ISSN-L: 0798-1015 • eISSN: 2739-0071 (En línea) - Revista Espacios – Vol. 42, Nº 18, Año 2021
SAFINA S.S. & TETERKINA, I.G. «The role of tourism in the economy. The formation of tourist flows to the
ASEAN countries»
have steadily grown along with arrivals from 495 million dollars in 2000 to 980 million dollars in 2010 and reached
the highest level of 1481 billion dollars in 2019. (UNWTO, 2020)
With the growth of the transnationalization and globalization of the world economy, along with traditional
tourist destinations, such as Europe and North America, new ones have appeared. Southeast Asia is a promising
region, rapidly passing the stage of forming the tourist market and actively proving its competitiveness on the
world stage. Its states form an international organization called ASEAN. The countries under consideration have
a huge potential for the development of the sphere of tourist services. Every year, the subregion attracts an
increasing number of foreign tourists. As of 2019, the countries of Southeast Asia account for 9.8% of the world
tourist flow and 9.9% of all tourist receipts. (UNWTO, 2020) This is due to the fact that the economy of Southeast
Asia is growing rapidly, and the share of the tourism industry in the GDP of the region is one of the highest in the
Tourism has a great impact on the socio-economic development of the territories under consideration. That is
why the study of this area in the region is relevant and important in the modern world. At the moment, the
COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on most segments of the economy and, above all, on tourism.
As governments grapple with a global health emergency by closing borders and restricting travel, tourism is one
of the most affected sectors. According to UNWTO data, the number of international arrivals to ASEAN in 2020
decreased by 80%. (UNWTO, 2021) In this regard, the ministers of tourism of the states of the region convened
a meeting on this issue on 29.04.2020, where they adopted a special agreement on combating COVID-19.
(ASEAN, 2020) The experience of overcoming and solving this problem in ASEAN is very interesting, first of all,
for developing countries.
The purpose of this study is to identify the main trends and prospects for the development of the tourist market,
the formation of tourist flows to the countries of Southeast Asia. In order to fully achieve this goal, it is necessary
to perform the following tasks: to give a tourist and recreational characteristic of the countries under
consideration; to analyze the economic importance of the tourism sector in the region; to identify the tourist
demand of the ASEAN countries; to analyze the formation of tourist flows and income of the states; to
characterize the current situation in the field of tourism of the countries of the region.
2. Methodology
To achieve this purpose, the following research methods were used: statistical, cartographic, logical, calculations
of tourist arrival coefficients and the tourism balance to establish relationships between processes and
phenomena in this sector. The general indicators of the socio-economic development of the countries were
analyzed, which characterize the level and quality of life, on which the tourist activity of the population of the
countries under consideration depends. To perform the study, the indicators of the importance of international
tourism in the economy of countries were considered: the share of tourism in GDP (as a percentage of the
country's GDP), the share of the employed population in international tourism (as a percentage of the total
number of people employed in the country), the share of tourist services in the total volume of exports of the
country (as a percentage). The indicators of tourist supply and tourist demand are studied.
The study described in this paper was conducted based on official statistical information from the ASEAN
countries, various international organizations, as well as the work of scientists on this topic. The information base
was mainly used by foreign sources, such as the World Tourism and Travel Council, the World Tourism
Organization, the official website of ASEAN, the ASEAN statistical yearbook.