ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 35) Año 2017. Pág. 36

Humanization of Management Education

Humanización de la Educación de Gestión

Gabdelakhat LATFULLIN 1; Valentina SMIRNOVA 2; Karina BAZIYAN 3

Received: 14/06/2017 • Approved: 29/06/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Conclusion



The article is devoted to humanization of management education in the Russian Federation. Humanization of education demands essential change of approach to educational activity, orientation of educational process to development and self-development of a personality, on priorities of common values, to the improvement of relationship between a personality and the society. In the article the tendencies of education humanization have been defined. At the same time, special attention was paid to humanization of higher management education. Application of modern concepts and technologies of education influencing outlook formation, development and self-development of a personality has been justified. Necessary conditions for development of creative abilities and motivation of creativity in the conditions of the innovation economy have been considered. The necessity of development and teaching such subjects as anthropology, knowledge management, creativity management has been proved. Their influence on the process of humanization of education has been shown. New methods and technologies of training for development of creative abilities through acting skills, contact improvisation, dancing and motion practice and others have been considered.
Keywords: humanization of education, organizational anthropology, knowledge management, creative abilities, organizational culture.


El artículo está dedicado a la humanización de la educación gerencial en la Federación de Rusia. La humanización de la educación exige un cambio esencial de enfoque de la actividad educativa, la orientación del proceso educativo al desarrollo y auto desarrollo de una personalidad, a las prioridades de valores comunes, a la mejora de la relación entre personalidad y sociedad. En el artículo se han definido las tendencias de la humanización de la educación. Al mismo tiempo, se prestó especial atención a la humanización de la enseñanza superior. Se ha justificado la aplicación de conceptos y tecnologías modernas de la educación que influyen en la formación de la perspectiva, el desarrollo y el autodesarrollo de una personalidad. Se han considerado las condiciones necesarias para el desarrollo de las capacidades creativas y la motivación de la creatividad en las condiciones de la economía de la innovación. Se ha demostrado la necesidad de desarrollar y enseñar temas como la antropología, la gestión del conocimiento, la gestión de la creatividad. Se ha demostrado su influencia en el proceso de humanización de la educación. Se han considerado nuevos métodos y tecnologías de entrenamiento para el desarrollo de habilidades creativas a través de habilidades de actuación, improvisación de contacto, baile y práctica de movimiento.
Palabras clave: humanización de la educación, antropología organizacional, gestión del conocimiento, habilidades creativas, cultura organizacional.


1. Introduction

The purpose of the article to consider the necessity of humanization of management education and determine its modern trends.

As numerous researches and experience of the developed countries show, the key factors of innovation economy formation are science, education and human capital aimed at creation, distribution and use of new knowledge. Human capital as a set of abilities, knowledge, skills, experience, and also values, views, principles, ethical standards reflecting intelligence and outlook of a person in many respects defines what sort of innovations will be created, where and how they will be used (Blomqvist, Ciancarini, Poggi, & Vitali, 2016, pp. 19-23; Lambrix et al., 2015, pp. 24-28; Smirnova, 2016, pp. 44-48).

The purpose of society humanization and public administration is the benefit of a person. And it means that a person must become the main value of the outlook basis. The state decisions must be directed to care and support of people, development of their abilities, creation of social, economic, material and moral conditions for a full-fledged life and self-realization. A special role in innovation economy is played by creative abilities as new knowledge, innovations are creativity products (Ilyinykh, 2014, pp. 22-27; Kozlova, Nekrasova, & Gorbunova, 2014, pp. 382-384; Tikhonov, 2014, pp. 73-76).

The education humanization as a result of the process of humanization of society and public administration must focus the educational process on the formation of humane outlook, development and self-development of a personality, and, most important, on all of creative abilities of a person as creative activity promotes process of social development and self-development of a personality (Chepelenko, 2017; Filatova, & Smirnova, 2016, pp. 89-91; Latfullin, 2016, pp. 29-37).

In the article the education humanization tendencies have been considered, the role of institutions of higher education and extent of his participation in the process of humanization has been defined (Beghetto, & Bharath, 2017; Ignatovitch, 2016, pp. 5-7; Tikhonov, 2016, pp. 73-76). The need of new approaches to be used, modern concepts and technologies of training, such as anthropology, knowledge management, creativity management which contribute to the process of social development and self-development of a personality has been proved (Corsín Jiménez, 2007; Caulkins, & Ann, 2013; North, & Gita, 2014).

