ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 47) Year 2017. Page 36

The characteristic features of the development of tourism in the mountainous regions of Kazakhstan

Los rasgos característicos del desarrollo del turismo en las regiones montañosas de Kazajstán


Received: 26/09/2017 • Approved: 06/10/2017


1. Introduction

2. Features of development of mountain tourism, a key factor

3. The role and development of tourism trends in the mountainous regions of Kazakhstan

4. Conclusion



In this article, the author considers tourism as a diverse and concentrated area of human activity for a short period of time, in connection with which, the study of mountain tourism is viewed as an integral, purposeful mastery of knowledge on a wide range of psychological and pedagogical biological, specialized complex of disciplines. Within the framework of the state "Concept of development and location, specially protected natural areas until 2030", "Program for the Development of the System of Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2007-2009", issues development of active tourism in the legal field are priority. The current prospects for the growth of popular tourism activity in mountain regions both on a global scale and in Kazakhstan obviously require sports excellence, and the growth of world and inland competition leads to ways and ways to improve and improve the training of not only the athletes of this region but also those who are engaged in this kind of not on a professional level.
Keywords: Mountain tourism, travel, competition, training athletes in mountain tourism


En este artículo, el autor considera el turismo como un área diversa y concentrada de la actividad humana por un corto período de tiempo, en relación con la cual, el estudio del turismo de montaña es visto como un dominio integral y útil del conocimiento sobre una amplia gama de complejo psicologico y pedagógico biológico, especializado de disciplinas. En el marco del estado "concepto de desarrollo y localización, áreas naturales especialmente protegidas hasta 2030", "programa para el desarrollo del sistema de territorios naturales especialmente protegidos de la República de Kazajstán para 2007-2009", cuestiones el desarrollo del turismo activo en el ámbito jurídico es prioritario. Las perspectivas actuales para el crecimiento de la actividad turística popular en las regiones montañosas, tanto a escala mundial como en Kazajstán, exigen, evidentemente, la excelencia deportiva, y el crecimiento de la competencia mundial y continental conduce a formas y formas de mejorar y mejorar la formación no sólo de los atletas de esta región, sino también de los que se dedican a este tipo de no a nivel profesional.
Palabras clave: Turismo de montaña, viajes, competencia, formación de atletas en turismo de montaña


1. Introduction

The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the long-term development program of Kazakhstan determined the tourism industry as one of the most promising and priority.   The modern tourism industry is one of the largest highly profitable and dynamically developing segments of international trade in services.   Taking into account the rapid and constant growth of tourism, its powerful impact on the environment, on all sectors of the economy and the welfare of society.

Tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a priority. The main goal of the development of tourism in Kazakhstan is the creation of a modern highly efficient and competitive tourist complex on the basis of which conditions for the development of the industry as a sector of the economy, integration into the world tourism market and the development of further international cooperation in the field of tourism will be ensured. Given that Kazakhstan has a unique natural potential, the country has all the opportunities for the development of various types of tourism: cultural, ecological, extreme, business, health and others In the coming years, our country has the opportunity to become one of the largest economies of travel and tourism. Abroad, Kazakhstan is beginning to be regarded as one of the most stable countries with unique tourist opportunities. In addition, all the same foreign experts believe that such advantages of the republic in the world tourist market as hospitality and goodwill of Kazakhstan people, natural attractions of the country, its history and richness of cultural and ethnic diversity, as well as tourist infrastructure. The President of Kazakhstan tourism is defined as one of the most important clusters of development of the non-commodity sector of the economy. The Republic has a responsible task: to become one of the 50 most competitive countries in the world in the near future.

2. Features of development of mountain tourism, a key factor

It is important to understand today that the Kazakhstan tourist complex is able to become a powerful lever for general acceleration of the growth and modernization of the economy of the republic.

The implementation of the measures taken to develop the tourism sector has made it possible to improve the dynamics of the industry development. The economic impact of tourism on the economy of the country is manifested through indicators of cash flows sent from the country and to the country, which are generated by tourism exports and imports. Most of the income from the export of tourist services comes from inbound foreign tourists, as well as from the sale of tickets for domestic transport and other services in the country of residence. Tourist import of the country consists of money spent by its citizens during foreign trips, payment of transportation costs and other services in host countries, as well as paying dividends to foreign investors in the tourism industry. The difference between the country's income from the export of tourist services and the value of imports of tourism services represents the tourist payment balance, which can be negative (deficit) and positive.

