ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 50) Año 2017. Pág. 36

Competence approach in modern humanitarian education

Enfoque de competencia en la educación humanitaria moderna


Recibido: 22/09/2017 • Aprobado: 10/10/2017


1. Introduction

2. The study

3. Findings



In the article it is considered the problem of the competent reproach realization in the education oriented to its result where as a result it is examined not the sum of the double information but the human readiness and ability to act in different professional and non-standard situations. The different views of the notions capacity and competence are analyzed in the article. The components of the professional competence are offered for the discussion.
Palabras clave: competent reproach, the human readiness, non-standard situations


En el artículo se considera el problema de la realización competente de la reprobación en la educación orientada a su resultado donde como resultado se examina no la suma de la información doble pero de la preparación humana y de la capacidad de actuar en diverso profesional y situaciones no estándar. En el artículo se analizan los diferentes puntos de vista de la capacidad y competencia de las nociones. Los componentes de la competencia profesional se ofrecen para la discusión.
Palabras clave: reproche competente, la preparación humana, situaciones no estándar

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1. Introduction

Most post-Soviet countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union have embarked on a path of political and socio-economic modernization, an important place in which is assigned modernization in education, including higher education. This entailed the need to develop new standards of the education system, as a rule, focused on international and European trends in the development of this field. Adoption of new standards pursues the main task - improving the quality of educational services in higher education institutions. Experience shows that the main problem faced by teachers of higher educational institutions of a humanitarian orientation in working with graduates of general education schools is the underdevelopment of their creativity and critical thinking.

In this regard, as one of the ways to solve this problem in recent years, the competence approach in the educational activity of higher education institutions has been updated. A competence approach in education is understood as a method of instruction aimed at mastering students with key competencies that are universal for mastering various types of activities, as well as requiring the ability to use means adequate to the emerging situation.

This approach was reflected in the normative documents of the educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In particular, Order No. 198 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 2.06.2014, which regulates the rules of the organization of the educational process, draws attention to the fact that the effectiveness of learning outcomes is achieved through the observance of an integrated approach, where both the educational programs And curricula, and academic disciplines. At the same time, the results of training should be expressed through competences.

Five main learning outcomes are highlighted: knowledge and understanding, application of knowledge and understanding; Formation of judgments; Communicative abilities; Skills of training or ability to study.

The competency approach has been defined as the key methodological tool for achieving the goals of the Bologna process (Babyn, 2011, p. 31–33; Bologna Process, 2003; Stockholm Conclusions, 2002), methodological principle design level education (Mytyaeva, 2007), a tool for “strengthening social dialogue of high school with the world of work, one of means of its deepening and restoring mutual trust” (Baydenko, 2006, p. 10), combining education and training, leveling them to the needs of the labor market and the mobility of labor (horizontal – rotation between sectors, spatial – territorial, vertical – in career), especially for workers facing unemployment (Van der Klink and Boon, 2002; Delamare Le Deist, 2005), a new conceptual benchmark on the formation of educational content, because it is based on standards of education-oriented education and readiness to continue to learn throughout life, self-development and creative perform professional tasks (Stepko, 2009, p. 43). This concerns to postgraduate pedagogical education in general and teachers in particular the natural sciences. Competence approach gives teachers tools to enhance activity-component and address the discrepancy between means and results of nature study of scholars, and actually, but not declaratively involve subjectivity, the experience of students in compliance with the quality of education components, which should be controlled at various stages of training. The common opinion is found in the writings of Karamushka V.I. (2016), Klymenko M.O. (2016). We have emphasized them in developing the concept of competence of teachers for sustainable development in the system of postgraduate education, choosing such educational forms, methods and tools that enable the addition programmatic educational material components of sustainable development, create, simulate respective situation of the educational process focused on the principles of sustainable development, synthesize knowledge, skills, how to practice, “the experience of doing” (by I. Bekh) on the principles of sustainable development, provide personal development of teachers, focus on the actual tasks of the State standard of base and complete general secondary education (State Standard for complete secondary education), as well as the formation of sustainable development competency of scholar in according to area standards of natural training. Competence approach in education is the subject of research of such Ukrainian scientists as T. Baybara, J. Bech, N. Bibik, I. Drach, S. Kalashnikova, V. Luhovyi, O. Pometun, O. Savchenko, O. Slyusarenko, T. Smagina,

2. The study

Modular training, a modular structure of educational programs are the most important principles of the Bologna Declaration, to which Kazakhstan joined in 2010. The essence of modular training is that the content of training is structured into autonomous organizational and methodological modules, the content and volume of which can vary depending on didactic goals, profile and level differentiation of students.