2. Methodology

As the main method of the research of humanization problem the system approach has been used which allows considering the multilevel system: society humanization - humanization of public administration – education humanization. From these positions education is considered as the following system: the entrance – the training process – the exit. There has been conducted a research which purpose was to define influence of institutions of higher education on the career of their graduates, the formation of their outlook. The following methods were used: questioning, interview, polling, and continuous monitoring. 120 students of senior classes and graduates of the University have participated in the research conducted in 2009-2013.

2.1 Education system humanization

It is known that outlook is a frame of views, values, principles, beliefs, perception of the world and the place of a person in it. Humanization represents a process of realization of one of the world outlook principles which cornerstone is the respect and care of people, belief in their great opportunities to self-improvement. The forms of humanization manifestation are very various and possible at all levels of society, from a family to the state.

A person's living positions are formed on the basis of his outlook. It should be noted that in the developed society with complex structure a great influence on this process is exerted by the ideology reflecting the relation of a person to the society in which he lives and his judgment of the government and its policy. The ideology is closely connected with the policy being a part of state system. The realization of one or another edifice depends on the state system.

In the developed countries the need for humanization of public administration is felt stronger and stronger. The benefit of a person – is an ultimate goal of any society and its management. Public administration defines a condition of the society, exerts impact on social, economic, political, democratic, spiritual, moral living conditions of the people united in the state. Thus, humanization of public administration aimed, first of all, at the person predetermines humanity of society. Development of civil society as an object of public administration, will be more and more connected with humanization.

The humanization of public administration in the Russian Federation finds expression in such directions and forms of activity of public authorities as

The social and economic transformations taking place in Russia at the beginning of XXI century and humanization of public administration demand essential change of approaches to education, in particular, education humanization at all its levels. Therefore, at the present stage of our country development one of the important directions of humanization of public administration is education humanization.

Education humanization is the orientation of education process to development and self-development of a personality, to priorities of universal values, improvement of relationship of the personality and the society. Education humanization proclaims the benefit of a person as the prime target of educational activity. Thus, the purpose of public administration coinciding with the education humanization purpose has to be implemented through its all levels.

Formation and development of a personality takes place under the influence of various factors and conditions. The researchers consider natural data, social and cultural factors to be the most significant ones. Among them an important place is taken by education.

The process of education humanization is based on the conceptual thesis on the priority of a personality in training, formation of its humane outlook and creative potential development.

Education humanization needs to be considered as a multilevel system from preschool to the higher and additional education which formation cornerstone is the principle of humanity.

Considering the system of the higher education, humanization must cover both the system in general, and its certain types: technical, economic, administrative education, including the humanization of public servants training.

In foreign and Russian practice the most common forms of humanization of public administration in education are: introduction of inclusive study, expansion of educational space, opportunities of training for disabled people. The relevance of humanization process causes the necessity to use new modern concepts and technologies of education influencing the outlook formation, development and self-development of a personality.

2.2 Humanization of management education

A graduate of any institution of higher education, especially realizing various programs of management education, must possess not only a set of professional knowledge, abilities, skills, but also certain valuable, ethical installations, that is outlook. Whereas higher education gives knowledge necessary for future managers rather successfully, to solve the other part of the problem in the course of training is much more difficult. The key factors in outlook formation are the environmental conditions are: family, school, condition of civil society, ideology, policy, culture of multinational Russia, etc. As the researches have revealed, the role of higher education in the solution of this task is still insignificant.

Nevertheless, institutions of higher education can influence qualitative characteristics of future managers: their values and ethical installations, beliefs, outlook, positioning in the external environment, mental abilities development, etc. The humanization of management education focuses the training process on the development of a personality, self-training, self-education, self-expression that assumes the use of nonconventional approaches in training, especially in teaching administrative disciplines, and therefore it is hard to overestimate the role of educational institution.

An institution of higher education as an education system can be presented as follows: the entrance - the training process – the exit. During the conducted research a task has been set to find out the role of an educational institute in humanization of management education, and also, which stages of education the institution can influence. The researches conducted on the basis of the State University of Management (SUM), which is the founder of management  education in our country, have allowed to draw the following conclusions. The influence of the University on "the entrance" is minimum. The results of the unified state examination (USE) on the basis of which the enrollment of students is conducted, assume that a university receives entrants, capable to management education. Nevertheless, a university can exert indirect impact on "entrance", making impact on preschool and school education through specialized children's groups, classes, colleges, etc., training future entrants for receiving administrative education.

