ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (# 02) Year 2018. Page 23

Verification of management support of the professional and educational trajectory of students in the sociocultural educational environment of the University

Verificación de la gestión de apoyo a la trayectoria profesional y educativa de los estudiantes en el entorno sociocultural-educativo de la Universidad

Marina Georgiyevna SERGEEVA 1; Natalya Viktorovna IPPOLITOVA 2; Anna Viktorovna SOLOVYEVA 3; Leila Amzarovna PETROVA 4; Maria Lvovna KUNYTSINA 5; Irina Stanislavovna ANDRYUSHCHENKO 6

Received: 16/12/2017 • Approved: 21/12/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methodology of the study

3. Results of the study

4. Discussion

5. The conclusion



Introduction The actuality of this research depends on modernization processes of professional education and transition to the third generation educational standards, which can create new possibilities for learners and teachers. Survey methodology For step-by-step management support of professional and educational line for learners it is necessary to have organizational conditions and creating technology for its realization. Survey results Revealing of motivation level of learners during the future profession selection helps to evaluate the inclusion level of learners into the educational and cognitive activity; and to determine how far it is from optimal motivation level which helps to a learner to achieve goals, to develop itself in professional and personal areas. Discussion At the first diagnostic stage we carry out analysis of learners professional experience, success and problems of the first-year educational internship, at the next stage we analyze results of research activity according to results of the second year study. Conclusion Active and practical criteria and its indicators such as professional skills, primary professional experience, which is a sort of summary general sign of professional and educational formation of learners qualitatively changes into the better side.
Keywords: professional and personal formation, quality of training, technologies of professional study, organizational and management conditions.


Introducción La actualidad de esta investigación depende de los procesos de modernización de la educación profesional y la transición a los estándares educativos de tercera generación, que pueden crear nuevas posibilidades para los alumnos y los profesores. Metodología de la encuesta Para el apoyo de gestión paso a paso de la línea profesional y educativa para los alumnos, es necesario tener condiciones organizativas y crear tecnología para su realización. Resultados de la encuesta Revelar el nivel de motivación de los alumnos durante la futura selección de profesiones ayuda a evaluar el nivel de inclusión de los alumnos en la actividad educativa y cognitiva; y determinar qué tan lejos está del nivel óptimo de motivación, lo que ayuda al alumno a alcanzar sus metas, a desarrollarse en áreas profesionales y personales. Discusión En la primera etapa de diagnóstico realizamos un análisis de la experiencia profesional del alumno, el éxito y los problemas de la pasantía educativa de primer año, en la siguiente etapa analizamos los resultados de la actividad de investigación de acuerdo con los resultados del segundo año de estudio. Conclusión Los criterios activos y prácticos y sus indicadores, tales como las habilidades profesionales, la experiencia profesional primaria, que es una especie de signo general resumido de la formación profesional y educativa de los alumnos, cambia cualitativamente en el lado mejor.
Palabras clave: formación profesional y personal, calidad de la formación, tecnologías de estudio profesional, condiciones organizativas y de gestión.

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1. Introduction

The researchers are interested in the problem of professional and personal formation of students in the university; it is dictated by the variety of problems of modern higher education, where the problem of developing students as subjects of their own educational activity, their cognitive abilities, the formation of an integral system of knowledge, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity in the educational process, professional and practical activities, research activities and personal the responsibility of students in the knowledge and understanding of their professional and personal growth.

The search for the conditions of organization and support of the learning process, guaranteeing the success of graduate preparation for professional work and meeting the needs of students in obtaining professional education, is occupied by the research of modern scientists.

The relevance of the study is due to the transition to educational standards of the third generation, which opens new opportunities for students and teachers. Teachers face the problem not only of transferring knowledge and skills to students, but also the formation of the personality of a future graduate who is capable for its professional development. The article analyzes the conditions and the availability of the professional and educational trajectory of students in the university.

We presented professional motives and readiness for the professional development of students, the level of professional knowledge, availability for their enlargement and improvement during the professionalization period. The obtained skills and professional experience are presented as a set of indicators of the quality of professional and personal formation of students. The authors of the article believe that in the work of higher educational institutions, the pedagogical collective has a task to organize and provide an educational process with the guarantee of transferring the student to higher levels of professional and personal formation. Students, their professional and personal growth, requirements to the professional and educational trajectory make it possible to adapt the educational process to the personality of the students, to develop their professional and educational formation in the university, to manage their practical implementation.