At the present stage, mountain tourism as a sport is one of the types of sports tourism and for understanding its integrity, it is necessary to determine the development trends of this sport. On the basis of determination, tourism is a certain type of activity under conditions in the time off from work, in which a person satisfies his needs for physical and moral self-education and enlightenment, in knowledge of the world, in cultural communication, recreation, tourism, using funds segment tourist competences: local history, health-improvement, cultural, sports, professional-business, health-improving, etc.

Of course, it is necessary to note the fact of a variety of active types of tourism, which, of course, include recreational and sports tourism.

The sports and recreational tourism effectively implemented its specific functions, such as: sports, educational, recreational, health improvement and rehabilitation, in this regard, tourism has great moral and educational value, it is used as a tool for physical, aesthetic, moral and strong-willed, patriotic upbringing of the younger generation.

Mountain tourism as a type of sports tourism, studies the passage of the route through mountain hills and passes, including climbing the peaks, it belongs to sports that have a pronounced activity, which requires a high level of development of physical and mental abilities and, definitely, special preparedness.

It is important to note that significant differences in the methodology for passing the routes of sporting expeditions in mountainous areas at different times of the year and under different weather conditions should be included in the content of training, in particular such elements as: the technique and tactics of overcoming various obstacles in winter, spring and autumn conditions, tactics of passing the route in conditions of rain, snow, ice, fog, high and low temperatures.

It should be noted that today, there is not enough research about the use of simulators or other special means of physical training in various aspects of training mountain tourists. This problem is extremely urgent for the basic training of athletes.

The use of simulators and other technical means in mass sports is constrained by their high cost and insufficient funding. Obviously, the creation of relatively cheap and convenient for mass use of technical means in training mountain tourists can significantly improve the training of athletes of mass ranks and specialists of mine rescue services. It should be noted that in Kazakhstan at present, there are not enough developments in the field of applied physical training of mine rescue specialists. Mountain tourism differs in a set of various technically complex obstacles, duration, length and other factors of the tourist route.

The basis of the activity of a mountain tourist is the actions, on aimed at overcoming natural obstacles with a minimum cost and maximum security. Certain requirements to minimize effort and the required level of safety are related to the nature of the obstacles and the conditions for their overcoming, and therefore, in each specific case, optimization tasks are required. It is required to use perfect rock technique and provide reliable insurance. The optimal solution to this problem is possible with moderate power operation. Both delayed and accelerated passage of such a part of the relief in extreme conditions can lead to loss of the required level of safety.

In the theory of athletic training, the basic means of preparation are actually competitive exercises, training forms of competitive exercises, as well as various types of preparatory and instructive exercises. Competitive exercises are considered as integral actions (including complex sets of actions) that serve as a means of conducting wrestling and are performed in the same composition as in the conditions of competitions for the chosen sport.

Important elements of the tourist activity should be considered competitive exercises, with their peculiarity of the training forms of different exercises and the features of their use in the training of tourists and athletes. They can be both speedy-power, and actually power, and complex-coordinating, to demand the manifestation of various forms of speed, endurance and flexibility. They can have relatively stable and variable characteristics depending on the situation. At the same time, complex coordination exercises form the basis of tourism technology in conditions of overcoming natural obstacles

In mountain tourism, a cyclic work lasting many hours, connected, for example, with long trips with a backpack, with matched with acyclic, power, speed-strength work, while overcoming various natural obstacles.

3. The role and development of tourism trends in the mountainous regions of Kazakhstan

A significant share in the structure of the landscape zones of Kazakhstan falls on the mountainous areas - 25% or 20 zones, which are attractive from the point of view of tourism, but not effective in terms of their equipment and infrastructure.

At the present stage, the importance of mountain tourism is especially aggravated due to the increased interest of foreign tourists in extreme and active forms of recreation. Of particular importance are the unique resources in the Kegen, Enbekshikazakh districts of the Almaty region, which can be in demand for the formation of mountaineering, mountaineering tourism, mountaineering, rock climbing, ice climbing, hang gliding, flat skis, sledge skating. In Kazakhstan, the further intensive development of mountain tourism is facilitated not only by the availability of appropriate resources, but also by highly skilled mountaineering personnel.

Diagnostics of landscape zones showed that 18 zones or 22.5% of all zones can be used for sport tourism (without mountain sport). As studies of foreign consumers of tourist and hotel services have shown, attractive resources in the sports sector are resources for pursuing national and sports hunting, which do not require large investments. In Kazakhstan, a number of zones in the future can be used to further expand water tourism.

