ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 45) Año 2017. Pág. 31

The methodology for english textbooks organizing in higher educational establishments

Metodología para la organización de libros en inglés en establecimientos de enseñanza superior

Aygul Zufarovna IBATOVA 1

Recibido: 15/06/2017 • Aprobado: 27/06/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusion

Bibliographic references


The article describes the application of a dialogue education approach to the structuring of English textbooks for students of technical specialties in higher education. The article describes the historical aspects of the methodology of structuring textbooks, describes the advantages and disadvantages of its using a submitting and material in dialogues in teaching process. The author presents the results of diagnosing students' abilities to conduct a dialogue. The author presents the methodology for constructing exercises and gives recommendations for structuring textbooks based on a dialogue educational approach.
key words: dialogue, teaching aids on a foreign language, ability to dialogue.


El artículo describe la aplicación para un acercamiento de la educación a libros de texto ingleses para los estudiantes de las especialidades técnicas en la educación superior. Asimismo describe los aspectos históricos de la metodología de la estructuración de los libros de texto, las ventajas y desventajas de su uso en una presentación y material de los diálogos en el proceso docente. El autor presenta los resultados del diagnóstico de las habilidades de los estudiantes para llevar a cabo un diálogo. El autor presenta la metodología para la construcción de ejercicios y da recomendaciones para estructurar libros de texto basados en un enfoque educativo de diálogo.
Palabras clave: diálogo, enseñanza del SIDA en un idioma extranjero, capacidad para dialogar.


1. Introducction

The current state of the Russian society, in the context of the correlation of national and universal values, the question of the development of students' ability to realize themselves in a multicultural society, the ability to interact with people of other cultures becomes actual. Therefore, the dialogue approach in foreign-language education is so topical nowadays. But in this article we will not talk about the dialogical function of relations between people or communication, but dialogue as a method for structuring and the methodological support of foreign language education in higher school in the Russian Federation.

The purpose of this study is to find the most correct way of structuring English textbooks for students of technical specialties in higher education using a dialogue education approach.

2. Methodology

In this research some research methods such as comparative analysis, and synthetic method, observation, the analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature were used.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the research was made by domestic and foreign concepts, which contain the prerequisites for the application of the dialogue educational approach, the concept of dialogue in philosophy, psychology, and stylistics. Bakhtin, M.N., Kozhina, L.V., Slavgorodskaya and others; research of textual activity: R. Bart, M.M. Bakhtin, N.S. Bolotnov, I.R. Galperin, A. Graims, T.M. Dridze, M.N. Kozhina, G.V. Kolshansky and others.

3. Results

The analysis of Russian textbooks in English for higher education showed that basically the authors adhere to the classical scheme: a list of words, text, translation, grammar, a report.

Some textbooks use the dialogue "speaking" or "conversation" as one of the types of exercises (Sheveleva, 2000, Darskaya, 2012) But it must be clear that using this type of exercise does not indicate the use of a dialogue educational approach in teaching.

Some linguists argue that the main goal of teaching of a foreign language is communication. "It is clear to everyone that people speak only to convey their thoughts or to perceive the thoughts of others" - says Seir du Tertre.

Many English-language textbooks and handbooks (Bogatsky, 2002) represent linguistic material in the form of dialogues, where dialogue is the starting point of learning, that is, a model that the student imitates at first and then acquire oral language skills and then learn a foreign language in all its aspects.

Following the direct method of teaching, the teacher and students construct the dialogue artificially, starting from the printed text that the teacher offered the students to retell. This approach does not involve any system of language knowledge, the quality of oral speech models offered by students themselves.

Structural linguistics, which describes on a scientific basis the fundamental (phonological and grammatical) structures of a language, gave the teachers and authors of textbooks the principles for determining the sequence of introduction and study of linguistic material, which became an empirical basis. Therefore, we have all the main types of speech activity in every topic section: listening, reading, grammar, writing, speaking.

Protagonists of the structural approach(Charles Freese and Robert Lado), consider training on models to be the basis of all learning, and training is consistent with all the phonemes of the language in a series of skillfully graded phrases for difficulty (Lado, R). But we can not say that these phrases represent an example of a natural dialogue.