The interdependence of the competence approach and the modular principle of training is determined by the fact that the module is oriented towards the achievement of the corresponding planned learning result, i.е. Competence. At the same time, modules based on the substantive unity of disciplines can be built on a "horizontal" or "vertical" scheme.

In a "horizontal" module, all disciplines make an approximately equal and relatively independent contribution to the educational outcome; They can be studied in parallel, the sequence of study is not strictly defined.

In the "vertical" module consistently studied disciplines aimed at achieving a certain educational result - from the fundamental and general professional to special, narrow-application. Modular educational programs should be developed in the context of a competence model of training specialists. Speaking generally, the competence is a circle of issues in which a person (a specialist) is well informed, and also has the experience and the ability to learn. Competence, formed by higher and postgraduate education, is divided into competences related to the subject area and universal (general, supra-subject).

Competencies include knowledge and understanding (theoretical knowledge of the academic field, the ability to know and understand), knowledge of how to act (practical and operational application of knowledge and skills to specific situations) and knowledge of how to be (the value aspect as an integral part of life with others in a social context ).

The use of the competence approach, according to a number of scientists, is based on the understanding that the progress of mankind depends not so much on economic growth as on the level of personal development that implies a transition from the classical concept of "human resources" to the concept of "human competence". The competence approach focuses attention on the result of education, and the result is not the amount of acquired information, but the ability to act in various problem situations. In the context of the implementation of the competence approach, it is important to come to the understanding that the basis of professionalism and high mobility of students is fundamental scientific knowledge combined with the orientation of education to practice.

The most important task of the modern university is the formation of an integral system of universal knowledge, skills and skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students. These are the key competences that determine the current quality of the content of education.

If we talk about professional competence, it expresses the level of the formation of key professional competencies (universal methods of professional activity) and a set of special competencies (specified by the specifics of the object of specific professional activity). In the work of Т.М. Churekova makes a detailed analysis of the elements of professional competence as a qualitative characteristic of the degree of mastery of personality by their professional activities.

Professional competence, according to TM. Churekova, should include cognitive, socio-communicative, informational, research and social-personal components.

Cognitive competence is determined by fundamental knowledge, the individual degree of differentiation of consciousness, the peculiarities of the development of cognitive processes, which predetermines the solution of professional problems.

Socio-communicative competence is expressed in tolerance, the success of the person's entry into the professional community, the recognition of the value of a certain corporate culture, its psychological compatibility as the ability to adapt to different characters and the social and professional environment, while reflecting the individual's potential for realization:

- cooperation, ability to work in a team, team;
- Ability to establish vertical and horizontal contacts, resolve conflicts;
- readiness for mutual assistance, mutual responsibility, mutual control in solving professionally significant goals, etc.

Information competence is measured by the level of development of information and technological culture, which includes the level of knowledge of information technologies, characterized by information, technological and cultural components. The information component is a system of knowledge that corresponds to the modern level of information technology development and ensures the implementation of information activities aimed at meeting educational and professional needs. Technological component - the possession of information technology, allowing to carry out information activities, creatively combining and updating existing technologies in accordance with the requirements of the time. The cultural component includes understanding and awareness of one's own information needs, motivation for the implementation of information activities.

Research competence is expressed in the fact that a specialist, constantly solving a lot of professional tasks, acts as a researcher and builds his activity on the basis of a research search. In the modern world, research activity is viewed not as a narrowly specialized activity, but as an integral characteristic of the individual, which is part of the structure of ideas about professionalism in any field of activity, as a lifestyle of modern man. Research activity as a systemic formation is a unity and integration of value bases, personal meanings and ways of organizing professional activity; In modern science and pedagogical practice acts as the leading direction of updating the goals, content and structure of higher professional education. The educational process in the university should be as close as possible to the research activities implemented in the lecture-study lecture forms, research seminars, trainings, Internet sessions and extracurricular forms of research carried out within the framework of course and diploma work.