As for the influence of institutions of higher education on "the exit", here communications of higher education institution with the external environment are of great importance. Participation in the networks uniting employers, state bodies, organizations of civil society, culture, health care, etc. attraction to teaching and other forms of interaction with these organizations can considerably increase the influence of a higher education institution on qualitative characteristics of the future manager, on formation of the image we want to see at "the exit". Now we will consider the extent of influence of a university on "the training process". The educational and methodical assurance of this process is the most fulfilled technology which helps to gain necessary competences, knowledge, skills. It is known that state standards are considered as restraints in that field. But it should also be noted that educational standards, starting with the third generation give big independence to a university in teaching these or those teaching disciplines as their adoption is included into the Academic Council competence. In our opinion, both constant improvement of state standards, and granting more independence to institutions of higher education in their unification are perspective. Active work in this direction is conducted at The Moscow State University, the State University of Management, Higher School of Economics National Research University, and other institutions of higher education.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to emphasize that higher education is tightly controlled by the state through appropriate governing bodies. A perspective tendency in civil society development process is the public-state control. Now various associations on development of public and municipal administration provide implementation of such control in their charters.

There is a fundamental issue – whether there is a guarantee that at "the exit" from university, at implementation of all requirements of standards, instructions, etc., having even received an honors degree, the manager has been trained successfully. Any educational institution is proud of the graduates who have achieved great success in this or that field. Our researches in the field of career of administrative, technical, medical and other specialized education show that the received higher education isn't a guarantee of successful career of the graduate, i.e. this condition is necessary, but insufficient. Especially it concerns administrative education.

At the State University of Management in 2009-2013 there was conducted a research which purpose was to define the influence of the institution of higher education on the career of its graduates and the formation of their outlook. The research used such methods as questioning, interview, polling, and continuous monitoring. It showed that the influence of the State University of Management on the career of its graduates who got administrative education made no more than 15 - 20 percent. Other factors of influence are in the external environment of higher education institution: education, values, health and many other things. 120 people - students of senior classes and graduates of the University have taken part in the research.

To enhance the role of institutions of higher education in humanization of management education, it is necessary to use modern concepts and technologies of training influencing the development and self-development of a personality. Among the new fields of knowledge which have appeared in the recent years the particular interest is attracted by anthropology, knowledge management, creativity management which promote the formation of humane outlook, development of the relations of a personality and the society, creative abilities. Proceeding from the fundamental purpose of public administration – humanization, we consider it important to actualize these directions in education.

2.3 Anthropology and its influence on humane outlook formation

Anthropology is an area of scientific knowledge which studies patterns and ways of interaction of a person with its social and natural environment in the conditions of various cultural systems. Anthropological researches allow to understand the unified nature and a variety of a person, ways of its existence. They help to answer a very important question - can we live harmoniously together, without destroying each other but developing general culture of society or culture of a particular organization? The aggravation of a problem of a personality and society interaction, and tolerance - enhances a role and value of anthropology which gives the chance to understand how to live and interact in culturally non-unified environment, to realize that cultures and people mutually enrich each other. Anthropology helps to live fully in socially complicated environment, expands the interaction horizons, exerts impact on formation of humane outlook which cornerstone is the respect and care for people.

Therefore in the last decades in the structures of different organizations' management , especially commercial, more and more expert anthropologists appear. For example, in the USA such leading companies as Apple, Intel, Microsoft, Xerox and others estimated the effectiveness of anthropologists' work long ago. Not only in business, but also in the U.S. Government there work a lot of anthropologists. The Russian government and Russian companies have also recently involved anthropologists into different researches, especially at research centers (Baba, 2012, pp. 20-71).

The word anthropology – (from the Greek words of anthropos – a person, and logos – a concept, a doctrine, a word, reason) was first used by Aristotle. By that word the ancient wise man designated the area of knowledge which object of studying was the spiritual party of a human nature. This term has existed in this value for more 1000. Now anthropology as a science in general studies the origin and the historical evolution of humans. There are two quite developed main directions of general anthropology as physical and organizational which include administrative, social, cultural and other types (Smirnova, 2016, pp. 42-43).

Administrative anthropology as one of independent branches of science considers questions of impact on the management object and people interaction, taking anthropological characteristics of this object into account. Therefore sometimes administrative anthropology is also called organizational anthropology or anthropology of organization (Corsín Jiménez, 2007; Caulkins, & Ann, 2013; Garsten, & Anette, 2013).

Seeing culture as the dominating force regulating all relationships between people and difficult social systems has become organizational anthropology's basis. The understanding of organizational  anthropology is impossible without explanation of basic regulations of culture in general, its functions, development factors, cultures interaction, development of symbolical systems, etc.

