ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 60) Year 2017. Page 14

The influence of violence in physical education classes in Rio de Janeiro favelas

La influencia de la violencia en las clases de educación física en favelas de Río de Janeiro

Carlos Eduardo FERRARI 1; Carlos Alberto Figueiredo da SILVA 2; Roberto Ferreira dos SANTOS 3; Jorge França MOTTA 4; Alfredo Gomes de FARIA JUNIOR 5

Recibido: 24/08/2017 • Aprobado: 12/09/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The general goal of the study was to investigate de influence of violence in the teaching learning process at the school physical education classes having as locus one of the schools that takes part of the Municipal System of Education in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The research has a qualitative nature, with the contribution of garfinkelian ethnomethodology. The data emphasize that the pacification influence – under the violence and education prism – is more symbolic than concrete.
Keywords: Physical education, school, drugs.


El objetivo general del estudio fue investigar la influencia de la violencia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en las clases de educación física de la escuela, teniendo como locus, una de las escuelas que se lleva parte del Sistema Municipal de Educación de Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Este es un caso de estudio, con un sesgo exploratorio. La investigación es de carácter cualitativo, con la contribución de la etnometodología garfinkeliana. Los datos ponen de relieve que la influencia de pacificación - bajo la violencia y la educación prisma - es más simbólica que el concreto.
Palabras clave: Educación física, escuela, drogas.

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1. Introduction

One of the most important cities of Brazil is Rio de Janeiro. Three facts deeply marked the society from Rio de Janeiro in the end of the 20th century: The Acari Massacre occurred in 1990, The Candelaria Massacre, 1993 and the Vigario Massacre also in 1993. On these events the military police were involved in disastrous actions; innocent families were victimized, many children were dead. It is important to highlight that these police actions were so grave that the newspaper at that time reported the events with great emphasis.

The violence is an issue that has been dragging on in Brazil for a long time. On the field of Physical Education, it has been living together with situation sometimes unusual. An example occurs when children go to an Olympic Village located in a slum, but they are from areas that belong to rival factions of the organized crime. The physical education teachers have to act in a way to create a space of pacific cohabitation, suffering a huge social pressure.

The researchers involved on this study of violence looked closely at the facts and tried carefully to explain it in details. Some of these researches are shown following.

Neither soldiers nor innocents: young people and drug traffic on the city of Rio de Janeiro is one of the works made by Moreira (2000) that took us to reflect about the importance of the research on the public security area. The book ‘A century of slum’ from Zaluar and Alvito (2004) appears in a scene of social research in order to demystify the theme, that is, it is a book that tried to give visibility to social political action at that time, the eugenic violence from ones to others, mainly, the public relations that occurred between the being of asphalt and the slum in this specific city, Rio de Janeiro.

Minayo and Souza (2008) with the book ‘Mission prevent and protect. Life, work and health conditions of military polices from Rio de Janeiro’ showed the difficulties, the needs, anyway, the life of public security agents from the capital of Rio de Janeiro. ‘School-Slum and Slum-School: this boy does not have correction!’ by Silva (2010) is other research that in some way evidences the complexity of the bond society-school-violence. More recently, Pereira (2012) defended the dissertation entitled ‘Security for whom? The media discourse about the Pacifier Police Units’ with the purpose to comprehend how neoliberal capitalism and its dimension influence the everyday.

How are we dealing with this phenomenon and what are the consequences for the society in terms of public politics? This is a question that we took as a start point to reflect at this study. Based on these considerations we decided to describe and reflect about the tension between the violence and the teaching learning process, having as mainspring the school physical education classes. However, it should not forget to mention that one of the primordial and crucial factors to the realization of this research was the trend to diminish the sensation of insecurity given by the pacification of some slums from the city of Rio de Janeiro that in consequence generated more accessibility to schools located in specific regions (IBPS, 2010). This study tried to verify what the influence of violence are in the teaching learning process and also to describe among the teachers from schools located on these areas where exist Pacifier Police Units (PPU), what meaning do they attribute to the word violence.