Protagonists of audiovisual methods are on opposing positions, which teach basic structures of spoken language on the basis of audiovisual dialogues. Understanding and memorizing these dialogues is facilitated by the demonstration of educational films or audio recordings. In Russian universities, students of non-linguistic specialties are taught according to the textbook of V.S. Shach-Nazarova, K.V. Zhuravchenko "English language for you", where the material is entered in the form of dialogues. Analyzing the dialogues from this textbook "You are ...", "I am ...", "Do you know ...", etc., we can state that these dialogues are introduced in the first lessons, the level and number of different grammatical structures is low here.

Teaching a foreign language by «method of presenting material in dialogues" has received wide recognition in Europe and has been used in the Russian Federation for several years . Whether the training on these textbooks is successful is a contentious issue. We believe that structuring textbooks in a foreign language by submitting material in dialogues is effective only for a limited number of students.

English-language editions of teaching aids offer a dialogue education approach to teaching.

The main goal of the dialogue is understanding. Thus, dialogue is the only way to unite people at all levels, where the main condition is the recognition of the existence of another opinion, worldview, language, logic, communication rules, culture, where a person, his needs are not treated in isolation, but develop only in relations with other people , constructed on the principle of dialogue. These provisions have become the basis for a dialogue education approach in pedagogical research, and are very important in teaching English, as they determine the goals and guidelines of education (Ibatova et al, 2017).

S.V. Belova believe that "dialogue should be regarded as an integrative element of education, one of the most important goals, according to the authors, is helping the students to gain some kind of personal experience, subjectivity in relation to their own life, experience of self-construction" (Belova, 2007).

The essence of this approach is that the learning material is presented to the student as a text, to which he must express his subjective attitude, having entered into a kind of dialogue with his author. Therefore, the function of the teacher is to identify the essential collision in the text being studied, the position of the author in relation to his value content, the students' semantic search, the expected neoplasms in readiness for dialogue, allowing the student to create his own text in dialogue with the author.

The opinions of linguistic scholars about the advantages and disadvantages of using the dialogue education method in teaching are ambiguous. Analyzing methodological literature (Taillon, L), we highlighted the following advantages and disadvantages of using this approach in structuring textbooks:

  1. dialogue facilitates the memorization of language structures in a communicative situation;
  2. it develops cognitive and personal activity of the student;
  3. in the psychological context, the dialogue has a number of characteristics of motivation, reversibility, emotionality, reactivity.

Disadvantages of this approach:

1. context for a conversation in which the talking person says what is natural and normal in this situation is artificially selected by the author;

2. it is impossible to achieve the following objectives of teaching:

- the ability to operate with syntactic and morphological structures of the language freely;

- possession of the lexicon in its entirety;

- mastering orthography, etc.

We believe that a much greater effect can be extracted from the dialogue education method of teaching if vocabulary and grammar are introduced not in the form of dialogues but in the form of texts, and dialogue will be one of the types of exercises, since we have already said that a limited number of students has the skills to conduct a dialogue. We presented the study of this phenomenon.

We diagnosed the communicative abilities and skills to conduct a dialogue among students of Tyumen Industrial University of Tyumen, the Branch of IUT in Surgut, Elabuga Institute of KFU, the first and second year students took part in the diagnosis. The students were offered a questionnaire, which contains a description of communicative situations. Five situations are suggested for each situation. As a result, we calculated the number of correct and incorrect answers as a percentage of the total number of selected answers.

Table №1. Diagnosis of students' abilities for dialogical speech


Ability to express your desire and discontent

Ability to empathize and sympathize

Ability to accept empathy поддержку

Degree of contact-ness

Responding to an attempt to come into contact

Ability to express a request

+ 2



























The above data prove to us that students have a low level of communicative abilities, i.e. students are not ready for communication, feel constrained in a new company, a team, prefer to spend time alone, limit their acquaintances, have difficulty in establishing contacts with people and in speaking before the audience, they are not oriented in an unfamiliar situation, they do not insist on their point of view. All this indicates a low communicative and dialogical abilities of students.

