Espacios. Espacios. Vol. 31 (1) 2010. Pág. 25

Factores condicionadores para el desempeño en innovación de compañías industriales

Conditionning Factors for Innovative Performance of the Industrial Companies

Clandia Maffini Gomes e Isak Kruglianskas

7 Conclusions

To examine the characteristics of the management of external sources of technology information and reduce the number of indicators for each variable by identifying the main components of each factor, a multivariate model of factor analysis was adopted.

The factor analysis technique generated new factors aimed at replacing the original variables of the study. The main factors that influence the technology management are the partnership with other companies, the cooperation with university, the accomplishment of purchases for specification, the participation in technician-scientific conferences, fairs and publications, the relationship with customers, the adoption of criteria in the choice of information sources as stated period and flexibility in services, capacity of identification of chances, the lack of coordination and the extreme bureaucracy, the existing norms and standards, expertise and existing previous relationship between the partners, the qualification of the employees and existing administrative structure and the technician and marketing potential. The main factors that influence the innovative performance are the marketing performance, the marketing competitiveness, the quality of the processes and the technological competence.

The analyses carried out confirmed the underlying theoretical pre-suppositions, namely, that Brazilian companies in general do not yet have systematic ways to manage external sources of technology information to improve the performance of innovative activities. They also lack mechanisms capable of measuring the results of their technological activities.

Based on the theoretical and empirical studies, a number of recommendations can be outlined that may help companies generate and develop processes for managing external sources of structured technology information that address their objectives and technological strategies for maximizing performance. The results of the survey enabled the identification of effective management practices based on the conceptual model used. Among these practices are (1) greater use of sources of technology information and the importance of obtaining technology developed externally by expanding the networks of relationships among companies and (2) increasing associations and cooperative activities. Therefore, it is also important to set up management structures to provide administrative and technical support for the relationships that are set up. Due to the great number of legal, bureaucratic and cultural issues involved, another critical aspect of the process would be to set up mechanisms for managing the interfaces among the various partners in cooperative activities. Indicators should also be determined to measure the impact of innovative activities on companies' performance, in order to refine the practices already in place, and to increase competitiveness.

The conclusions of the survey are in line with the analyses presented by Linder et al. (2003), who stated that, despite the increase in the importance and growing dissemination of the exploitation of external sources, very few companies have drawn up clearly defined strategies for managing external sources of information for innovation. The absence of such strategies makes the management of the process less efficient and reduces the possibilities for more effective exploitation of sources of information. The management of external sources of information for innovation, even though recognized as a critical aspect for a company's competitiveness, is still in an incipient stage in all the companies studied.

The above considerations lead to the belief that, despite the innovative characteristics and practices for managing external sources of information, no clearly defined strategies were seen for managing such sources in the cases analyzed. It can be only be stated that the companies are seriously interested in acquiring and developing technology from outside, in terms of characteristics related to know-how, costs, and the opportunity present in the process of developing products.

8 References

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Vol. 31 (1) 2010