It is difficult to imagine how today's manager can effectively operate the organization, disregarding mentality, rituals, traditions, customs and other components of the organizational culture. Processes of globalization, populations’ migration, cultural diversity of personnel aggravate a problem of relationship even more. Formation of humane outlook comes to the forefront as the factor influencing efficiency of organizational activity, becomes a problem of management. The culture of a modern organization along with others has to include the values focused on care and respect of all employees irrespective of their cultural diversity; it should proclaim tolerance as a collaboration basis.

In this regard the following tendencies were outlined in the educational process. In educational disciplines giving knowledge of a person, and there are more than two hundreds of them, the share of knowledge on anthropology increases. Anthropology begins to be allocated as an independent subject matter (administrative, social, cultural, etc. anthropology). In our opinion, there has arisen the need of teaching anthropology as independent administrative discipline and inclusion of it into the process of administrative education. Its knowledge allows a manager to increase the effectiveness of his activities.

Moreover, anthropology begins to be allocated in a form of function that is as a specialized type of manager's work. Therefore today institutions of higher education begin or continue preparing anthropologists. Such experts are trained at The Moscow State University, Russian State University for the Humanities and other educational institutions of the country. In our opinion, it is necessary to continue to develop these new approaches in administrative education.

2.4 Knowledge management and creative abilities development

Knowledge management as a new concept of management started its formation in the 1980-1990th when intellectual capital began to provide strategic competitive advantages to a company (Fred, Dietz, Liu, & Filipe, 2015; Nestic, 2014; Smirnova, 2016, pp. 44-48). Creation, distribution and use of knowledge is a key factor of acceleration of growth and increase in competitiveness of innovative economy therefore it has gained distribution not only in business, but also in public administration. To remain competitive, organizations have to constantly create innovations requiring a continuous stream of new creative ideas and solutions. The defining role in it is played by human capital, that is abilities, knowledge, experience, professionalism of the people working in an organization (Prusak, 2006; Zerwas, 2014).

Creativity is shown not only in business, but also in many other spheres of human activity, including management. The founder of scientific management G. Ford considered management not only as science, but also as an art. Plato was the first who spoke about universality of creativity as he connected it not only with the spiritual sphere and the sphere of art, but generally with creation of new reality.

The formation of innovation economics theory has caused the need of creativity management. Creativity as an object of management represents activities for ideas generation in order to create innovative products, services, technologies, activities to solve non-standard problems, develop original, more effective solutions of the existing problems, and also create new opportunities in different types of activity.

Education humanization must focus the educational process on development and self-development of a personality, and, first of all, all of creative abilities of a person as creative activity promotes the process of social development and self-development of a personality what G. Hegel used to speak about (Hegel, 1997, p. 471).

Researchers allocate two types of abilities: cognitive (or informative) abilities which are responsible for assimilation of knowledge, experience, and creative abilities, allowing a person to create absolutely new spiritual and material objects.

Psychologists claim that all people possess creative abilities since birth. However, J. Gilford in 1950 in the speech before the American psychological community paid attention that though creative abilities are inherent in all people, some people have a greater deal of those (Guilford, 1950, pp. 444-454).

Successful natural combination of various abilities define endowments of a person in some field of activity. A high level of endowments is called talent which represents special natural data, outstanding abilities shown by the person in this or that sphere of activity (science, management, policy, etc.). There is a popular belief that one of the talent components in any sphere is the ability of a person to create new – creativity (Latin of creatio – creation) or creative thinking. In other words, a high level of endowments always assumes existence of ability to creative activity.

There can be an impression that only talented people possessing special natural features have creative abilities. However, ability means not only natural endowments, but also potential opportunities of a person which can be developed on the basis of acquisition of necessary knowledge, experience, abilities. Ability means a capacity to do something, acquired by knowledge and experience, and skill is the ability created by a habit, repetition, exercises. Skills, knowledge and abilities which are the cornerstone of creative abilities in different fields of activity differ. Respectively, their high level in one of areas doesn't guarantee the high level of creative abilities in another.

Modern researchers agree in opinion that creative abilities are a set of cognitive and personal characteristics including creative thinking, and also special internal motivation, sensitivity to problems, openness to the new ideas, creative imagination, intuition etc.

