lerner, 1981, p. 33), O.Savchenko (Savchenko, 1997, p. 14) on the organization of pedagogical modeling and the process of vocational and educational training allowed us to determine, that the formation of information culture’s pedagogical model of the future history teachers has to meaningfully combine educational and socio-cultural aspects of their professional development; has to include the following components in organizational and structural sense:

-      general purpose and set of goals for the implementation in the functional direction;

-      principles of educational and socio-cultural environment modeling;

-      methods for implementing pedagogical models;

-      system of leading pedagogical conditions that improve the process of information culture’s formation of the future history teachers;

-      a set of tools and factors that enable the implementation of the model;

-      criteria and assessment levels of formation’s construction;

-      a clear end result of the model implementation and experimental evidence of its effectiveness (Fig. 1.1).

Pedagogical model of the future history teachers’ information culture should be based on the principles of activity of cultural, axiological and criterion-level approaches, foresee students’ involvement in active work in the modeled environment.

Of course, the main goal of pedagogical modeling is to provide conditions for information culture’s efficient formation of the future history teachers.

We consider I.Kazakov’s opinion that the general (main) goal is realized through goals depending on the structure of the investigated formation (Kazakov, 2006, p. 28) and its criteria.

In our study, the main purpose of pedagogical model is implemented through a set of tactical objectives:

-    formation of knowledge, skills and competencies that form the content of information competence of future history teachers;

-    formation of operational-activity base of information culture (praxeological competencies’ block) and professional and information activities’ experience;

-    the establishment of vocational and information orientation, information activities and professional and informational self-determination as the basis of values and emotional attitude to information, the principles of firm internal motivation for active information activity in the professional and personal spheres and continuous self-improvement and self-education in this area;

-    formation of individual qualities and abilities that contribute to professional sustainability and psychological readiness to develop information culture;

-    familiarize future teachers with the content of structural and functional information culture, mechanisms and results of its diagnosis.

We considered the realization of these goals as a logical basis for the definition of principles, methods, conditions and factors of the future history teachers’ information culture, and as a theoretical and meaningful basis for implementation of goal-setting as one of the leading educational conditions.

Figure 1
Pedagogical model of the future history teachers’ information culture formation

We take into account the opinion N.Hendina, N.Kolkova, Y.Skipor, T.Starodubova (Krylova, 1996, pp. 32-48) and believe that the major principles of the pedagogical model of the future history teachers’ information culture are:

1. The principle of cultural approach, implementation of which is based on the understanding of the interrelations of "information" and "culture" category, on account of informational, general and professional culture. From the standpoint of this approach modeling of the learning process can be considered as cultural edifying action that allows to orient it on the formation of ideological personality basis, value and motivational sphere of future history teacher, humanize and humanitarize educational information, actively engage sociocultural environment in the process of information culture’s formation.

2. The principle of the system approach ensures the integrity of information culture phenomenon perception, overcome methodological isolation and diversity of the content’s interpretation of structural components and their contents (professional competence, IT competence, Internet literacy, etc).

3. The principle of integrationi allows to technologically build a model of information culture of the future history teachers, to overcome limitations in the study of individual courses and disciplines, to optimize the process of professional training by introducing new special courses.

4. The principle of activity approach involves student’s participation in certain activities, in consequence of which he must form a meaningful and functional components of the information culture.

5. The principle of technological approach leads to consideration of the educational model of the future history teachers’ information culture as a kind of certain educational technology (the set of technologies) that includes goals, objectives, methodical apparatus, set procedure for action and clear results.

6. The principle of continuity foresees the use of all levels of lifelong education in the formation of the future history teachers’ information culture: pre-school and secondary (elementary and basic level of information culture), all educational levels of higher pedagogical education, formation of attitudes and orientation to continuous education and self-education.

These principles should be implemented through a system of traditional and special methods of professional education. Among the latter we should highlight:

-   information method that involves the organization of professional and pedagogical education of future teachers on the basis of the information databases’ use, electronic libraries and hypertext;

-   method of computer modeling, aimed to develop information competence and cognitive activity of students on the basis of mathematical and linguistic models;

-   method of automated learning and knowledge control through the use of automated and computer training systems (testing and multimedia, etc);

-   playing methods based on computer business games of historical character, on expert systems etc;

-   electronic cataloging methods based on the use of IT for the processing, cataloging and referencing academic, scientific literature and historical primary sources;

-   e-learning techniques aimed at engaging students in discussions and virtual educational programs through the Internet.

Implementing educational model of information culture of the future history teachers largely depends on the availability of leading conditions and factors supporting this process.

We consider factor as a condition, the driving force, the cause of a phenomenon, object. Traditionally, there are two groups of factors: external — natural and social, domestic — purely psychological, those at the heart of the inner world of man.