2. Methodology of the study

The features of the educational space creation of the student, as a subject of his own professional and personal development, are considered in the works of L.V. Lvov (2016), T.G. Mukhina, A.Yu. Sutugin, (2015), N.V. Pakharenko (2014), B.A. Takhokhov (2016) and others.

The authors like of I.Yu. Kudrin, N.Yu. Korneeva, A.A. Loskutova, N.V. Pakharenko, N.V Uvarina (Korneyeva, Korneev, Loskutov and Uvarina 2016), M.F. Fahretdinova and others paid attention to the practical realization of programs of accompanying the professional and personal formation of students in the university and reveals the essence and understanding of the trainee's professional and educational trajectory.

Thus, scientists and practitioners concluded that accompanying the professional and educational trajectory of students in the university requires the maximum use of the potential capabilities of the learner's personality, in identifying individual characteristics for "learning capability" and creating conditions for their development while mastering the learner's "own" personal formation, which makes it possible to provide for the management of the step-by-step support of the trainee's professional and educational trajectory and its practical implementation (Slastenin 2014; Kharlanov 2015).

The authors believe that the organizational conditions and the development of technology for its practical implementation, which requires unequivocal adherence to the principles of differentiation and individualization in the organization of the educational process, are necessary to manage the step-by-step support of the vocational and educational trajectory of trainees.

The technology of step-by-step support of the professional and educational trajectory of students in the university is developed and implemented at the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the Peoples' Friendship University (RUDN University). The offered technology is stipulated, on the one hand, by the activity of teachers providing conditions and opportunities for the professional and personal formation of students, and on the other hand, by the personal characteristics and abilities of the students for educational, cognitive and practical activities. It should be noted that the technology of step-by-step support of the professional and educational trajectory of students in the university has a managerial, direct-effective, integrated and continuous character.

The authors selected 22 random students (13 girls and 9 boys) in one preparation course for effectiveness testing of the proposed technology of step-by-step support activities, aimed at the professional development of students

At the preparatory (theoretical) stage, we analyze the conditions, provision and possibilities for the realization of the professional and personal formation of the students, then we determine a set of techniques, technologies and tools for diagnosing and analyzing the results of the technology of step-by-step support of the professional and personal formation of the students(Tsytulina 2015).

Substantive and procedural (technological) stage is the phase of technology implementation, is conditioned by the provision of the professional and educational trajectory of students and involves the solution of tasks related to the algorithm of actions and the organization of the practical activity of the teacher in support of the learning process, which are carried out to achieve the goal, and includes: -informational, modular and matrix, administrative and technological support of the step-by-step professional development of teaching in the socio-cultural educational university environment. (Sergeeva 2010b)

The evaluation-effective (control) stage is designed to provide a comprehensive, objective assessment of the professional and personal development of students through diagnostic tools: 1) a survey of students and methods to identify the level of students motivation for their professional and personal development and obtain the results of the motivation criterion; 2) technology of modular-rating control of students' knowledge for obtaining the results of cognitive and activity-practical criteria (Sergeeva 2010a).

Since motivation is the internal driving force of the actions of the individual, the teachers tend to initiate and manage it, to take it into account in the construction of the learning process. The paper used two control points of the level of motivation of students: when enrolling in a university (beginning of training) by means of interviewing students and by the beginning of the third year, which makes it possible to assess the effect of step-by-step support of the learners professional and educational trajectory during this period and state it in its qualitative change.

The analysis of the professional and personal development of students is assessed by criteria and indicators which allow to provide a comprehensive, objective assessment of the professional development of students and corresponding levels: high level (HL), intermediate level (IL), low level (LL) of professional and personal development of students (Table 1).  

Table 1
Criterial-level characteristic of the professional
and personal development of students



Diagnostic tools



professional motives, readiness for professional development

Poll "Motives for choosing the profession of a social worker"

The methodology of personality diagnostics on the motivation for the success of T. Ehlers, the technique of personality diagnostics on motivation to avoid failures of T. Ehlers, the methodology for diagnosing the degree of readiness for the risk of Schubert

HL- resistant professional motives, high level of readiness for professional development

ML- in general professional motives, average level of readiness for professional development

LL- professional motives, professional development is carried out at a formal level


professional knowledge, readiness for their anlargement and improvement during the entire period of professionalization of the individual

Modular-rating system for monitoring the knowledge of students

HL - profound professional knowledge, formed interest in their enlargement and improvement

ML - sufficient level of professional knowledge, a willingness to enlarge them has been formed.