Socially-personal competence manifests itself in self-management, social identity and authenticity, personal responsibility. Self-management determines such individual characteristics as ability and readiness:
- self-management and others, adequate communication in various situations, taking into account appropriate cultural patterns of communication and interaction;
- critically analyze their own professional activities and the work of others;
- independent statement of problems, search of ways of the decision and acceptance of the personal responsibility for their realization;
- to initiation, construction, maintenance and management of all kinds and forms of external and internal activity.

Social identity lies in the knowledge of the individual about his belonging to a particular social group, along with its value-semantic and emotional manifestations. Authenticity is conformity to itself, its idea, its sense of professional-personal self-determination, self-realization in the sphere of professional work. In this case, the personality not only identifies itself with the surrounding social and professional culture, but also takes into account itself as an equally significant and valuable reality in it [2, p. 61-63].

3. Findings

The professional competence of a young specialist as a basic characteristic of his personality shapes his readiness for professional activity, which simultaneously serves the purpose and result of a professional and personal development of a specialist and represents a level of education reflected in the manifestation of his professionalism. And the competence approach becomes the determining factor of professional education at the levels of theoretical representation, technology of activity and personality structure.

Such a turn in the approach to the system of modern higher education, the transition to new educational standards, built with a competence approach, new trends in the education system lead to an understanding of the need to update technologies and teaching methods.

The traditional, so-called knowledge-centric approach to teaching methods in higher education institutions, involves transferring the accumulated knowledge to the students, the formation of skills and skills, while the leading role in the learning process is assigned to the teacher. This forms a "subject-object" relationship in the "teacher-learner" system. That is, the learner becomes an active participant in the educational process, he independently identifies the problems that need to be resolved, and also searches for means and ways to solve these problems. In addition, a personality-oriented approach is of particular importance here, in which conditions for the disclosure of individual abilities are created in the learning process of the learner. Of course, the modern, competence-based approach does not at all deny the value of knowledge as such, but it leads to a change in the role of knowledge, as the boundaries of the application of knowledge, skills and skills are greatly expanded. As M.V. Dubov, any type of project activity (most of all, research and practice-oriented projects) have the greatest opportunities for implementing the solution of the tasks of the competence approach; Excursions, all methods and techniques of problem training; Practically search and research work, having a life context, a method of situational analysis (case method); Discussions, debates, debates, etc. These methods presuppose the active use of the pair, group and collective forms of the organization of students in the classroom and after-hour activities. [1, p. 60]. For example, the debate that takes place in the British or American parliamentary format allows you to consider current public issues from various points of view, which allows you to develop critical thinking. In the implementation of this approach, an important role is assigned to the independent work of students (SROs), including under the guidance of a teacher (SROP).

In connection with the introduction of new approaches in the education system, active and interactive forms of classroom instruction are brought to the forefront in the technology of education.

Among the rather familiar forms of learning, we can highlight discussions, discussions, business games, brainstorming. Less common for teachers and students, and therefore used much less often, such forms as a briefing, organizational activity games, lectures with pre-planned mistakes, trainings, master classes. In recent years, the case study method that has long established itself in the West as a method of active research and creative activity of students in developing a practical problem has become very popular. In the educational process, it is necessary to introduce other technologies that have proven themselves in the world practice for a long time already: development of critical thinking through reading and writing (RWCT), cooperative learning, technology of multilevel training, project methods and portfolio methods.

As the Kazakh experience and experience of Russian colleagues show, active and interactive forms of employment are equally suitable for the formation of general cultural and professional competences [3, p. 1864].

Such an approach to teaching technologies will lead to the formation of a "subject-subject" model in the system of "teacher-learner", where the student becomes not a passive "accumulator" of information, but an active subject of the educational process. All this will ultimately ensure the implementation of the competence model in accordance with the requirements of state compulsory education standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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1. Head. Department, Candidate of Philosophy, Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism Almaty, Kazakhstan. Contact email:

2. Lecturer of the department of International Relations Candidate of Historical Sciences KazNU named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan

3. Doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism Almaty, Kazakhstan

4. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer in the military department Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev. Astana, Kazakhstan

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 50) Año 2017


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