Therefore, we prove that when structuring textbooks in a foreign language, it is necessary to use dialogue as a means to represent a certain range of language elements, a means to make students understand these phenomena, reproduce them imitatively, and then memorize them through repetition. We should not give preference to the study of isolated structures, not paying attention to the installation and reaction of the student. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the motivational component of the learning process, which drives the interests of the majority of students. The main motivational factor is the text on which linguistic phenomena are displayed, first of all it must be interesting for students, it is necessary to create a psychological unity of subjects with the help of the text in order to give a creative character to the dialogical utterance, form the student's orientation to the knowledge of himself as a subject of experiences and relationships as subject of activity, self-education.

Realizing the dialogue education approach, we consider the content of the lesson not only from the point of view of the scientific material underlying the content of the discipline, but also from the point of view of including this material as a "subjective element" in the learning process in order to acquire the skills of students to construct dialogical relations.

After the stage of text selection, it is necessary to provide a series of exercises that will help the student to learn the studied structures and consolidate them, turning them into skills, as well as exercises for working out and fixation.

Exercises at the initial stage are substitution exercises that allow you to switch from memorizing by heart to a qualitatively new stage - the "stage of speech generation". We propose in our methodological development exercises using sample text, exercises based on a step-by-step drawing up of a dialogue. These exercises should necessarily be based on well-established dialogues that have a communicative focus. You can not clutter up the exercise with grammatical rules, just one or several grammatical rules, otherwise the structures will not be really learned. Therefore, when developing textbooks, the author needs to think about the exercises so that they expand the range of problems and lead to an increasingly complete and perfect mastery of the phonological, grammatical, and lexical elements of the language being studied.

For the first dialogue in the training manual, it is sufficient to develop 10-20 exercises for the repeated use, assimilation and consolidation of the basic structures. The percentage of such exercises in relation to the whole set of dialogue structures should decrease all the time, as the students' language experience grows.

Before composing dialogues, the author needs a minimum of linguistic means, which he intends to introduce. He must select the grammatical structures and lexical units that will be included in this course in the study of a foreign language. After that, it remains only to determine the range of topics and life situations for these dialogues.

Next, the author presents an extremely difficult task - the preparation of dialogues. The language content of the dialogue is dictated, on the one hand, by the needs - phonetic, grammatical and lexical, and on the other hand - by the situation. In order for dialogues to be effective and easy to remember, they must be a single whole in content, unfolding continuously, so that one replica flows out of the other quite naturally and logically. We often meet individual dialogues in the textbooks, completely unrelated to the text and topic of the lesson, so structuring the textbooks with the use of a dialogue education approach requires a methodically competent compilation of dialogues and exercises for them.

4. Conclusion

Currently, much attention is paid to work with technical means, computer technologies, in particular with their help, phonetics are being tested and sample training is aimed at fixing the grammatical material. There are many ways and methods of teaching and compiling teaching aids, each approach contributes to the development of the national methodology of teaching a foreign language, but we maintain that any approach to structuring textbooks in a foreign language should take into account the psychological and physiological abilities and inclinations of high school students.

Following the method of constructing teaching aids by submitting material in dialogues in the right and logical context it becomes possible to solve educational problems in the process of teaching the discipline "Foreign Language" in higher education, namely:

- development of the functions of choice and decision-making skills of students, the formation of basic rules for conducting dialogical activities, self-delivery, as well as knowledge of the rules of communication, listening skills, ability to ask questions and respond to them, exchange information;

- develop the ability to critically analyze situations, reckon with the opinion of another person, develop the ability to correctly react emotionally and interact with each other;

- develop the ability of students to feel responsible for the results of the dialogue.

The solution of these tasks contributes to the development and formation of students' readiness for communication in a foreign language. Students who study textbooks on the basis of a dialogue education approach are an active participant in the dialogue, show a personal interest in the problem identified - all this involves increasing the motivation of educational and cognitive activities and as a result of developing the capacity for dialogical understanding, understand and acquire their understanding of the role of dialogue in the context of their holistic development.

Bibliographic references

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1. Industrial University of Tyumen, 625000, Ural Federal District, Tyumen Region, Tyumen, Volodarsky Str. 38.Russia, E-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 45) Año 2017
Indexada en Scopus, Google Schollar


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