In our opinion, the following factors have the greatest influence on the formation of the future history teachers’ information culture:

1. the socio-cultural environment of HEI and professional and youth subcultures saturated with values, norms and traditions of information culture;

2. the status of technical support of the educational process (computer database, freedom of Internet access, etc);

3. the level of professional training of teaching staff who are involved in the process of professional training of future teachers (their willingness and orientation to the formation of information culture, the use of IT in teaching practice, etc);

4. appropriateness of professional, psychological and pedagogical and general courses’ contents and programs for pedagogical practice to aims and objectives of formation of the future history teachers’ information culture;

5. degree of organization of educational and social work in HEI (the possibility of its modeling according to the study’s objectives);

6. the development of individual psychophysiological qualities and abilities: memory, attention, analysis’ skills, synthesis, note-taking, summarizing, working with printed texts, etc., which are the basis of psychological readiness for vocational and information activity and are formed in secondary school and also, vocational guidance.

We consider pedagogical condition as the circumstance of the learning process, which is the result of purposeful selection, design and use of elements of content, methods, and organizational forms of learning to achieve certain didactic purposes.

Investigation of the nature and content of information culture, features of professional training and activities of history teachers made it possible to offer the following conditions for effective development of this formation:

-   enrichment of educational courses with topics related to features of modern information society, information sources and ways of working with it, using information and communication technologies in professional activity, etc;

-   development and implementation of the selective course "Fundamentals of information culture" (that promotes information competence formation of future teachers) for future history teachers;

-   the creation of the socio-cultural environment of the university, which meets the needs of the information society, the current state of science and technology, global education standards;

-   use of opportunities of modern information and communication technologies for professional training and self-education of future history teachers; creating professional-oriented information environment. Learning content management system Moodle and hypertext environment WikiWiki meet the conditions. Thus, the Moodle system allows you to organize all phases of students’ learning, including monitoring and evaluation of training activities. Teachers are able to widely use Moodle to provide independent work of students, conducting forums and chats. WikiWiki’s environment is different in such a way that all pages are editable, it has the possibility to create new pages, leave comments. This allows future history teachers get real experience in the information environment, to create their own information products.

-   implementation of pedagogical goal-setting process of formation of the future history teachers’ information culture. We see goal-setting as the process of setting goals and objectives both for yourself or for others. The result of this process is the definition of goal – the result of the subject’s further activity. In this case, the purpose is the development of the future history teacher’ information culture.

-   use of the potential of educational, scientific and research, practical (pedagogical practice) activities to form a correct, socially useful behavior and activity of future teachers in the information environment;

-   organization of communication of future history teachers in the information environment based on information ethics, information culture’s values;

-   organization of appropriate training of teachers working with students, who should be able to ensure the process of formation of the future history teachers’ information culture, to create and improve didactic information product, to be an example for students, the carrier of professional media and information values.

Conducted theoretical and practical studies allowed us to identify the following features of information culture of the future history teachers:

-   ideological and converting, that promotes the formation of the worldview in the future teacher, a new way of thinking, defines vocational and information orientation, the activity of the individual;

-   didactic, aimed at acquiring the system of professionally important knowledge, abilities, skills, competencies, activity experience, that form the content of information competence, perfect mastery of information and communication technologies, including modern information technology of teaching history, social sciences, by future history teachers;

-   developing, that stipulates the development of professional and pedagogical thinking, reflection, professionally important qualities and abilities related to perception, comprehension and translation of professionally useful information;

-   motivational, that determines the perception and interiorization of professional values and information culture’s norms of future history teachers and forming valuable orientations, ideals and persistent internal grounds in the sphere of vocational and information activity, establishment of information activity of the individual, on this basis;

- educational, aimed at forming a complex of philosophical world view, system of professionally important moral and ethical values that determine the adequate behavior of future history teachers in the information field (responsibility, adherence to ethical standards in work with information, intellectual property rights, rules of information security, etc.), professional and informational self-determination and focus on self-improvement of information culture;

- communicative, that directs the development of professionally important qualities, knowledge and skills for the organization of interactive communication in the information field, with the help of IT tools, formation of the future history teachers’ communicative activity;

- adaptive function that determines the orientation and willingness of the future history teachers to adapt professionally in a dynamic information environment, and socialization peculiarities in the professional subculture.

The analysis of the content and functions of information culture of the future history teachers allows to determine such basic criteria for development of this formation: information and professional competence; information and content competence; IT competence; information and activity competence; professional and informative direction; information activity; professional and informative self-determination; psychological readiness; professional and informative sustainability.

Observation method of expert assessment, interview, survey, testing can be used among the methods for determining the level of the future history teachers’ information culture.

Further research prospects we see in the development of diagnostic techniques of information culture’s formation of the future history teachers and experimental verification of the proposed model’s effectiveness.