LL - professional knowledge is shallow, the formal nature of the lack of willingness to enlarge them


formed professional skills and skills, primary professional experience

educational, practical, research activities

HL - formed professional skills, acquired a considerable professional an experience

ML - professional skills are mainly formed, there is a small professional an experience

LL - professional skills and skills are just beginning to form, professional experience is absent

At the substantive and procedural stage of the technology, authors checked and clarified organizational and managerial conditions, they also provided professional and educational trajectory of students trained in the social and cultural environment of the university. The results of the audit showed that all necessary conditions for the organization of the educational process were created in the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the RUDN (Sergeeva 2012).

The final control over the results of the educational process is carried out directly by the specialists of the training section under the supervision of the deputy director of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the RUDN. The current control of knowledge of students is carried out by the teacher. The organization of the educational process is supervised by the head of the department of Social Pedagogy. In the training part, the program 1C "Educational process" is installed on all computers to systematize data on students, information and results of students' progress, maintain electronic document management in the university. All students have access to the results of their learning activities.

Based on the results of the audit, it can be stated that the professional and educational trajectory of the students is 100% guaranteed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education and has a sufficient level of organization. All students are equally included in the conditions of the socio-cultural environment of the university and have equal opportunities for creative self-actualization and professional and personal development.

At the evaluation-effective stage of the technology, monitoring was carried out as a systematized analysis, the measurement system for assessing and determining change trends, reflecting the level of professional and personal formation, an objective and continuous control over the learning of students, which will allow us to conclude about the quality of the support activities of teachers professional and personal development trained with the use of selected diagnostic tools (Zalkina and Sergeeva 2013).

As the step-by-step support of the professional and educational trajectory of students in the university is a concomitant process for the main process of professional and personal development of students, its effectiveness must be assessed on the basis of the positions, what impact it has on the process of professional and personal students development, and how it changes it.

3. Results of the study

In the beginning of the work, in order to establish contact with students and obtain primary information about the trainee's personal characteristics, a survey is conducted to identify the motivation of students in the group when choosing the profession of a social worker and enrolling in an institution of higher education. The study of motivation makes a valuable contribution to the knowledge of the personality features of students. Identification the level of motivation among learners, allows us to assess the level of inclusion of students in educational and cognitive activities and how far it is from the optimal motivational level, which helps the student to achieve the set goals, advance in professional and personal development. According to the results of the survey, it can be stated that 2 students at the time of admission had a high level of motivation in obtaining professional education, which is 9.09% of the total number of the group; 8 students had an medium level of motivation, which amounted to 36.37% of the total in the group; 12 students had a low level of motivation, which is 54.54% of the total number of students in the group. Our further work was aimed at revealing the level of motivation, knowledge and professional and practical activity by the beginning of the third year of training, which will allow us to state the effectiveness of professional and personal development of the students and, as a result, to conclude about the quality of the step-by step support of students in the socio-cultural educational environment of the university.

To determine the level of students motivation in the professional and personal development for this period of time (the beginning of the third year) and determine the dynamics of its change, the training groups are tested according to the following methods: the method of personality diagnosis for motivation for T. Ehlers' success, avoiding the failures of T. Ehlers, the methodology for diagnosing the degree of readiness for the risk of Schubert. In the testing students 22 students (100% in the group) took part (Tsytulina 2015).

Testing the group on the basis of the personality diagnosis method for motivating T. Ehlers's success showed us the following results: 10 students scored from 17 to 20 points, which refers to a moderately high level of motivation for success; 7 students scored from 11 to 16 points, which relates them to the medium level of motivation; 5 students scored from 1 to 10 points, which is typical for a low level of motivation for success (Sergeeva 2007).

Testing the group on the methodology of personality diagnosis for motivation to avoid failures T. Ehlers gave us the following results: 4 students scored from 17 to 20 points, which refers to a high level of motivation; 11 students scored from 11 to 16 points, which relates them to the medium level of motivation; 7 students scored from 2 to 10 points, which is typical for low motivation to avoid failures, protection.

The method of diagnosing the degree of readiness for the risk of Schubert distributed the results of testing the students in the following order: 2 students scored more than 20 points, which classifies them as risk-averse, 10 students scored from -10 to +10 points, which gives the medium risk- 10 students scored less than 30 points, which refers them to a group of too cautious personalities (Tsytulina 2015).