Minayo and Souza (1997) declared that defining or conceptualizing violence is one of the classical problems of society, because of its total pluricausality among the infinity interpretations. On this context, we can realize that, independently of the interpretation or consensus, the violence and its entire dimension could be one of the mishaps of the teaching learning process. According to Gadotti (2000), the education, together with awareness, can free men and women of oppression and, with this; they can go from simple accessories to distinguished producers of their own histories.

Thinking about this process previous and after pacification, we decided to verify what were and what are the influences that the intervention forces of the State promoted and/or, still promote, on the relationship teacher-student and about the teaching learning process, before and after the installation of the Pacifier Police Units.

The general goal of the study was to investigate de influence of violence in the teaching learning process at the school physical education classes, having as locus, one of the schools that takes part of the Municipal System of Education in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The research consists of the opinion from the Ethic in Research and the Technical Team responsible for the evaluation of the E/SUBE/CED/CT, where the agency decided that it would be more prudent the preservation of the identity of the participants and of the proper school institution (Process number 07/0001.576/2013).

As follow-up of this general goal, it was aligned the following specific objectives: (a) to verify the perception of these teachers about the influence of violence at the school routine (b) to analyze the influence of pacification under the violence and education prism (c) to reflect from the narrative of the teachers and principals the incidence of armed violence (d) to describe the reframes that are being constructed at the school researched.

This study is justified by the opportunity of research areas that were segregated/excluded before. The study occurs in a moment that it is given the opportunity and it is stimulated the research about cultures, ethnicities and micro societies that were not viable before because of the oppression or sensation of insecurity that made not possible this exploratory studies. Besides, because of the contemporaneity of the theme, such results could contribute in a significant way with the actual and future physical education teachers, social entrepreneur linked to the third sector and to the government.

2. Methodology

This study used qualitative technics. According the understanding of Flick (2004), the studies that use this approach are the ones that need more proximity, flexibility and interaction; on the other hand, one of the great contributions of this kind of treatment to the scientific field was the interpretation of subjective questions.

This research presents an exploratory bias, having in mind the pretension to investigate the influence of violence in the teaching learning process between the context before and after pacification of the studied communities. With the aim of elucidate the problem and the objectives pre-established, this study realized an in loco investigation, that besides align the research to the pattern of an exploratory study, also established a direct or more reliable connection to the qualitative concepts that took part of the structural delineation of the research.

The school institution belongs to the west region of the Rio de Janeiro city and it was adequate to the parameters needed for the study, that is, it is a body of grade school that is insert to the Program of the PPUs since 2009.

The data collection was realized with three teachers that teach school physical education classes to students from grade school. One of them took part of the space-time before and after the pacification process of the community. The other two were from the time after the pacification. Besides, it was also interviewed two principals of the researched school.

The study was realized between April and October of 2013, being as a base the active school calendar and the dates pre-established by the Municipal Secretary of Education – MSE. Following the etic criteria recommended by Thomas, Nelson and Silverman (2012), the researchers talked initially with the teachers and principals considered adequate to the profile stipulated, explaining them that we were realizing a research with the aim to investigate what are the influence of violence on the teaching learning process on school physical education classes.

The study used the semi-structured interview directed to the school physical education teachers that took part and still take part of this process before and after pacification. At last it was interviewed the principals that took part of the time post pacification.

3. Results

On this part, we present excerpts of the lines of the three teachers and the two principal interviewed. As long as the narratives are being presented, some considerations are performed.

Researched 1. When asked about how was to be a teacher in a community not pacified, the researched 1 looked uncomfortable. It also happened when we asked any question that had the words: pacification, no pacification, drug dealing or armed violence. On his words:

[...] to be a teacher under these circumstances were an endless insecurity… If there will have the class, if there will not have the class, if will happen a shooting. There are students that have crisis, cry. There are students that think it is great to go around shooting here and there, I mean, it is a lot of thing… That was it… You come in a place, at the community, and you come in so tense because you do not know how is the community. If there was shooting, if there was not, if everything is calm (Researched 1).