The modern organizations  require continuous search of new ideas and solutions that causes need of creativity management, creation of special organizational culture (Miroshnik, 2013; Pfister, 2009; Zerwas, 2014). The large role in it is played by motivation. It must be aimed at providing conditions for creative work, creation of the organizational environment which stimulates creativity, encourages creative behavior, and gives opportunities of self-development and training. Methods which are successfully used in management practice for creativity motivation and development are given below. Among these it is possible to note a flexible operating schedule, granting time to employees for implementation of the projects, creation of playgrounds, including sports activities during the working day, organization of recreation areas, working space design which stimulates collaboration and exchange of knowledge and etc. (Filatova, & Smirnova, 2016, pp. 85-87)

Education humanization demands new creative approaches and technologies for her realization. MBA and EMBA programs began to include classes in creativity development along with management, marketing, finance and accounting. These are based on art debating clubs at the best business schools of the world, trainings on leadership through training acting skill, courses in eastern and other philosophies, etc. These tendencies find reflection in the programs of the leading business schools of Russia. Thus, for the past 20 years Department of the Theory of Management of the State University of Management (SUM) has been hosting the most successful Workshop of Stage Action in Management, which has developed special courses and various programs of training for managers. There are also numerous master classes and workshops, closely associated with certain kinds of art. Their names alone prove the real turn to the components of arts:  “Contact improvisation, partnering, dance and movement practice”, “ Integral practice of body literacy”, “Light body: learn self-control”, etc.

The process of training is based on knowledge exchange, experience, and abilities. Therefore many methods of creativity development are aimed at the development of organizational communications, especially informal horizontal communications, group and network interaction. Creation of corporate universities, communities of practicians, maintenance of communication with scientific and practical circle of professionals, participation in various conferences and actions in real and virtual space, network partnerships – are common forms and ways of training and creation of knowledge which promote increase in creativity in daily work and innovations creation. Communities destroy the barriers to communications caused by division of labor, territorial location and create a social environment with a creative spirit. Skills of creative thinking, understanding and effective abilities usage open a way to use the gained knowledge in creative process.

For personnel training, individual creative abilities development, formations of effective working teams, including participants with different styles of thinking and roles, the following methods are used: coaching, training, workshop. Usually creativity trainings help to break psychological barriers and barriers of thinking, teach skills of heuristic methods usage, personal creative process control.

Coaching is a method of training and consultation which assumes achievement of goals without particular direction. It allows employees to fully realize their internal potential that increases efficiency of its use in a workplace, satisfaction with work, helps to study, stimulates motivation to self-development. Coaching is used most often for development of administrative personnel, with the help of external experts. Unfortunately, in Russia coaching is used generally for solution of company's current problems, rather than for stimulating employees' creativity.

Workshop is an active form of education, allowing to develop the new ideas and to systematize knowledge, by intensive exchange of experience between participants. This method, new to Russia, can be quite applicable for the organization of group work on creative tasks. Advantages of workshop are that it has a narrow thematic focus according to specific need. New skills appear and take hold as a result of practical work together with new ideas ready for realization in business. Its carrying out demands special skills therefore it is carried out by specially trained people. For example, a Russian consulting and design company Wonderfull carried out workshops on design thinking for such companies as "SAP", "Alfa-Bank" "Novartis", "Adobe", etc. Together with the specialists of the consulting company the staff of SAP has developed the concept of the new corporate edition about SAP Planet business. Workshop is also suitable for administrative decisions development. Thus, "1C-Arkhitektor business" has carried out CRM workshop where participants have offered new methods of motivation of personnel working in CRM System.

The best practices of development and application of creativity methods development can be found in advertizing business. The most known brainstorming method has been developed by the head of an advertizing agency Alex Osborn. The reason is the specifics of the branch and its need for continuous and rapid production of new, original ideas (Filatova, & Smirnova, 2016, pp. 89-91).

3. Conclusion

Education humanization  demands a change of approach to educational activity, its orientation to development and self-development of a personality, priorities of universal values, improvement of relationship of a personality and society. The humanization of education needs to be considered as multilevel system from preschool to the higher and additional education which cornerstone is the formation of the humanity principle.

The research of influence of institution of higher education on humanization of management education conducted on the basis of the State University of Management (SUM) have allowed to draw the following conclusions. A higher educational institution as a system has an entrance - training process – an exit. A higher education institution can exert impact on the entrance, the process of training and the exit, but extent of this influence is various. The research has shown that the influence of SUM on formation of outlook of the university graduate, and in general on his career makes no more than 15 - 20 percent.

A higher education institution can exert the strongest impact on the training process. The humanization of education assumes the need of new training programs developments, the new educational disciplines aimed at the development of the personality, at priorities of universal values, improvement of relationship of the state and civil society. Among the new fields of knowledge which have appeared in the recent years the particular interest is attracted by anthropology, knowledge management, and creativity management. Development and teaching these disciplines will promote formation of humane outlook, development of the relations of a personality and society, creative abilities.


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1. Theory of Management Department, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia.

2. Theory of Management Department, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

3. Theory of Management Department, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 35) Año 2017


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