After processing the results, we were able to establish the following qualitative values ​​of the levels of motivation of students and readiness for professional development (table 2).

Table 2
Levels of motivation of students and readiness
for professional development




Indicator meaning


Professional motives and readiness of students for professional development

HL- resistant professional motives, high level of readiness for professional development


ML- in general professional motives, medium level of readiness for professional development


LL- professional motives, professional development are formal


The analysis showed that the level of motivation for professional and personal development among students has changed qualitatively, the transition to a higher level of personality organization has been accomplished: the number of students with a high level of motivation increased by 13.61%, the medium level of motivation by 4.53%, and importantly among students with a low level of motivation, there were changes in the direction of its increase by 19.14%.

We analyzed the attendance and current progress records of the students in the semester disciplines with the obtained rating points provided by the modular rating system and filled in by the teachers in each semester, as well as examination and credit records (the ranking rating of the trainees) in all disciplines in each semester from the 1C "Educational process" program, finally a detailed analysis was carried out and the rating of trainees in the educational discourse in the semester was revealed.

In accordance with Table 1 "Criterial-level characteristics of the professional and personal development of students", the results were divided into three groups: the first - a high level of educational and professional knowledge - students who study "excellent" (85-100 points) and "excellent and good "(80-84 points); the second group - the medium level of educational and professional knowledge, students studying "excellent, good and satisfactory" (85-100, 84-70, 50-69 points); the third group of students - a low level of educational and professional knowledge, students who study "well" (70-84 points) and "satisfactory" (50-69 points).

At 100% of the total academic performance in terms of the combined result of 1 and 2 semesters, by the end of the first year of training only one is taught "excellent and good", which corresponds to a high level (deep knowledge, formed interest in their enlargement and improvement), 60% students in the group are taught "excellent, good and satisfactory", which corresponds to the medium level (sufficient level of knowledge, readiness for their enlargement is formed), and 36.36% of the students in the group show a low level (knowledge is insufficient, lack of willingness to replenish them). In general, all students (100%) of the group, but with different levels of knowledge, have mastered the curriculum of the first year of study, are certified and transferred to the subsequent stage of professional and personal formation - the 2 nd year.

The same scheme was used to analyze the ratings obtained for disciplines of 3 and 4 semesters and calculate the overall medium indicator of academic achievement for students in the second year of study. The total progress in the mastery of the disciplines, both in the semesters and at the end of the second year of study, is 100%. This means that all students are certified and admitted to the next stage of training and will be transferred to the next course.

The results of the second year of study allowed us to obtain the following analysis data: 3 study groups showed profound knowledge, formed interest in their enlargement and improvement, which corresponds to the quality index 13.64% of the trainees in the group are taught "excellent, good"; "Excellent, good and satisfactory" corresponds to the medium level (sufficient level of knowledge, readiness for their replenishment is formed) and this result was shown by 54.54% - it is 12 students; 7 students in the group show a low level (knowledge is shallow, formal lack of willingness to enlarge them) and this figure corresponds to 31.82% of the total group of students.

Comparative analysis of the data obtained for all disciplines of the four semesters allows us to conclude about the quality of the knowledge received from the students as a result of the step-by-step support of the vocational and educational trajectory of students (Table 3). 

Table 3
Quality levels of educational and professional knowledge of students




Indicator meaning


2 semester

3 semester

4 semester

Cognitive (knowledge)

professional knowledge, readiness for their enlargement and improvement during the whole period of professional and personal development

HL- deep knowledge, formed interest in their enlargement and improvement









ML- sufficient level of knowledge, a willingness to enlargement them has been formed









LL- knowledge is insufficient, the formal nature of the lack of willingness to enlarge them









According to the results of the analysis, it can be stated that the formation of knowledge among students changes qualitatively and moves to a higher level. By the fourth semester, quality LL - is reduced by 9.09% and students are transferring to the medium level of professional knowledge, they increase interest to professional development and attitude to the educational process changes; AL is the main part of learning groups (50%) who are stably trained for "excellent, good and satisfactory" and its dynamics changes under the influence of changes in HL and LL; The professional knowledge, readiness for their enlargement and improvement grows from semester to semester, which is confirmed by the change in knowledge interest and attitude towards one's own professional and personal formation in students, the level increased by 4.55% and corresponds to 22.73%.