In the light of Bauman (2007) and based on the concept of “symbolic efficacy” of Bourdieu (2012) we concluded that this period had been marked by fear. According Bauman (2007) the fear can be considered one of the great harms of contemporaneity because, in agreement with the sociologist, the fear is independent of what is explicit, it is independent of the concrete, that is, the fear is liquid.

Continuing with our line of thought we decided to contradict the data asking to the researched 01 how was to be a teacher nowadays, that is, in a time of pacified community. On this sense, the researched declared that “to be a teacher is already difficult in any place” (Researched 01). Going on at his explanation about the respect of being a teacher in the middle of this process of pacification, the researched ask and answer himself as he was in a monologue:

It is easier? Yes! Because there is no shooting, but education comes from home! We asked researched 01 to explain us why he said it is easier with the PPU – [supplementary question mark]. Because there is no shooting. There is not much… The violence here is different… The violence sometimes is a word! Do you understand? The shooting there is not that stigma that the Red Command is going to invade here. There is no such a thing anymore, this war, all right? It became easier because for me it is peaceful to come here. Do you understand? Today I know I can get here, stay calm, teach classes, and go home. I will not stay here locked until eight in the evening because of the shooting. I prefer that way! What I am talking about education is that if there is no studying on the family, the structure of the family… I have had many students from structured family that were very good in the middle of a community that had shooting all the time (Researched 1, our emphasis).

With this, it comes out one of the dimensions of violence that most worry us about: besides the explicit, symbolic and multifactorial, the violence would shimmer the non-transparence. What in fact we want to punctuate is that after the pacification of the community some direct and indirect researchers started to see other problems. This way, it is not strange that Pinheiro and Almeida (2003) had employed on their work the subterfuge of blindness to explain the distinction between the violence and non-violence, meanwhile, in other slope we tried to tell that this phenomenon indeed could cover perception of a minor offensive power.

In face of what was exposed, it was interesting to analyze some more concrete questions, therefore, in consonance to the unfolding of this research we decided to order the question hereinafter.

Interviewed: In a scale from zero to ten, which grade would you give to the influence of ‘armed violence’ on your development as a teacher before and after pacification?

Before pacification, I would give four. It influences very much, but it is not such that huge because of what I told you before, I had never let myself influenced. I could block it… Do you understand? Want to know… I will relax… But never surrender myself, I never let myself influenced. This grade, four, was because when started the shooting I could not go to the court. At that time I taught classes in a small place, the classrooms were very small, a preschool toy library and child has the need of space. (Researched 01).

Interviewed: In a scale from zero to ten, what is the sensation of insecurity that you used to feel in a not pacified community?

On the route from the entrance of the slum to the door of the school where the gates where closed and we stayed inside, the grade is around eight because we had never known what could happen. It could have a shooting anytime. There was not a calm day. Then, when you come to school and the gates were locked, then you are safe. Here no one comes in. You come in praying (Researched 01).

Because the answers of the researched 01 evince a lot of the outside school, we decided to remake the question in a way he would tell us the level of insecurity inside the school before PPUs – [supplementary question mark].

You can put a six on this scale. It was not a huge thing going on. I was afraid, but I knew that they would not come in. I had this calm because I knew they would not come in and shoot inside, intimidate us (Researched 1).

Interviewed: In a scale from zero to ten, which grade would you give to the influence of armed violence in your development as a teacher after pacification?

Grade one. I come here on Tuesdays with a great pleasure to give classes. I come out here fulfilled. Today I can give classes and they can assimilate the classes. This grade one is because there is not a hundred percent of total happiness (Researched 01).

Interviewed: In a scale from zero to ten, what is the sensation of insecurity that you feel having classes in a pacified community?