Cognitive tourism accounts for only 7 landscapes (8.8%), but these resources are promising because European foreign tourists show increased interest in alternative non-recognized cultures and. landscape-recreational zones are intended only for recreation, their composition in the entire volume of the zones of Kazakhstan is 6.2%, but their insignificance does not detract from the opportunities for the development of recreational tourism. So, in connection with the increased demand for beach tourism, Kazakhstan is implementing a project on the formation of beach tourism in the Caspian Sea, which will contribute to an increase in the influx of tourists to the country.

The importance of mountain tourism, as a sport, for society is manifested, first of all, in its functions, which are diverse and unequal.

As practice shows, the underestimation of this trend in tourism by athletes and coaches negatively affects not only the sports result, but also the formation of the athlete's personality. Training in sports tourism covers a wide range of issues, going beyond the traditional theoretical and technical-tactical training, because the training and competition activities take place in a wide variety of geographical areas.

In particular, many use mountain tourism primarily as a means of maintaining the previously achieved physical condition or as a form of rest and meeting emotional needs.

Another social function of mountain tourism - increasing human activity, which aims to promote comprehensive human development, improve his curiosity, mobility, tolerance and other social and psychic abilities. To expand the arsenal of vital motor skills and skills, increase their reliability in difficult conditions, to help prepare the younger generation for labor and other activities.

Furthermore, in mountaineering, these functions are assigned in the main guidance documents regulating the sphere of tourism, such as the Law of the Republic of Kazahsta n June 13, 2001 № 211-II "On tourist activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan", which defines the rights and obligations of tourists, especially the formation, promotion and realization of the tourist product, considered as a security issues of tourist activity.

Analysis of participation in the campaigns and competitions of athletes, tourism in mountainous areas, shows a positive dynamics of the number of people engaged in sports campaigns and mountain tourism in the main types of tourism. Over the past five years, the number of people engaged in different types of tourism has increased by 14%.

With complete certainty, we can say that the recession that occurred at the end of the nineties of the last century has been overcome. Traditionally strong for Kazakhstan kinds - pedestrian, mountain tourism, mountaineering and rock-climbing, investments in development of an infrastructure of mountain tourism for last years have grown in ten times develop.

That is, mountaineering performs in Kazakhstan, which has no practical industry, it is important for mountain regions economic function.

For mountain tourism, as a sport, must certainly develop learning, which provides a solution to such problems as: the formation of a variety of motor and behavioral acquisition of knowledge in the areas of sports training, finishing, history, ecology, mine rescue. It can be seen from practice that underestimation of the value of this function leads to a decrease in the results of athletes in this area.

Active training contributes to the improvement not only of the vestibular and motor, but also of other analyzers and systems of the human body. Due to its extensive connections with other analyzers, the vestibular analyzer in the process of systematic, active training stimulates their activity. The regulating role and influence of the central nervous system on almost all organs and tissues of the organism is intensifying, the activity of vegetative links providing for the effective motor reactions is actively mobilized. Consistent, systematic, active vestibular training ultimately leads to the fact that the central nervous system comes to a state of optimal excitability, which, in turn, contributes to better coordination of the body as a whole.

The development of adequate technical means is constrained by the lack of scientifically based model characteristics of athletes' preparedness in mountain tourism. There are also no methods for determining the effectiveness of application and comparison of already developed technical means.

4. Conclusion

At the present stage, the development of tourism in mountain regions is one of the most promising and priority types of tourism in Kazakhstan, since mountain tourism contributes to the social and economic attractiveness of mountain regions.

2. The basis of the technique in the basic training of mountain tourists should be associated training methods, allowing to build and improve mountain tourism technique simultaneously with the development of the necessary physical qualities, it is important to take into account the principles of feasible complexity.

3. Theoretical and methodological approach to the problem of scientific

ensuring long-term preparation process of mountain tourism should be based on:

• characteristic features of the development of mountain tourism as a form of human activity and sport;

• current trends in the development of mountain tourism and the possible prospects of its development;

• basics of physical training methodology;

• system and actively m approach to the study of peculiarities of preparation of sports tourists.

4. Preparation of mountain tourism should be based on the implementation, interaction and mutual influence of theoretical, technical, physical, psychological, tactical forms of preparation, organization and management of this process.


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Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 47) Year 2017
Indexed em Scopus, Google Schollar


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