4. Discussion

It is difficult to assess the activity and practical criterion of students readiness for professional activity when studying a separate discipline, that's why it was evaluated at the stages of the students' report on the practical training passing (1 year of study) and research activity (2-year education). At the same time, personal qualities and professional skills were taken into account, such as organization, the ability to work independently and in a team, the ability to apply existing knowledge in solving new problems and practical training.

At the first stage of the diagnosis, the student’s professional experience, successes and problems are analyzed during the first year of training, then on the second stage we analyze the results of research activities based on the results of the second year of study.

It is important to note that among the results of the analysis there are no students who are not ready for independent work in practice. The evidence of this is 100% compliance with practical requirements and tasks.

Defining the factors that contribute to a qualitative preparation for scientific research practice, we note the positive dynamics of changes in the level of knowledge of students. In the fourth semester, the HL of knowledge showed 22.73% of the students from the total number of the group and ML-54.54%, and this semester, unlike the previous 60% of the disciplines, are the disciplines of the professional cycle, which allows us to talk about the close relationship of theoretical training with practical activities.

The results of diagnostics showed that after passing the internship more than 80% of the students had a responsibility for the quality of their work, there was a desire and ability to work in the society, and as a result, the level of motivation to learn more than 62%, which sums up the professional and personal development at this stage, as a change to the side with a "+" sign.

In conclusion of the analysis of the results obtained at all stages of the professional and personal development of the students, we conducted a comparative analysis of the levels of professional and personal development of the students based on the results of the first year of training and by the end of the second year of training. The results are shown in Table 4.

Table 4
Comparative characteristics of the levels of professional and personal development
of students at the beginning of training and by the end of the second year of training






1 year (%)

2 year (%)





activity and practical



activity and practical

High level







Medium level







Low level







On the basis of the comparative characteristics of the levels dynamics of professional and personal development of the first - year students and the second-year students, we can establish a qualitative change in the professional and personal development of the students. There is a significant increase in the level of motivation of students: a high level of motivation by the end of the second year of training was noted in 5 students of the group, which is 22.70% and 13.61% higher than in the beginning of the training (there were 2 students); the average level of motivation is 9 students, which is 40.9% of the total number of students and 4.53% higher than at the beginning of training (there were 8 students); with a low level of motivation, there were 8 students, which is 36.4%, it is 19.4% higher than in the beginning of the training (there were 12 students).

Qualitative transition of the knowledge criterion from the lower to the higher level of knowledge: 5 students showed a high level of knowledge, which corresponds to 22.73% of the total number of students in the group and increased by 4.55% in relation to the beginning of the study; an average level of knowledge showed 12 students - 54.54% of the total number of students in the group and 4.54% higher than at the beginning of the training; the low level went down to 22.73% (5 students), which is 9.08% lower than at the beginning of the training.

5. The conclusion

The activity and practical criterion, the indicators of which are formed professional skills, the primary professional experience, is in some kind the summarized indicator of the professional and personal formation of students, also qualitatively changes in the direction of improvement: a high level of the development of professional and practical knowledge and skills at the beginning of the third course showed 15 students, which corresponds to 68.18% of the total number of students and 9.09% higher than in the end first year students - 13 students; the average level reached 5 students, which was 22.73% and 4.55% higher than the end of 1 year training - 4 students; at the low level there were 2 students, which is 9.09% and 13.64% lower than in the end of the first year training - 5 students (Sergeeva 2007).

By the end of the second year of training, 5 students have a high level of motivation, knowledge and professional-practical activity; 9 students with an average level of motivation, show a high level of knowledge and professional and practical activities; 6 students with a low level of motivation, a medium-low level of knowledge and professional and practical activities; 2 students in a group with a low level of motivation, knowledge and professional and practical activities.

Thus, qualitative changes in the indicators of professional and personal development of students, due to the transition to a higher level, allow to recognize the check as successful; conditions for the organization and provision of professional and personal formation of students necessary and sufficient; technology of step-by-step support of the professional and educational trajectory of students in the university, which is based on the modular-rating system for monitoring the evaluation of students' knowledge, managerial, direct-effective, comprehensive and continuous, which allow to conduct the professional training of students with the organizing, accompanying, coordinating activity of teachers .


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1. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6. E-mail:

2. Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, 641870, Russia, Kurgan oblast, Shadrinsk, Karl Libknekht Street, 3; E-mail:

3. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6. E-mail:

4. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6. E-mail:

5. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6.

6. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6. E-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 02) Year 2018


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