Grade one too, but it is still not perfect. However, it is obvious that it is a lot calmer. It is much calmer but it is not a hundred percent calm because we still have some drug dealers left around there. Today is a domesticated violence (Researched 01).

Researched 2. In attempt of make the perception that we had between being a teacher in a time marked by the strong presence of drug traffic and nowadays better explicit, we decided to ask the researched 2 asking him what passed through his mind when  he was designated to be a teacher of a school inside the slum. Under this prism, he informed us that:

Initially there was a great worry in order to be in a community. A community is very difficult. It was very difficult for me to adapt to this reality, but as days went by, I realized that with caring, love, attention you can get everything from the kids, but initially it was real hard (Researched 2).

We decided to ask to the researched 2 what the primary difficulties that he says above were [supplementary question mark].

I had much difficulty to adapt to this reality, because I never lived with this reality. I had never given classes in community. However, to come here was a good thing, because I am living other experience and learned to deal with this (Researched 2).

In face of this scenario, we verified that often the misunderstanding between teacher and students come up from this difficulty, that is, the lack of previous oral culture would be providing this misfit. Paraphrasing Backhtin (2006) we could say that one of the key question emerges from the ideological incompatibility.

The data barge into the knowing that explicit violence – pre PPUs – could have obfuscated the school everyday, the relation teacher-student and, above all, the process teaching learning. In our opinion, the symbolism after PPUs has inaugurated a new phase on the social imaginary of actors (on this case we are referring to all the people involved directly and indirectly to the process). This period could be characterized by the word visibility. These questions are more concluding in the light of the researched 02, because according to him:

The number of students by class is very high. I understand that if we work with less students, we will not attend to the demand, but if the government opens more schools and the number of students were smaller, the quality of teaching would be better.

Based on these considerations, we decided to ask researched 2 if the high number of students could have been influencing or providing misunderstanding inside the researched School Unity – [supplementary question mark]. Yes, it does influence (Researched 2).

Researched 3. According to Whyte (2005) it is only able to understand the event when we come inside the everyday, because according to the author of ‘Street corner Society’, one of the classical works of social research, the everyday is revealing, actual and not degenerated by specialized images. This quotation barges into the lines of the researched 3, because in one of his reflection he declares that:

Even with all these difficulties, I like to work here. The kids are wonderful. It is a very good community. I think that the most violent part here are not inside the school... It is outside the school! And this is changing little by little, right? And what a great human beings… I believe that some years ahead, they will get to live like everybody else lives: with freedom, respect, with education e that is it. So, I do not want to leave here. This is the place that I enjoy working and I believe a lot in the power that the teacher has giving a new course to the life of these students (Researched 3).

We came across the following line: “I do not go a lot to the teacher’s room. I do not want to contaminate myself” (Researched 3).

This metaphor applied by the researched 3 demonstrates more than a different worldview, more than a double look over the exposed, at least, more than incompatibilities. So, about these questions, we were taken to ask what would be more viable: to blame human structures or to barge into the extra human disorder? Before we bend over to other questions, it is needed to explicit the perception of the researched 3 about the sensation of insecurity after PPUs and, mainly, the influence of it to his professional performance. We will see it following:

Interviewed: In a scale from zero to ten, what is the sensation of insecurity that you feel having classes in a pacified community?

Zero! I feel very secure, very calm; I had never had a problem or fact that could make me rethink this question. I continue feeling very secure, very calm, so the grade is zero (Researched 3, our emphasis).

Interviewed: In a scale from zero to ten, which grade would you give to the influence of armed violence in your development as a teacher after pacification?

Zero! Grade zero! As I told you before. I do not have problems with violence here, so, the violence here does not interfere on the development of classes in any way (Researched 3, our emphasis).