The results of the self-assessment of information culture’s formation among young history teachers also showed an average level of information culture’s formation in the majority (60-65%) of young educators. The generalization of data obtained from different sources and through various methods allowed to generalize the levels of information culture’s formation among young teachers (as a percentage of the total number): the optimal level (4,5-5,0) - 10%; sufficient level (3.6 - 4.5) - 23%; average level (2.6 - 3.5) - 52%; initial level (1.6 - 2.5) - 15%; elementary level (1 - 1,5) - 0%.

The analysis of the state of information culture’s formation in the future teachers at the beginning of the process of professional education has shown that the average level was inherent to 4% of future teachers, the initial to 51%, elementary to 45%. The results of the study made it possible to determine that the existing system of vocational training does not meet the requirements for the information culture’s formation of the future history teachers, needs to be substantially improved by the method of pedagogical modeling, the level of information culture of students who are only starting vocational training also does not meet the desired requirements for readiness for information activities at universities.

According to the results of the diagnosis of the information culture’s formation and readiness for its development in the first-year students, were formed the experimental group (EG) (h = 52) and the control group (KG-1) (h = 50). They included students of one faculty who had approximately the same level of information culture’s formation at the beginning of the experiment and the same learning conditions.

A pedagogical model for information culture’s formation of the future history teachers is realized in the experimental group. The purpose of the forming stage of the experiment is determined: qualitative optimization of the educational, self-education and socio-cultural activities of the future history teachers in the process of integrated implementation of the historical faculty of the totality of pedagogical conditions for the information culture’s formation in the educational process.

Information culture’s formation was considered as an integral part of the professionalism and professional culture’s formation of future history teachers. This led to the implementation of such a system of activities in the educational process of the pedagogical university (according to the defined pedagogical conditions):

-   methodical and organizational work with teachers of professional and psychological and pedagogical disciplines, as well as teachers of informatics and computer technology and UTE;

-   creation and implementation of methodical conditions for optimizing the teaching of professional and professional-oriented courses;

-   development and teaching of a special course "Fundamentals of information culture of future history teachers";

-   informatization of socio-cultural environment in higher educational institutions;

-   intensification of the use of ICT in the professional training and self-education of future history teachers;

-   implementation of the pedagogical goal-setting process of the professional formation of future history teachers in the context of the information culture’s formation in them;

-   optimization and direction of educational, research and pedagogical practice for the formation of samples of informational behavior and activities of future teachers;

-   activization of informational communication of students in the socio-cultural environment on the basis of the values of the future history teachers’ information culture.

The implementation of the components of the pedagogical model for the informational culture’s formation of the future history teachers in the EG was carried out in stages, accompanied by the development of proper teaching and methodological support, using elements of pedagogical support and incentive systems. In the KG-1, the educational process was organized properly on the basis of existing normative documents.

Taking into account the results of current progress in professional and psychological and pedagogical disciplines, the results of state examinations, the ranking of the main indicators (criteria) of information culture, questionnaires of open and closed type, self-assessment and expert assessments of the formation levels of the studied formation and psychological testing allowed to make a generalization regarding the separation of students according to levels of information culture’s formation: in EG (optimal - 24%, sufficient - 45%, average - 29%, initial and elementary - none) in KG-1 (optimal - 13%, sufficient - 25%, average - 55% initial - 7%, elementary - none).

The use of methods of mathematical statistics and methods of correlation of experimental data showed a high degree of objectivity of the data obtained.

Thus, since the level of information culture’s formation in the representatives of the EG significantly exceeded both the pre-experimental level and similar indicators in KG-1 and KG-2, research and experimental work was positive and showed the effectiveness of the pedagogical model in the information culture’s formation of the future history teachers involved in the experimental group.

4. Conclusions

Thus, the pedagogical model of information culture’s formation of the future history teachers should meaningfully combine educational and socio-cultural aspects of their professional development; include the following components in organizational and structural terms: a set of common goals and objectives for the implementation along the lines of functional areas; principles of educational and socio-cultural environment modeling; methods for implementing pedagogical model; system of leading pedagogical conditions that improve the process of information culture’s formation of the future history teachers; set of tools and factors that enable the implementation of the model; criteria and levels of formation’s development evaluation; clearly defined the end result of model’s implementation.

As a result of solving the article’s problems we have substantiated the pedagogical model of information culture of the future history teachers formation that combines educational content and socio-cultural aspects of their professional development. We believe that the complex implementation of this pedagogical model and mentioned conditions will contribute to solving the problem of future teachers’ information culture formation.

Results of the study can be used in the educational process and training of future teachers and in the scientific and methodical work on the problems of professional pedagogical education.

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1. Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences. Department of Pedagogy and Education Management. The Kirovohrad Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical Universit. Ukraine. E-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 05) Year 2018


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