Researched 4. It is important, on this undefined debate, to punctuate that the researched school principal named the researched 4 on the year of 2010 during the community pacifying process. Toward that and based on the lines presented here, we concluded that his designation would emerge from the bad results of the before management, above all, when it comes to the Development Index of Basic Education (Ideb) and its dimension. From this, it comes two questions that deserve reflections nowadays: Is the government worried about the teaching process of the student? Or is the real aim of it the legitimation of the pacifying problem through the index improvement? These questions are even more important as we visualize the following notes.

Grades and attendance rises at schools around pacifying areas. PPU contributes to a new reality in education at Rio de Janeiro. Free from criminal factions violence students get a better school development (GRADES AND ATTANDANCE RISES…, 2012, p. 2 – cover).

Ideb: grades from school around pacifying areas were the ones that rose the most. Survey shows that the 24 schools that offer from 1st to 5th level from grade school on these areas had the rise average around 11,8 % on the grades between 2009 and 2011 (IDEB: GRADES FROM SCHOOLS…, 2013, p. 1 – cover).

Nevertheless, the headline illustrates that “school in slum with traffic in Rio is the third better of Brazil according Ideb. […] With all-day school classes, school reinforcement and parents participation, principal borne inside the community elevates the school development at the violent Pedreira Hill” (SCHOOL IN SLUM…, 2012, p.1 – cover). From this viewpoint, would be subordinate to the pacification teaching and learning or how well points Freire (1987) in the "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" process (?) – one of his most important works – "that the propaganda, dirigisme, handling, horn weapons of domination cannot be instruments for this reconstruction "(p. 31). Paraphrasing Sennett (2011), we conjecture how the system and its reengineering employ truths in favor of lies. Or would they be strategies truths?

Here it is worth to point out that we are not advocating for or against governments, institutions and the like. However, two key points are revealed at this point, especially when the topic addressed is the system and his - alleged - reengineering. Firstly, we must take into account that the system is something devised by humans, run by humans, finally, is a human structure. Secondly, it should reflect and wonder why certain initiatives - this structure - only occur at certain times. For this, we decided highlight some lines of the researched teacher 4 in the following lines.

According to the researched teacher 4, the exonerated principal from the management 2006/2009 - pre-pacification - was undermined because:

[...] The system at that moment; the system. The school was completely abandoned. Not only for her; the school was completely abandoned. While Mayor, education-coordinating body, that is, how can a person prioritize or focus if she is unable to do so? So, we have to talk a little clearer. It did not depend only on her, the principal. The 'man' already has a huge problem, 'swimming against the tide' and does not have the support. It is very complicated [...] (Researched 4, our emphasis).

Continuing in his line of reasoning, the researched teacher 4 stated that as soon as he took over as principal of the SU:

[...] There was not a door attendant, there was not an agent educator, there was not an element secretary, there was not an intern; It was just me and my vice-principal. So, we took a break for the system implementing these functions that are necessary for the progress of any institution. So, then, the government has to realize what he intends to do. So, it is no use calling me to be the director of a school thinking I'll give knack. I will not give way '. If you say you are entitled to have concierge, door attendant must have. I do not know where they will take. If they will hire, is not my problem. The problem is that it was established that they have to have agent educator, intercom, secretaries [...] (Researched 4).

For the researched teacher 4,

[...] the great problem is not getting sick before leaving the system. The clarity of the professional consists in not get sick, not leave to be discouraging. Anyway, keep the ethics, principles, ideals [...] (Researched 4).

Let us make here a warning: at this point, we can already confirm that the system and its excesses influencing teacher-student relationship, the day-to-day school and, as a result, the teaching-learning process. However, be limited to pointing data, indexes and hypotheses of the study would make a quilt with no life, no smell, it is a jumble of disconnected information (GINZBURG, 1989). Therefore, it is necessary an enlarged to clarify some peculiarities about the phenomenon, modalizations the system increases within the EU, finally searched scrutinize how social actors behave in the midst of this reflection process. Based on this, we could not help but show how faculty, students and the community itself differentiate the director and the director. What we really want is to certify that the male figure is further understood and viewed as superior and, by chance, is that this distinction be independent of cultural capital, economic and ideological - to be perpetuated - that would be particularly worrying. We will look at a speech that actually exemplify our reflections:

[...] the old school board was formed by two men... Boys, boys mostly students, like you saw, they did not add much to the front. It was a bigger issue ... They have more respect. When the direction became a woman, I think they now find it harder [...]. After pacification, the current administration, so much as they are disciplinarians, correct ... I do not know if the word is fear, the impression we have is that students were more afraid now than before... The students were more afraid of the directors men, male figure (Researched 3).

We should open, at this point, a parenthesis. As we refer to a distinction be independent of cultural capital, economic and ideological grounded in a speech which relates to student behavior. In our view, the breadth of the phenomenon would appear the instant we envision teachers, residents and students ‘testing’ the power and the authority of the principal. In this context, we must mention that one of the most violent moments [6] witnessed by us (researchers) emerged from the teacher-principal. In light of Bourdieu (2002) and grounded in the concept of "symbolic domination" began to understand for what reasons these distinctions occur. For Bourdieu (2002) male dominance in social objectivity find the perfect frame for this kind of violence, and in this case, the women were separated from men "with a negative symbolic coefficient, such as skin color for blacks, or any other sign of belonging to a stigmatized social group, affects everything they are and do "(p. 55).

Further reinforcing the symbolic logic of distinction, we shall see in another dimension, one of the emblematic about this speech: "I had already rubbed my title in the face of a teacher" (Researched 4). This phrase based one of our observations making us to interpret the principal-teacher relationship is mediated by the practice of the hierarchy, i.e., the hierarchical obedience. Given the above, we are led to understand that the hierarchical linearity - one structured by cultural capital - had been one of the difficulties being encountered by the current administration. What we really want to highlight is that the hierarchical linearity between pairs, or more precisely, between the management and the faculty figure was seen - in equivalence - for us (researchers) as an impediment agent teaching-learning process.

Under this view, we are led to interpret the master title of the researched 4 has been one of the facilitators of his management. In our view, another facilitator agent of the management 2010/2011 came from institutional bond that the researched 4 keeps with a university, this bond would allow him a nonstate arm, an expanded articulation, finally, an educational dynamism. Such arguments become even more representative at the time the director of the current management refers to the researched 4.

One of the facilitators of it appears to be a university professor. With this, some college students begin internships and attend school. it makes it much easier, it is a giant facilitator. Another thing that I think made ​​it easier is that he brought his team already formed. Obviously, this makes it much easier. I am not a college professor; it difficult and very tidy intern, and very difficult in selecting interns. Because he had  a way to check before whether or not the trainee had profile to stage here and I have no way to do this (Researched 4).

I can say that one of the strengths of the previous administration to mine, appears before the improvements that were made in school. The 'guys' changed the face of the school. So just to say that the director has changed the face of the school, you can just imagine what was done in school right? He really has changed this school. Changed a lot the school. In that sense, I can say a priori that was one of my fears, because to replace a director who changed the face of the school, who transformed the school, made ​​me feel challenged. Got it? Because you know it will have comparison (Researched 4).

Given what it has been presented so far, we resort to Silva and Votre (2012) to base our reflections. In light of garfinkelian ethnomethodology Silva and Votre (2012) state that "the actor ceases then to be conceived as acting solely according to a normative system. Such standards are present and the influence; however, he interacts with them interpreting them, adjusting and modifying them "(p. 15). These modalizations can be justified on the dichotomy of the speeches, the heterogeneity of the observations beyond of the multifaceted complexion - ideological - of actors ascertained. Thus, we begin to understand the reasons for which researched 4 lists: the assertiveness of decisions, the cross-cultural menu and the political pedagogical project as the strengths of its management. In our view, the normativity will always exist, however, the problem emerge from semiology misrepresentation of standard word and especially how we (humans) employ it.      


Researched 5. According to the researched 5 one of the great problems of the School Unity emerges from the lack of commitment of some teacher when it comes to the teaching learning process of the students. On this sense, the principal says that, in her opinion, the school for being a municipal unity is very well prepared, but some teachers “insist on the prehistoric classes. Do you know that class where the student stays in front of the board? That one that is gone? That one that nobody stands anymore?” (Researched 5). In terms of implantation of Pacifying Police Unit, the researched 5 let shine through that some teachers anchor themselves on the pacification as one of the strategies to maintain the order. Toward that, it cannot deny that the symbolism of the Pacifying Police Unity is being employed as a coercion instrument that according the testimonial of some direct researched people had been connected to the power of drug traffic before the PPU implantation.

As we could see the researched 5 seems to be diagnosing the problem in a simple way, however, the indices demonstrate that some direct and indirect researched teachers use this method as a way to establish the order. The simple way that we refer comes from the non-perception, or even the non-reflection of the principal about the other spheres about the quality of the teacher class from the SU researched.

About that, Elias (1992) shows that the great problem of maintaining the order in a society would be in difficulty met by us – human beings – in establishing a threshold between pleasure and restriction. On Elias (1992) words the unruly utilization of the restriction would establish in fact great levels of security and stability, but, as it is pointed by the sociologist these feeling could be steeped by dissatisfaction. In other study, Ito (2013) highlight that the teaching institutions should celebrate the disobedience and do not concentrate too much in obedience.

We should, on this point, open a parenthesis and reflect with more property the line of the researched 5, or more specifically, the moment that the principal shows the lack of commitment of some teachers, dificultator agent of the teaching learning process. It comes from this, the need to substantiate this discussions with some headlines that illustrates what would be the demotivate agent of teachers, educator agents and lunch ladies.         

Education in the spotlight. Endless impasse. It is already almost two months of impasse between the City Government and the State Union of Education Professionals (Sepe) that seems endless. […] And, among all of it, the resident of Borel hill, in Tijuca, Elizabeth Cosme, 34 years old, mother of six children, one of them repeated a school level, tries to maintain the hope in education to change the future of her family. The teachers have the right to want to earn more. They only do not have the right to take off the chance of children to learn, to pass to another school level, to have a better how to read or write and am unemployed (Education In The Spotlight…, 2013, p. 10).

Tearchers occupy plenum of the Municipal Council. The Session was suspended. Voting of the plan was postponed to Tuesday. […] It is nonsense to approve this plan, it will end definitely with our career as education server (Teachers Occupy Plenun..., 2013, p. 9).

While this in Brasilia…

TCU cuts salary of Senate servers. Total paid to 464 employees of the House above the limit salary is R$ 300 million Brazilian reais. […] The action achieves servers identified in audit made by TCU in 2009 and that received above the limit salary, currently in R$ 28,059.29, salary of ministers of Federal Supreme Court. The audit identified more than three types of irregularities involving other servers: improper overtime, workday under the eight daily hours and irregular accumulation of positions (Tcu Cuts Salary…, 2013, p. 7)

Donadon: Council now opens process. Deputy-prison already escaped the voting in the House plenum. BRASILIA The Etic Council of the House of Representatives approved yesterday, unanimously, the investigation open because of breach of congressional decorum against the deputy-prison Natan Donadon (non-party GO), that escaped from a voting about the loss of plenum mandate, even being arrested at Papuda presidio (Donadon: Council Now…, 2013, p. 7, our emphasis)

Based on the above, we are taken to conjecture that the demotivation and the non-commitment of some researched teachers are bound to default of the State-nation with the civil society. To answer these questions, a starting point would be to appeal to Elias (1999) and the concept of “interdependence”. On this sense, we listed Elias (1999) aiming to legitimate that the default of the State-nation with the civil society, the demotivation and the non-commitment of some researched teachers and, above all, the teaching learning process would form what the sociologist names as “interdependence web”. Based on this, it cannot deny that most of SU researched problems would emerge of the public malpractice, the impunity sensation, at last, of the neglect of the State-nation in relation to civil society and its servers. About this, Hobbes (1995) declares that a State that does not preserve – that does not pacify the human passions – hardly would be capable to conserve the order in a legitimate way.

4. Conclusions

Based on the obtained data, we concluded that the perception of the teachers about the influence of violence on the school routine it is summed up to a particular experience of the social actors. What we want to punctuate is that the experience pre PPUs – the one in which the territorial domain belonged to the drug dealers – makes these actors visualize the violence over other dimension, differently from those that have not had such experience. The actors that already knew the violence before can, in a more accuracy and refined way analyze the phenomenon in all of its nuances, without exaggeration or permissive evaluations.

The pacification – under the violence and education prism – is more symbolic than concrete. About that, it is specially verified that the triad pacification, violence and education still is being managed, that is, it is an embryonic project on the acceptation of the word; thought it cannot deny the symbolic influence of pacification. Despite the police is present on the community, this is not enough for the creation of a permanent situation of quality during the teaching learning process. On this moment, the actuation of the teachers, as extension of the State on the hole of educator in a wider sense of the word will turn the great transformer of the community in a pacific place with good environment for all of its residents.

The line of the interviewed ones points out to a direction that the incidence of armed violence is endless smaller, but, it cannot be denied that the symbolic efficacy of violence pre-PPUs is still being an influence – even if unconsciously – to the routine of the social actors. If we wanted to sum up we could say that, concretely, the violence occurrences connected to the traffic with shootings among drug dealers or even against the police diminished considerably, but unfortunately on the community there is always a sensation that those days could come back anytime. We can say that it does not feel the arm of the State strongly and definitely interfering. At this moment, we believe that a comparison with the other neighborhoods of the city is important to think about the wonderful city for all, and not only for some as it effectively occurs.

One of the most latent re-significations analyzed by us (researchers) appears at the moment that the teacher hole is not protected anymore by the symbolic efficacy of violence pre-pacification. What we are saying with this is that the violence that worried the teachers before the pacification was the same one that, in an involuntary way, provided them the service of maintainer of the order, that is, the students coerced by the illegitimate violence appeared to be more obedient. In our opinion, the re-signification occurs in the instant that we visualize some direct and indirect researched ones trying to use the symbolism of pacification as a new way of coercion and maintenance of the order.

On the other hand, it is needed to recognize that the observation of other problems are one of the important re-significations when we refer to the teaching learning process and its interfaces. Nowadays it is more common to see direct and indirect researched ones complaining about the quality of the sportive material, about the dimension of the court, at last, of hassles related to the school routine. The point where we want to get now permit us to reflect that the pacification of the community promote to the researched ones a new phase, a more professional perception, a cohabitation less troubled and more real, especially when in relation to the teacher-student relationship and its dimension. In short, we understand that the pacification should not occupy the status of sacrosanct project, but we verified that, it has its merits and opens up new perspectives inside the community and, in consequence, on the scope of the SU analyzed. It remains us to know what these new conceptions are, in view that the project is idealized, managed and substantiated by human beings and not for sacrosanct spectra.

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1. University of Porto, Portugal. Department. Doctorate Program. E-mail:

2. Augusto Motta University Center and University of Salgado de Oliveira. Department of Physical Education. E-mail:

3. University of Salgado de Oliveira. Department of Physical Education. E-mail:

4. University of Salgado de Oliveira. Department of Physical Education. E-mail:

5. University of Salgado de Oliveira. Department of Physical Education. E-mail:

6. On June 24, 2013 was a rough argument between a professor and the director of PE. The episode was so embarrassing that the management decided to request immediately the transfer of the business from the Regional Coordination of Education. Let us make here a warning: PE reappointed professor was one of the professionals who were not solicitous to participate in the survey promptly, we respect his decision and it was not part of the study.

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 60) Año 2017


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